Kaka ahua vaua vio duo vuanamut soo mikro hud😊😊
ОтветитьStop eating animals in South Africa
ОтветитьOmicron = mOronic
ОтветитьBy safe don't trust in government.
ОтветитьNext Varian... onemicron... ahahaha
ОтветитьAnyone got the new COVID dlc ? It banging bro. It's got a new cool scarier name and shxt yeah bro. It's like a trans-former you get it lol? My immune system is God like.
ОтветитьLol oooohhhhh scary I'm literally pissing my pants 😂
ОтветитьEveryone will be okay. Lol let's go Brando!
Ответитьit's just a way to push the booster shots.💲💲💲
Ответить"Leaders believe..."
ОтветитьIf you rearrange the word omicron it spells MORONIC.
ОтветитьIt should be named as Ximacron
Or Poohmacron… WHO deliberately not including Greek letter Xi 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Booster booster shot?
ОтветитьCrazy how once everyone gets 2 bullshit shots then another variant comes out to open up another bullshit shot and now ANOTHER variant comes out! There will be at least 40 different shots by the time a leftist is out of office!
ОтветитьStarts out with don't no.. that u are correct the rest is a lie
ОтветитьShould have called it “Corona Extra”. These scientists aren’t even smart enough to come up with a good name. NEW COVID VARIANT! Scientists discovered a new covid variety that mimics the symptom of Lyme disease. They’re calling it corona with Lyme. ANOTHER covid variant discovered, but this one has milder symptoms... the scientists are calling it corona lite.
ОтветитьStooped ass BIDEN needs to Close the Flow on the Mexican border He is trying to get us all Sick . This guy need IMPEACHED he is not all there
ОтветитьEliminate them mfs asap, cant do this no more bruh
ОтветитьJust 15 years to slow the spread
ОтветитьLmao why didn't the world governments shut down the airports and borders when this was found?!?!?! You guessed it. It's all bullshit and we are all being lied to and we will all be ok
ОтветитьShit is getting deep around here. Let me get my boots on
ОтветитьHow many letters are left in the alphabet?
About Jeffery Epsteins mistress trail
Fauci can't wait to announce the arrival of the variant in the US. He's rubbing his hands in anticipation of the vast amounts of money he'll get once he promotes the boosters as the only way to protect oneself. Everything is going to plan.
ОтветитьI'm waiting on The Megatron or Optimus Prime variant or maybe even the Unicron variant.
ОтветитьThe gift that keeps on giving 😀
ОтветитьI remember when there were15 people in America with covid...
ОтветитьWe will be fine
ОтветитьLock the borders...
Ответитьperfect place to start fear. under vaccinated SA. lets scare them into compliance tactic for more profit. well planned well executed. the problem is that the gig is up. we know what is going on. give it up already.
ОтветитьThey might as well prepare a list yearly of names like they do for hurricanes
ОтветитьStop watching the news! Fuck these people!
ОтветитьDamn it, who booted up Plague Inc again? 😂
ОтветитьPre-planned release. Got a name list like hurricanes.
ОтветитьI've heard the matrix of leadership can defeat omicron if wielded by a prime
ОтветитьBlah blah blah. just hurry up and fast forward to the Omega variant so we can get this bull shit over with
ОтветитьOmicron is an anagram for...MORONIC. Wake TF up already!
ОтветитьDelta was no longer scaring people. Let's start scaring them with the next one. What B.S.
ОтветитьYo Edd how soon can we start applying :)
ОтветитьNot enough information to determine real cause for concerns.
The original virus has been evolving and mutating since it started.
Not really concerned at this point.
I hear "Omicron" and all I hear is "persieye 8" 😂😂
ОтветитьFor some unknown reason omicron gives me the willies
I think it's bad news coming
Fauci and Biden are both full of 💩
ОтветитьCoincidence that these variants alWays pop up during holiday seasons that would be big for retail and travel.
ОтветитьSo COVID has another new DLC variant huh
ОтветитьGreetings citizens of Earth, my name is Lur from the planet Omicron Covid Persei 8!
ОтветитьOh well can't be as bad as actual malaria or dengue fever