Wait, Am I Retro Now? - Gaming and Growing Up

Wait, Am I Retro Now? - Gaming and Growing Up


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@SapphicSara - 28.08.2024 16:27

Your a baby but yes, the Wii is retro. Hope you had a great Birthday from a 32 year old trans girl who also gamed since she was a baby but started with a NES XD.

@emily-young - 28.08.2024 18:30

Feels weird to stumble across a video and see "I'm 20" and "retro" together, but yeah, that's totally how it works. Everything becomes retro eventually! It's funny because I think the perception among my generation who were old enough to buy consoles in the early 3D era is that it must be so different for people growing up with HD and online games where every basic thing about game design has kind of already been discovered, but it sounds like the whole "I played everything because I didn't know what I liked" phase and like... Just having that period of discovery where everything is an unknown is still a universal experience and I can totally relate. Saving up for consoles, deciding to build PCs; Different games, different years. I suppose like anything else, just because things are established doesn't mean that people "know" what they like. Games are just games.

Being trans is sort of like that, too - boy, girl, neither, both, somewhere completely different - just because there's labels doesn't make discovery any easier. That part's pretty universal, too, I think. I'm glad you were able to get on the right path for you - Happy birthday!

@GergChannel - 28.08.2024 18:55

yo. like ur nails.

@Champion_Vapor - 28.08.2024 20:01

im so happy that the cringey reddit tgirl phase is universal and not just a me thing

@princessjellyfish98 - 28.08.2024 22:46

You calling yourself retro at 20 is making me feel prehistoric 😔😭

@princessjellyfish98 - 28.08.2024 22:50

I was also from a Mac household and I must've put hundreds of hours into the Sims 1 Complete on my dad's desktop as a kindergartener

@Haihatu - 28.08.2024 23:44

are we… the same person?
with the exception of some things, i can relate on like… everything. lmao

@cinnabunvi - 29.08.2024 02:10

I’m going to those coordinates, I hope we don’t die

@theblackphantom121 - 29.08.2024 05:58


@Xaphii - 29.08.2024 06:54

I am learning we are so simillar lol

@OnleySkyeAlt - 29.08.2024 08:22

as a trans girl who's about to be able to legally drink it is fucking shocking to me how similar alot of our upbringings are considering the topic
even down to the bit that my gf is just as autistic as I am

@thecoda506 - 29.08.2024 10:47

24 year old Trans Girl here. As a youngest child with two brothers and a dad who were all gamers i started gaming very early. My earliest memories of gaming are from around 2003, my dad encouraged me to play games on his PC. He had classics like Morrowind, Max Payne, Star Wars Jedi Academy, Midtown Madness 2, and Dave Mirra Pro BMX. My first console was a hand me down 1995 clear play it loud gameboy and my first games on it were Men In Black the series and Pokemon Yellow. It took me a couple years to progress in pokemon because of my lack of reading ability as a toddler lol. The first games I remember completing were Star Wars Jedi Academy, Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2, and Dragonball Advanced Adventure. My dad was always a fan of emulation as we didnt have much money and I remember he had hundreds of GBA roms on our family computer. My favorite game of all time was Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. I was entirely addicted to that game and played it to death since release. 😅

@claimingagate - 29.08.2024 12:20

It remainds me of how you can walk up to a kid and start speaking about some piece of gen z media like i carly or something and the kid will ask you, "what's that?"

@uselessfish27 - 29.08.2024 12:56


@NadiaDelcatty-pg6fs - 29.08.2024 19:16

Happy Belated Birthday!

@adreamer5920 - 29.08.2024 19:59

I'm only a year and some change older than you and it was kind of wild to hear someone in my age range speak on their video game discography and have it be so different from me yet still relate to atleast some of the feelings. I lived a very different life from yours but still managed to atleast feel something from this. Hope you keep trucking on queen

@Str8EdgeJesse - 29.08.2024 23:19

I was born in the late 1900's....

@barnoslat5632 - 29.08.2024 23:34

I feel bad for Dax for having the same name as that rapper

@gamer-qk8vd - 30.08.2024 04:53

Ayla spotted, atlas mentioned??


@mottor818 - 30.08.2024 05:56

I won’t apologize for shit (Digimon DIGIJING) , imagine being girl and pokemon and L and 💸💸💸💸💸 anime es lameo heheh overwatch FREAKKKKKKK 😡😡🛩️🏢🏢💥💥🐒🐒🐒👽👽 PERSONA IS LAMMMMEEE??? IMAGINE CARING ABOUT FICTIONAL CHARACTERS…. IMAGINE CRYING AT NAOKI KONISHI SOCIAL LINK…. 😕☹️😔😢😭

@asriel_the_octo9278 - 30.08.2024 15:12

trans rep hype

@happaxgamma - 30.08.2024 19:43

You're one year older than me.

@kubero409 - 30.08.2024 23:32

i'm a little younger than you and a closeted transfem, so this video helped me put a lot into perspective. it's good to know that things get better and that there can be value found in the geeky hobbies we engage in. i'm glad you've had a mostly enjoyable childhood and wonderful friends who've supported you throughout. i usually don't comment on videos, but there's something about this that moved something in me. maybe it's the similarities we've shared, maybe it's because i'm a little envious that you've gotten to a point where you don't feel completely lost anymore. but i'm glad you posted this. i'm glad you made a video where you talked about personal experiences based on your interests and life struggles. it's amazing that the more specific and peculiar you discuss something, the more it resonates personally with an audience. i hope you have a wonderful day and wish you the best in your transition <3

@TSDthesuperderp - 31.08.2024 01:00

This makes me nostalgic for the childhood I was born too late for. 2009 personally, but my family only used “old” consoles and such, which was a Wii until 2017 when we got a second hand 360. I experienced half the stuff kids in the 2000’s did, just a decade later. I never had a ds, but it looks sick af.

@moversti92 - 31.08.2024 02:19

Ps3 and wii aren't retro for about 10 years.

@NottJoeyOfficial - 31.08.2024 04:15

I turn 26 in two weeks, and it's crazy to think that the Wii is older now than the "retro game consoles" were when I got into retro gaming. Back in 2011 I got an N64, and in 2015 I got a Dreamcast. At those points the N64 was 15 years old and the Dreamcast was 16 years old. The Wii turns 18 years old this year, and I'll have had mine for 17 years. Time flies, and I can't believe I've owned my Wii longer than retro game consoles existed when I got them as retro.

@bonechovah - 31.08.2024 07:52

you're making me feel old and I'm born in 06 :( I can relate to this a lot too.

@afurhat4726 - 31.08.2024 08:10

I'm not crying...it's the e I'm sure...no wait the vid is beautiful

@Gold_Yoshi - 31.08.2024 08:55

You had the Angry Birds drip and didn’t even bring it up ( ̄^ ̄)

@vinylthedeadqueen - 31.08.2024 09:13

hey look another trans girl that can trace back their trans-ness to pokemon black and white (it was b&w 1 for) and XY
I spent, so long, trying on different outfits in my own pokemon X, just because the outfits were cool I swear it totally didn't change my brain chemistry
they really put some of that good gender in those games fr fr

@robunnygirl - 31.08.2024 09:54

Persona 2 mentioned 🎉🎉🎉
For real though, I'm glad you respected yourself enough to drop Overwatch when you started hrt. Hop on Rev2?

@MysteryPonyFiction - 31.08.2024 10:27

I was 17 when you were born, do the mental math on that!


@bluecheckmiya - 31.08.2024 18:10

Yes… yes I am lmao. I can to this conclusion a little while ago and I’m ok with it

@sl0wM0_ - 01.09.2024 14:15

I came here and stuck around cause I loved your content.
I now love your channel and even though we didn't take the same path of life, your story really touched me. Being close in age I really recognized myself in the games you played.
Awesome video, I loved it, please keep going ❤❤❤

@bryce499 - 04.09.2024 07:03

I don’t really get to relate to a lot of content creators on this platform with similar experiences I had, but I’m glad that I know someone who has very similar interests and experiences as me ( down to the birthday too, except I’m a year and say older). Happy belated!

@nikpmuq - 08.09.2024 08:15

I only saw the "wait, am i retro now?" in the thumb and title and expected a plain, by the numbers video essay on the history of game consoles. But I'm happy to say that I was completely wrong. I honestly love video essays like these, ones that unexpectedly turn out to be really well made/heartfelt and sincere. The way you explained reaching different gaming 'milestones' in relation to where you were in life made it so interesting. Like, when I finished watching I literally just said out loud to myself, "I liked that!" I've subbed, and am excited to see your videos in the future. [:

@valkryv7904 - 08.09.2024 19:18

Bro you had my exact same childhood what the hell, even the whole getting a DSI before my grandparents gave me their wii. Insane. Seriously tho, amazing video.

@JACKALTOOTH100 - 09.09.2024 03:41

I was expecting a video about retro games but I was pleasantly surprised. I like hearing other people's stories, picking out the similarities and points of divergence. We have a similar story and yet it couldn't be more different. I'm a cis dude born in 2000 and started on the PS1 and PS2 and have been a bit of a digital nomad since, rarely pledging loyalty to a series or platform for long. I've played on everything from a 360, to a 3DS, to a switch to a ps3, ps4, and a ps5, and I finally settled on PC in 2019. I also loved Pokemon and I credit it for finding out I'm a furry, but I fell out of it when the quality of games took a dive. Even with all my love for it, I couldn't find it in me to defend it. What used to be fun became boring and I am always chasing my new high, which has informed my gaming habits as of the last few years. I've played 72 different videogames this year. I try and play as many, and vary my experience as much as I can. I could never spend so much time on a game like Overwatch. I'd go mad.

I've never been competitive but I was surprised to hear you describe yourself as noncompetitive after spending so much of the video talking about how much you grinded Overwatch. You sounded very competitive to me. I don't even care about fighting games and yet you do. To me, only a competitive person would dedicate so much time to Overwatch ranks and make videos about fighting games.

Comparatively, I drift much more. I'm content with that and yet I'm envious of your dedication to specific games. I'm happy with my experience and, not to be an elitist, but I'm proud to have had so many different experiences. But I feel like I'm chasing dragons sometimes. I wish my fun came as easy sometimes. I also just rarely play with people now. I grew up playing single player games and that is where I will always feel most comfortable. Good video. It kinda reminds me of how vast our hobby is and yet how different we all are. I'm subscribed now.

@battlehuntz - 11.09.2024 21:21

ULTRA GAME FAN… so real. Thank you. Also as a trans girl, playing XY at 12 and picking the girl and messing with the outfits was. Probably my first exposure to gender euphoria. I do wish I’d recognized the dysphoria sooner, but in retrospect it was XY which made me first realize myself like that. Especially since I was picking the girl even on main files. I blame repression for not figuring out sooner

@PowerOf47 - 12.09.2024 06:43

you were born in 2004? yuck, disgusting, literal child! (i was born in 2002)

@jackalito4022 - 14.09.2024 09:43

We were born within a month of each other, and it was EERY how precisely this mimicked my experience with games growing up. Even down to the they pronouns in bio LMAO, weird how things work out. Thanks for making this!!!!
