Could Watchmen's Ozymandias' genocidal plan apply to real-life UFO Disclosure? - Psicoactivo #321

Could Watchmen's Ozymandias' genocidal plan apply to real-life UFO Disclosure? - Psicoactivo #321

Psicoactivo Podcast

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@willgalison - 25.02.2025 21:13

Have a safe trip to Mexico.

@himynameis6502 - 25.02.2025 21:30

Hollywood is the deep states way of telling you what’s going on/what’s about to happen.

Also… Read the Deagel Report, written by Intelligence and Military. It talks about worldwide depopulation buy the end of 2025, with the western hemisphere seeing up to 70%.

And then from there, look into Agenda 2030.

@TheJimmercury-m9f - 25.02.2025 21:31

Werner Von Braun said the same on his death bed.

@dcrnoodle - 25.02.2025 21:39

Can’t make a omelette with out breaking a few eggs ??

I kid , false flag scenario is horrific way to go … but if NHI did show up with complete dominance over the world’s military I for one welcome our NHI overlords …. Seriously I’d be cool with that

@bradziegel6561 - 25.02.2025 21:41

They pulled off 9/11 and the evidence is overwhelming it was an inside job.

@popelgruner595 - 25.02.2025 21:53

Coming together? LOL You Americans are not ready for that. What an American means when he/she/it says 'come together' is that every other nation has to bend the knee before the US...

@corvuslight - 25.02.2025 22:01

The plans were literally etched in stone.
For reference, see the Georgia Guidestones. We were duly notified...

@ryang.5094 - 25.02.2025 22:09

My favorite top 10 films for sure.
Watch it at least once a year.

@ryang.5094 - 25.02.2025 22:12

In the graphic novel, Alan depicts the disaster:

as a world wide alien invasion instead of Dr. Manhattans power being used as a weapon each city, simultaneously. Which is still a great idea and works for the story and movie.
But yea. Alan M. Does think that the last great deception to untie us all is a fake alien invasion..

@duaglothdax - 25.02.2025 22:34


@williamdudleybass9302 - 25.02.2025 22:38

Any false flag effort at planetary unification would fall apart as it would be based upon lies. Besides, do you really want a fear-based solution? Such are temporary & end until the main threat is dealt with & resolved. There have been both violent (wars of conquest) and nonviolent attempts to unify Earth for ages. The post-WW1 Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 outlawed war. The League of Nations, also set up after WW1, didn’t go far enough, failed to stop Axis aggression, & resulted in WW2. Then the United Nations & their various organizations which went further but not far enough. The Cold War still led to millions of deaths. Numerous attempts to reform the UN and make it both more unified & democratic failed. The World Federalist & World Citizen movements failed. The global democracy movements that sprung up during the Anti-Globalization Revolts failed. The Democratic World Parliament organization, started by Canadians, was an amazing effort and pushed forth a global online referendum, and it didn’t take off. The global long wars on terrorism took off instead. Now look at us. Closer to a nuclear world war than in decades. We have to come together willingly & peacefully or not at all. Our species is too fractured, selfish, & violent even with growing numbers of people who desire peace & prosperity & more than just food on the table. Ego itself is not bad or evil, it’s part of what we are. Our egos protect us. Yet too often our egos go to far to disrupt and wreck everything. Self-awareness of one’s ego is healthier than striving to kill it off. Anyway, keep up the perturbation of things. Have a great vacation with your wife down in Mexico City!

@tribalncgaming1091 - 25.02.2025 22:51

Fear is the most effective tool that the deep state has, money the second best, they use money to drive fear. Chaos is so prevalent in our society due to fear, there are parts of the govt bought and pushing that fear narrative, but its soo much deeper than that, from big food and pharma have been poisoning the population for over 100 years now. Keeping the chattle at a low level of health, population controls with feminism, abortion, and genetically engineered or enhanced diseases, sars-cvd, auto immune and cancer etc

@poopsy-y5s - 25.02.2025 22:51

Something's coming. Nothing good. Probably not aliens. Maybe just to watch..

@jimcabezola3051 - 25.02.2025 23:14

Enjoy your holiday, Pavel! Also, kudos to your wife! She has been climbing a MOUNTAIN to get to her Ph.D, hasn't she? Wishing you two MUCH aloha!

@sharonhagan8541 - 25.02.2025 23:20

Carrots of better ways, scary threatening sticks, and novel transcendence, alongside easy access (online) and social acceptability( working on it) . Oh wait.. Isn't that what's happening with this phenomena 🤔 I think its more about WHY you are bringing people together. What for, and what to do. Then comes THE HOW. Enjoy the hol!

@alanheadrick7997 - 25.02.2025 23:21

The rich and powerful will remain rich and powerful at any cost. We'll get disclosure but its going to be in a disaster. I also think this disaster will center around the US.

@Kohyoti - 25.02.2025 23:31

I hate how so many people in the UFO crowd think that self-annihilation, being spiritually cannibalized or absorbed into some hive mind should be one's highest ambition. I see in this the instinct of a herd animal, rolling around in the excrement of its fellows. I've experienced ego death, perhaps used it instrumentally to "blank" myself in private rituals involving self-transformation, and also while on a powerful psychedelic. I don't see it as a worthwhile an endpoint or goal. Was kinda boring. I recall deliberately pulling myself back together during one visionary experience where I was in a stadium full of entities trying to pull apart my consciousness, bidding on pieces of me. I told them I don't sell shares. I really like being me.

@pettersandstrom1275 - 25.02.2025 23:32

The comic book version is how I always pictured project blue beam. Now, if there only were some scientists gone missing 🤔

@jkbcook - 25.02.2025 23:39

Well I can tell you that Trump has united the Canadians in a way they have never been united by becoming our common enemy. Unfortunate and very hopeful to unite against the evil. Ego death is the path where many are called and few are chosen. This realm will always have troubles. The only way to unite people is to start cleaning up one’s own act. Turning the other cheek….meaning turning within to listen to the holy within. This is the real power and strength. Outer power is always in the hands of the archons or demons or Prince of Darkness or whatever you want to call it. Inner connection to the holy is the only way through.

@fontenbleau - 25.02.2025 23:39

Stephen Bassett in latest podcast said Disclosure will be in 40 days, and world will change for two timelines - before & after such.

@johnnym6338 - 26.02.2025 00:02

What an idealist! That was supposed to be the UN, which didn't work unfortunately. And world powers don't want it unless they're the ones in control.

@pugix - 26.02.2025 00:53

No, projecting our common shadow side onto an enemy other would be a bad idea. False flag operations can indeed incite a nation to rally against a perceived enemy. But then we just have war, the very "other" that Ronald Reagan referred to in his UN speech.

@pipdennison7595 - 26.02.2025 00:57


@karencrout - 26.02.2025 01:58

Will miss your show but have a great holiday.

@maleficus6186 - 26.02.2025 02:05

One thing is certain, there will NEVER be disclosure without a narrative that suits the powers that be.
The only true disclosure will be personal experience. Personal knowing, not belief.

@angrydrunkengerman2819 - 26.02.2025 02:36

I'd assumed our guy here read the actual comic. A must read if you haven't.
I have no doubt the CIA and other intelligence agencies are every bit as devious and goal oriented as Ozymandias. No doubt in my mind.

@neka7663 - 26.02.2025 03:29

Ozymandias pretty much represents the apotheosis of man's ego to being God on Earth. Maybe the kings of earth don't want the current human condition of slavery and mind control to end and the phenomenon is starting to step in because we've allowed a literal prison to be built around us over many generations, and it's headed towards a world digital prison of masters and slaves if things continue at the rate they are.

What if disclosure has to do with freedom and maybe the difficulty in acknowledging it as something conciousness based means they can't lock it up or commit violence towards it, so in the eyes of the people across the world they'll just eventually stop obeying stupid orders, laws and recognizing human authority of a few rulers over everyone else???

@Shotkangaroo - 26.02.2025 03:38

Reagan would turn in his grave if he’s watching the global politics at the moment and really wondering how did things shift so much. Anyway, I’m generalising massively, but a big slice of the world population is selfish. Add to that we have become extremely distrustful of any government message and world organisation message. There were so many conspiracies around Covid for example. I think that whistleblowers suggesting on the one hand that they are spiritual ( which I agree with) but implying it matches up with Jesus and Mary, will be a problem for all other religions.

Jake Barber suggesting that females and gay guys are able to perform better communicating with the UAPs is not good once again for the religious people and the misogynistic people. Some of us , might not care if that is the truth. But at some point I think that they will have to approach humanity as one with their message and mission and what they are wanting to achieve.

Outlining the millennia that they have watched us for to try and assure us they are not hostile. Etc 😊

@DavidR-x8k - 26.02.2025 04:05

OPEN CONTACT WHERE THEY LAND ON W-H lawn and school humanity via translator on how we need to get along.👽👍

@Mark-z9m8y - 26.02.2025 05:30

So far, sadly, as far as I can tell, changing the world takes a long time and requires a leader being willing to stand up to power and die. Think Jesus, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr., if there are world changing technologies and spiritual insights to be gained by unraveling the secrets of the UFO phenomenon and the world powers are holding those secrets they're not going to give them up because people ask nicely. I so hope I'm wrong but non catastrophic disclosure doesn't feel like it's working. Short term violence or horror can shock people into working together for awhile but lasting change requires commitment, faith, and a shared vision

@willgalison - 26.02.2025 06:13

A mass casualty event would not be a good way to bring people together, as it would blow people apart. A false flag flyover of every major city by manmade UFOs would probably scare people into cooperating for a while, but we'd have to have every world leader involved, and most are psychopaths. I'm afraid we may have to wait for a real flag event by ET, which I believe might happen if someone were crazy enough to launch a nuke and start and exchange. They've made it pretty clear that they do not want a radioactive lifeless Earth.

@damianvazquez6474 - 26.02.2025 07:19

I wouldn’t trust Doblin or MAPS, there is something insidious going on there…

@stephenpittman-q7b - 26.02.2025 08:06

UFO disclosure is the only chance we have!

@lisalanham408 - 26.02.2025 08:15

I loved Ronald Reagan. Good episode. Thanks for all the hard work you do Pavel, to present us with such great content...I'll ne watching 😊

@brutis888 - 26.02.2025 08:35

I've been thinking about this a bunch, from the perspective of just uniting humanity for the sake of it, and not in rush. But humans are storied creatures. We need a story that's powerful, universal, without the baggage of world religions. And with this story, we need to make the "rules of the game" we play everyday simple, and guaranteed to create a positive feedback loop that generates love and kindness.

I don't what those rules might be, but maybe our currency should be "humanity backed", not "gold backed". That is, the economy is based on how well each individual serves the whole. The solely independent, self-serving, self-centered ideas that are at the core of our Western societies is the wrong approach. Independence, freedoms, ego are good, but not foremost. It is the collective that is most important. A chain is only as good as the weakest link, so let us build up the weakest.

A concrete example we could implement today was Ben and Jerry's idea that the maximum difference in all salaries was 5x. Let's instantly put a country wide pay gap. Of course this one rule won't bring us enlightenment overnight, but if we redesigned the "game" with the correct incentives, we could correct it over a few generations. Maybe :)

@premalabonisiddiqui3256 - 26.02.2025 10:09

This false flag would unite the world in a dystopian way. The people behind the false flag would not unite the world for the good of humanity, they would unite the world to scoop it all up under their wing and total control. This so-called unison is truly the worst case scenario. And this false flag plan has been in the works for decades, and has been talked about by many key figures including Wernher von Braun, Dr. Carol Rosin, Dr. Steven Greer, and Daniel Sheehan. It is not a mere "conspiracy theory".

@michaelwells6075 - 26.02.2025 10:17

The answer to your question is, no. Besides, you're asking the wrong question. A more profitable question is, why are we so "divided?" Who benefits from those divisions? It isn't us; humanity. The greatest threat to humanity isn't humanity itself; but that very, very small minority that controls the vast majority of the wealth and power. The ones who are attempting to bring an end to that which America has symbolically represented for two centuries: Freedom, justice, equality, etc. That it did not succeed in manifesting those ideals isn't because American's don't want them, but because we've been deceived repeatedly by those who have no interest in sharing their power with anyone. This—and the fact that humanity has far more power than it knows, and has the ability to engage directly with transformative forces—is the primary reason why "disclosure," will not be allowed by those whose control depends upon deception and invisibility. Truth will set us free when lies are seen for what they are. Who or whatever controls our perception of reality, controls us. We make our decisions based on what we believe to be true, whether what we believe is true or false.

@TwiztedDezign - 26.02.2025 11:31

The UFO topic got highjacked by right wingers and libertarians. May god have mercy on us.

@Violence0vAction - 26.02.2025 11:36

Rip eGo 🤙🏼

@TheYorkshireMagpie - 26.02.2025 13:12

Best wishes to your wife. I did my Masters Degree and it was really hard work so I can’t imagine what a PhD must be like!

@planetofsoundpodcast9859 - 26.02.2025 14:37

I agree Pavel, Man of Steel is one of the greatest comic book movies ever!

@rosetta6285 - 26.02.2025 17:17

If we were all forced to go through some metamorphosis as a species, then develop telepathic or pscionic abilities like the kids in the telepathy tapes, we'd all be forced to deal with our shit.

Man of Steel is a great movie... Clark and Zod both at some point in the movie are forced to deal with realizing their abilities or powers. The powers force them to reveal their true inner character.

@gabineumann3316 - 26.02.2025 17:52

Congratulations to your wife & enjoy your trip 🙏🏼🎉💫🍀❤️
Very interesting & crazy times!!

@Ooooopppsss - 27.02.2025 03:31

Great video. I believe we should not care about bringing people together. We should care about knowing the truth of the reality that we live in. And hopefully the result would be that people come together

@obiwanceleri - 27.02.2025 13:31

So long as people struggle to survive and are forced to live day by day, a collective coalescing is unlikely to happen. This is not by accident, people.
By the way, it's my belief humanity is actually a collective biological computer - we can make decisions without the use of a small elite so for the last 50 odd years that elite has put many wedges in place so that our collective biological computer will not work. Case in point studies of the "wisdom of the crowd" where individuals can't figure how much candy is in a jar but collectively they can. The interest in the UFO field follows the same path - there is common knowledge that we are not alone yet a handful of people try to tell us there's no such thing.

@wadeoneill7115 - 27.02.2025 16:12

That’s what happened with 911

@alphacentauri3665 - 28.02.2025 22:05

'False Flag'. Qualifier: I have been on this planet too long and have NEVER had a conspiracy theory to offer. Where I believed the department-of-dirty-tricks was in play, I waited until it was 'revealed' or evaporated. I now have my very first conspiracy theory in more than half a century: I have allowed the idea to assemble as a function of its Pole-shifting potential. Hypothesis: That; A 'shadow', blindingly rich entity/ies, may be implementing a Highjack-control of the entire UAP-truth, by force. Keyword? Power. Who would Command such a Global New World Order Superpower ? Usual suspects I suppose. I want to reassure those that have read this far that this CONSPIRACY THEORY has no legs: No evidence at all. What makes the idea worth any thought is that there are enough identifiably powerful groups, political, military, industrial and financial in existence that they could with off-world-tech, out-position, outflank or overpower almost any government or groups of governments if it were necessary. I very much want UAP disclosure and Psionic development and given a chance would cast my vote on timing. (Clue: Much sooner than later). UAP doesn't need to be a threat to unify us globally or nationally: A head snap in the direction of massive rapid human development could very likely do the trick. Especially if those of us wearing the white hats could interact productively with the phenomenon. That alone could level a more peaceful global playing field. Problem: What maniacal, narcissistic, rabid sociopath, or psychopathic megalomaniac (like so many of my friends) could resist the untold wealth of a kind that would prove to the world they are the superior being they see themselves to be with entitlements consistent with omnipotence. Thank you for having the curiosity to think this far. You are important.

@MindatEase-p6c - 03.03.2025 19:05

Be well and safe ❤
