How I Photograph Painterly Portraits in My Small Living Room, Easy Step by Step Tutorial

How I Photograph Painterly Portraits in My Small Living Room, Easy Step by Step Tutorial

Irene Rudnyk

2 года назад

101,612 Просмотров

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@ShortsByGoogle - 20.11.2022 11:36

I am using this photo for editing purpose pls dont send copyright strike pls🥺

@aga9618 - 21.11.2022 11:23

Expensive gear catches the middle tones and the cheap gear gets highs and lows only. That has always been the key difference even back in the film era, when the size of the frame made that happen. Pentacon gave me some of the most amazing images.

@RosalynnSundahl - 21.11.2022 12:14

I love to see your understanding and study of colours in your editing process! The use of colours in paintings can be very challenging to re-create, but you did it! :) x

@Spnanbargal - 22.11.2022 14:00

Super photography all photo nice amazing work

@r_h3i3 - 22.11.2022 17:36

I like this video and your photography, thanks

@r_h3i3 - 22.11.2022 17:37

Can you do a photo session for a young child? ❤

@kzieniuszek5319 - 23.11.2022 16:15

I just cant stop staring at those photos you made, i can like immediately imagine the story behind. Its so inspiring, thank you for the details of iso and f settings etither, it is very helpful for one unexperienced like me!

@photographyguru2135 - 24.11.2022 17:13

Fantastic work! I love how much these shots look like a painting! You really are a modern painter, only your brushes are glass and your canvas is a digital, light capturing plane!

@adrianvanleeuwen - 25.11.2022 04:08

I was at the Profusion show. This is a great tutorial. Always wanted to achieve old masters style painterly style portraits. Good to see all the steps in outfit, hair, backdrop and editing.

@tammystanzione6374 - 28.11.2022 06:42

Really beautiful work.

@shelbym6460 - 30.11.2022 23:28

The way Irene adjusts the models poses and figures out prop layout is seriously the best ASMR. I wish she would spend more time on those details! haha

@radio3610 - 01.12.2022 07:34

hello, do you mind if I sometimes draw on your photos? Sincerely Askold.

@SalmanAzizOfficial - 01.12.2022 11:26

So dramatic!

@cloud20. - 01.12.2022 15:24


@honeyvitagliano3227 - 04.12.2022 07:54


@raisedbywolves2385 - 04.12.2022 23:20

I’m curious at what power did you have the 200d at? Such a great video!

@Emlovina - 07.12.2022 21:30

Irene! Where do you get your collapsible backdrops from? I am worried about buying one since I've seen people receiving them in super wrinkly conditions & them not being good quality...

@shakilislam4739 - 08.12.2022 00:43

I can make it more beautiful. Can you give me chance

@sleepyatdawn7648 - 08.12.2022 18:42

Do you use continuous lighting? Which model? It looks so convenient compared to flash.

@sharma1234-s - 11.12.2022 04:25

Hi mam .. Please make a video about your camera settings

@bechichbong3141 - 11.12.2022 05:51

Thank you for sharing, thank you very much, your video has given me more energy, it is very important to me. Because I am desperate, Once again thank you very much.

@winniebucur655 - 13.12.2022 11:07

dear lady , some days ago I was looking for a trick on Mamiya C33 and quite by accident I found your clip ; apart of the cardinal sin , not having a strap around your neck , I watched the video a few times in total awe , young & beautiful photographer , with the most uncanny flair for square format ; in my sixty years of Rolleiflex and Leica I've never seen a beginner with such an affinity for square format ; almost perfection ! being intrigued by your talent I watched a few more videos ; < TOP 5 Easy Skin Editing Techniques, No Dodge and Burn or Frequency Separation > the second model in a lilac dress you destroyed the metatarsals , removing the fold under her nose rendered her face lifeless ; the girl with the lamb lost her carpal bones , one muscle and looks like having a prosthetic arm , poor lass ; the redhead beauty blushes un-naturally , and she is damn bloody beautiful ! any of them printed will look ok to a chap with an empty brain , as opposed to one with one eye and half a brain ; your huge talent is frightful per se , but pales when you destroy facial structures like in a few more clips I cannot find now . I am an almost seventy years painter and mediaevel Art historian and began my photographic journey on a square format Voigtlander , aged six ;
best whishes

@Redmi-xu1yo - 20.12.2022 05:40

Cloud ☁️🌨️☁️ chaser

@martym1797 - 23.12.2022 03:58

You haven't posted in a while. Are you doing okay? Happy Holidays!

@SuperChandh - 27.12.2022 13:56

plz review on canon Eos r7 with different lenses

@geovatex - 31.12.2022 17:20

Muito bom ▫️▫️🔹🔰

@taposchandraray4908 - 09.01.2023 15:16


@taposchandraray4908 - 09.01.2023 15:17

I am Subscribe your media

@Blakemore1 - 13.01.2023 03:59

I would love to follow them on Instagram. Please help me out.

@theSofH5 - 24.01.2023 22:42

I wish I could be as talented as you are

@Munkikatze1 - 01.02.2023 08:36

Love it, so inspirational

@tukor - 07.02.2023 10:04

I had to subscribe. This is one of the best videos i have seen around. Showing all the process, the lighting, the makeup, and also raw files vs final. Im amazed by the results. Also amazed by the fact that its done with just one continuos light (and not a really potent one i think?). Congratulations Irene on an amazing job, very well done. Amazing.

@svetlanadimitrova6501 - 22.02.2023 20:33

Did you end up getting both, the R5 and R6 camera bodies?

@lionroots11 - 06.03.2023 04:05

Hi do you use 2 diffusion cloth in your softbox ? And what white balance do you use?

@FabiokiOjedaBuitrago - 21.03.2023 02:26

Great videos! Thank you!

@ArtSanjay2343 - 03.04.2023 12:59

O my Godness

@BrianHallmond - 14.04.2023 13:27

Unreal that you have that big soft box and aren't using it as a flash! Amazing work.

@Mialovesphoto - 17.05.2023 02:57

Omg. You're a stylist!! This is incredible

@jbltv6458 - 06.06.2023 21:27

this is awesome, thanks for this video!

@minhngo154 - 28.07.2023 15:00

Always love your video. How did you achieve the glowing skin in your edit?

@jonathanosbaldiston9282 - 25.08.2023 13:21

Great video.. very useful. Thanks 😊

@alexanderv.t.9185 - 03.02.2024 05:21

que talento , ojala aprenda mucho de ti hermosa, saludos desde Colombia 🥰🥰🥰

@rbelatamas - 07.02.2024 13:46

thank you so much ❤

@raidingtombs - 20.04.2024 03:42

Do you have a post production tutorial on the editing?

@DacegCeli - 26.04.2024 05:56

You're an artist, so talented!

@pizzologsanto4171 - 09.05.2024 08:48

Love It . . ! Thank You :)

@KarlFakkari - 27.09.2024 15:58

Amazing. Work! Could you please share which blue backdrop it is? I love the color

@EmmanuelVillegasD - 22.01.2025 05:39

👏👏👏 Hermoso trabajo, te ganas toda mi admiración. Toda una obra de arte! Te felicito❤
