#@BryanSmith5150 #@SwanWrist #Bryan_Smith #Cushing_Skate_Park #mini_ramp_skateboarding #Denver_skate_spots #skateboarding #skating_mini_ramp #mini_ramp_tricks #too_old_skate #too_old_to_skateboard #OG_skaterКомментарии:
Nice transfers. Lookin pretty nimble
ОтветитьSkate or die! 😎
ОтветитьNobody cares about your stupid wannabe sport. I guess you can thank little old poser me for hanging around loser skate boarders & wearing skate shoes. Most of you skaters through my lifetime have just been talentless hate filled loser punks with big mouths who are the epitome of stupid.
YOU'RE A POSER BECAUSE YOU WEAR SKATE SHOES & DON'T SKATE... What losers majority of you were in my youth...