Open quantum systems: Opportunities & challenges ▸ KITP Blackboard Talk by Sabrina Maniscalco

Open quantum systems: Opportunities & challenges ▸ KITP Blackboard Talk by Sabrina Maniscalco

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@jespervalgreen6461 - 11.02.2024 02:31

This is great stuff, and really important. This should be front and center in everything we do. 🙏

@alfiashaikh99 - 21.03.2022 12:44

while performing Jordan Wigner tranformation to the Hamiltonian in order to solve it, should we also write the Lindblad operators using Jordan wigner form in terms of fermionic operators?
In doing this one of the Lindblad operator will turn out to be zero, is this correct?

@chrisellsworth764 - 01.01.2021 02:07

Your explanation of Open Quantum Systems is superb. You make it all very clear to the common layman. Thank you on this New Years Eve!

@aidadgozlova8544 - 23.07.2020 21:49

Hi , can you give me Ms. Sabrina's email adress? I want to know a lot if things about quantum physic, and I want to learn these from Ms.Sabrina .

@mayannerodriguesmaia - 11.08.2019 21:58

Ótima aula! (Nice class! :)
