Bryan & Matt skate the Cushing Skatepark

Bryan & Matt skate the Cushing Skatepark


55 лет назад

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@stanley1771 - 10.01.2025 15:11

Nice transfers. Lookin pretty nimble

@bradsmith4434 - 12.01.2025 03:12

Skate or die! 😎

@The1ne2 - 12.01.2025 17:52

Nobody cares about your stupid wannabe sport. I guess you can thank little old poser me for hanging around loser skate boarders & wearing skate shoes. Most of you skaters through my lifetime have just been talentless hate filled loser punks with big mouths who are the epitome of stupid.

YOU'RE A POSER BECAUSE YOU WEAR SKATE SHOES & DON'T SKATE... What losers majority of you were in my youth...
