How to Get Rid of Earwigs (4 Easy Steps)

How to Get Rid of Earwigs (4 Easy Steps)

Solutions Pest & Lawn

4 года назад

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@kali-spy6046 - 03.01.2025 13:25

Thanks for the tips.

I live in a Garage conversion apartment and am overwhelmed each year in January with Earwigs.

In July, the Rollie Rollies arrive.

@JesseBatchelor-o2q - 28.12.2024 01:37

I have earwigs always in my house and there everwere and when i try to vacum them up they get under my bed and then crawl up when i sleep aand i hate it

@jimplayz-ag5 - 25.10.2024 02:16

I was in my room watching stuff. We live in an apartment at the fourth floor. I have my windows and doors all close. Everything and when I turned around to get the soup bowl back to the kitchen i saw one just feeding on the leftovers. WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY COMING FROM?!? THEY ALSO APPEAR INSIDE OF MY CLOTHES LIKE WTF.

@DaRealJit - 09.07.2024 12:33

I’m staying in my mom’s basement and she won’t let me move stuff but I had 2 crawl on me around 4 am help😂!!😢

@averytameduck8725 - 28.06.2024 07:31

Just found 2 earwigs crawling around in my respirator, I’m done

@scottfraser706 - 17.06.2024 21:51

They can fly 😭🤮🤢

@2G_Enders1020 - 12.06.2024 14:12

I like how there’s almost nothing that works 😂 ffffffffffffk

@Aleinaongo - 29.05.2024 13:41

They crawl on me and my bed in my room where there is no moisture. How do I stop that

@Hokester88 - 16.05.2024 17:38

They actually have been known to crawl into peoples ear.. my wife’s a ER nurse and she’s seen it multiple times

@xXMasterJ360Xx - 06.05.2024 13:06

pointless video. its better to just call pest control to deal with them. if you have an upcoming apartment inspection that would be the best time to call them.
A wooden house in a wooden area are prone to infestation no matter what and the rain will attract them over.

@ShalahMarie_Go4au - 19.11.2023 03:48

Can you create one version of this video sans the pictures of bugs? This is a helpful video and the time and consideration taken to create and share it with us was generous. However, already know i have these ugly earwigs and am trying to kill them so i dont have to look a them. I fast forward every time they pop up in the video. Bleh

@casualplayer8509 - 10.10.2023 17:54

I always find them on my shoulder, Im not sure about the ear thing just being a legend

@patkonelectric - 19.08.2023 19:39

I tried diatomaceous earth to keep them out of my bird feeder. It do not work. I was using food grade because I did want to harm the birds. That might be why it didn't work.

@DLongRas47 - 20.07.2023 00:38

It's so many on my motorcycle right now 😢

@MarshmallowMadnesss - 17.07.2023 20:22

2023, these gave been comming around my house like never before. Hiding in siding, and everwhere.

@tymac3306 - 15.07.2023 03:33

Don't laugh about them getting into your head because my nasal rinse bottle had them inside the straw inside the bottle and I was seconds from putting it in my nose when two of them ran out of it

@IPETGOATII. - 14.07.2023 21:19

Hate these mfs

@howardharaway2259 - 10.07.2023 15:02

No mentioning that they like living in/under dead wood.
This guys sucks and knows little about ear wings. He should of mentioned living around dead wood. This is just plan common sense, especially if you claim to be a expert on invasive bugs.
Dude, go back to "Bug College" dummy !

@DoubleCrochet-DIANA- - 28.06.2023 16:40

Are these treatments pet safe? I have both a dog and a cat...

@thegamingchef3304 - 22.05.2023 17:07

Those things will creep in your ear at night if givin the opportunity and lay all kinds of Youngin.

@espirate - 16.05.2023 20:23

It took you 3 minutes to even start talking about getting rid of earwigs. come on man

@salina8059 - 04.05.2023 00:20

Rubbing alcohol kills them in 20 seconds. I use this all the time.

@Vandal092 - 29.04.2023 18:43

I don’t need a history on earwigs. Just how to get rid of them. “Use insecticides” is a no brainer.
Not an informative video.

@MattersNot - 11.04.2023 05:15

Ugliest bug I ever seen they look like aliens that want to kill you

@aaronhernandez5754 - 02.10.2022 21:47

Feed them to the spiders job dunn

@VGSoundFX - 12.08.2022 23:21

A bowl of olive oil is working well at ground level. It’s caught about 50 of them in just a few days

@Nobody1975JM - 02.08.2022 05:59

Thank you for the tips. However, I will not be using any chemicals around my plants which may or may not react adversely to the treatment. I will find an alternate method. So far I primarily only have minimal leaf damage, which I can live with before resorting to insecticides. Again, thank you for your time by offering useful information.

@CrystvlNichole713 - 14.07.2022 04:42

Found a tiny one on my bed earlier!! omg I’m thinking maybe one bit me twice on my scalp… a itchy bump like a pimple almost, then after the swelling went down it felt bruised and was kind of a bothersome when laying down 😪 . We do not have bed bugs.

@wowcool2144 - 17.06.2022 08:51

This is the second time they came into our house! I would always find them in my chips or my cereal. They've come back! I am very creeped out and don't want to sleep. I hate them so much.

@carolgood5602 - 04.06.2022 22:33

They're attacking my beautiful hanging baskets because of the moisture. I left a plastic straw outside that I used for iced tea over night. Unbeknownst to me an earwig had climbed inside. Fiddling with the straw I blew on it and the insect fell on my lap!

@Condemn-Focus - 26.05.2022 12:45

I just spray them with rubbing alcohol.

@i.zumi1 - 07.05.2022 07:06

I used to have a pincher bug in my leg

@Markymark1234 - 02.02.2022 05:32

What about on deck wood structures like fence post caps, solar lights etc. they are numerous under these items

@GDMartin - 12.12.2021 09:52

Use raid extra defense and spray them to oblivion

@HandmadeByKenyaJade - 10.12.2021 00:35

They WILL go in your ear.

@MrCoverzero - 13.08.2021 07:28

I have a new build and they are just popping up everywhere. It’s driving me crazy.

@colleenspence6960 - 22.07.2021 16:13

My apartment was just sprayed for earwigs 2 weeks ago and we are still finding them. They are so annoying and disgusting! I just found one in my baby's wipes 😡

@Sussybaka410me - 21.07.2021 07:04

I have big Legos there a inch big and I get 2 Andi put it in there and I open the Lego the flush it

@hydraulics - 13.07.2021 11:24

cant buy any of these products where i live

@haleighsnider9430 - 11.07.2021 18:20

I have definitely had an earwig crawl in my ear.

@raymondreyes8046 - 09.07.2021 05:06

This worked but also attracted a ton of ants!

@Pherramoo - 06.07.2021 05:49

Thank you! I can’t wait to get rid of these damn bugs

@hossrendricks1716 - 04.07.2021 06:51

This is doing too much

@dhgodzilla1 - 28.06.2021 16:28

No thanks to Poison

@Calchick7 - 13.06.2021 22:26

Do not use pesticides folks use organic natural - - damp rolled newspaper and check in morning and dump the bugs into bucket of soapy water - see the earwigs -spray with rubbing alcohol or simple green

@haileeroxana - 08.06.2021 15:47

I’ve been seeing a lot of pincher bugs in my restroom. My restroom’s vent doesn’t work so I have to open the windows everytime I shower and I notice that a lot of pincher bugs have been appearing in our restroom. It’s so hard to kill them .
