SNEAKOS Asks Muslim Woman "Should abortion allowed?" - One Minute Podcast

SNEAKOS Asks Muslim Woman "Should abortion allowed?" - One Minute Podcast


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@nikhanif4602 - 08.11.2024 11:51

abortion literally you kill your own child..

@Doofieh - 08.11.2024 11:56


@Doofieh - 08.11.2024 11:57

She talks just for the sake of talking

@ashes_024 - 08.11.2024 12:41

Abortion allowed to some extent in Islam... There's a hadist written detail about the timing and the aged of the baby in the tummy... If I'm not mistaken the limit is three weeks pregnancy because the soul is not there yet... Of course if I'm mistaken please do correct me!

@adamashfall - 08.11.2024 16:18

She has zero knowledge of Islam

@bobby3814 - 08.11.2024 19:25

contradicting her own religious framework whilst putting up the case that killing babies should be widespread. liberalism has infected some of our youth, no?

@TomiIslam33 - 08.11.2024 20:13

Mey allah increase her practicing islam it seems low im just wondering

@FlareVolt0 - 08.11.2024 20:38

dude abortion topic should be left for the kufar, you really ask a chaste muslim woman about abortion ??? unlike muslim women, the kufar who lives and dies on killing babies right after spreading their legs doing zina and fahsha astaghfer Allah.
they need freedom to run away from responsibility of their filthy actions, muslims alhamdulillah we have everything explained in the Quran and sunnah, we have marriage , and abortion is also talked about in islam, and has rules, life of the mother and a specific time before the janeen or whatever its called in thats stage has a soul etc etc Allah s.w.t knows best , im not an expert in that topic, but just to show we HAVE rules for that as well.

now the trump idea is life of mother ,incest , and grape, and im not sure if they mean it or whatever else, but the other side wants freedom to kill a baby that has a soul anytime they like, because they have zina left right center every day of the week, and im sure they dont even use protection nor check for pregnancy nor care, until they get the huge signs and then sleep on it.

in any case, muslims shouldn't care about this topic, if Allah forbid something happens where the health is an issue, or its a process of grape or incest etc, im sure they know what to do and scholars to ask and give them proper guidelines, but the life of the mother ? that's a given its a priority .

but its not a choice like say after a certain time where the baby has a soul, and the mom decides naah i dont want it , and then goes and yanks it away dead, there should be an early decition, if the woman after or before the act wants a baby or not, if not then act before it has a soul, and dont change mind after a long time passed and goes and kills it, thats murder, and in islam its a huge major sin, its not a game, playing with lives, one time she wants a baby and another she changes her mind and kills it.

if she has medical issues and she would die or has a chance im sure she should consulted doctors if she can even HAVE babies normally in the first place, or rather get a doctor or a muslim doctor give her a clear and cut medical advice saying she might die during pregnancy or something, which in sha Allah under islamic law validates an abortion, but again look it up and ask scholars because maybe thats not an enough info to go with abortion. Allah s.w.t knows best. just know islam is fair.

Ответить - 08.11.2024 20:54

She’s married and freemixing with men like this ?

@zico207 - 08.11.2024 21:09

Think the young lady needs to learn and educate herself about islam otherwise it is not good that she is sat there as a muslim woman with habaya giving an opnion which is the opposite of her religion, she is mixing her feminist views and trying to combine them with islam when that is not possible

@LameWorks - 10.11.2024 02:28

She literally said she believes in secularism, and that goes against Islam.

@leea.3096 - 11.11.2024 20:15

Women are always better off to be quiet

@ккє-о6ц - 12.11.2024 05:32

Just pray for this sister instead of bashing her. I used to have some of these thought, living in a western society makes you a little brain dead. I think her reponses were just her innocent opinions.

@EarCandyContraption - 12.11.2024 07:39

Liberal Muslims... Ya Allah, they do my head in. She's literally promoting secularism & liberalism. I feel so so so sorry for her husband. He isn't even sitting with her. Dayouth activities.

@MAli99923 - 13.11.2024 03:06

Isn't this free mixing?
Where is the jealousy of the Muslim men for this sister?
Would you watch this if this was your BLOOD SISTER?
Would you allow your sister to sit with another man like this?

@kikikoko607 - 13.11.2024 14:34

When she says "equal rights" , she's maybe talking about basic human rights, which are equal for men and women in Islam, but we have different roles in society.

@kikikoko607 - 13.11.2024 14:41

I think, the sister doesn't know, how cruel an abortion is to the fetus. I was against it from the start, because it's haram (at least, after Allah swt gives the embryo its soul).

But just when I saw the documentary "The silent scream", I realized how cruel it really is. I recommend everyone (who isn't sensitive) to watch it. I couldn't even finish the part with the abortion, which is shown on an ultrasound screen, and had to skip it, because I broke down crying. And I'm usually not very sensitive.

@Muslimah.2222 - 14.11.2024 12:28

She should have been blurred may Allah guid everyone

@Lukas_6_ayat_12 - 15.11.2024 03:27

She's liberal

@mrsocrates2211 - 15.11.2024 13:07

Simple words of gods we obey, words of government we dont give a F

@redouanalkamouchi4806 - 16.11.2024 13:29

Its plain simple doing an abortion is murdering your own child in your womb. Not only islam or christianity should be against it but also non believers. Why are people that dumb to understand this.

@TheBlackGentlemanGeek - 18.11.2024 15:27

May Allah improve her knowledge of Islam and give her strength to say what Islam requires without the fear of being attacked by ignorant fools who would drop her for dead even if you were on their side at the beginning.

Liberalism is 1 of shaytanic branches that is used to destroyed family values.

@alover466 - 21.11.2024 20:39

As a muslim I believe every word shes saying is right...
As a man we can easily say no abortion but who da f are we to tell other religion people what to do...
And yes we shouldnt let gov decide for us...

@Suhailyaqoub - 25.11.2024 03:43

Yeah, Isla m for people who have been living in the West is so blurred they don't even know they no longer actually follow Isla m. They forgot what it looks like.

@Zeeko326 - 13.12.2024 20:22

Sounds like a bunch of non westerners in these comments who don’t understand anything. She lives in a non Muslim country! She wants the right to express her religion and worship Allah. She wants the government to allow her rights and others the same rights. The people in these comments are the ignorance. The sister makes good points. Not perfect but her faith has nothing to do with what she’s expressing. You shouldn’t judge her religion for her political view
