Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) explains the complaint process

Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) explains the complaint process


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@joeboyd8702 - 18.08.2015 23:06

The most inept organisation that I have ever worked at.  The consumers do not have a chance.

@patdoyle1218 - 14.11.2015 02:50

Dont weast your times the banks and goverment have then under there thumb

@MrPhllo - 23.07.2016 23:35

The Ombudsman don't qualify in honesty or trust and never ever work for you
This women is paid to read bullshit from a board the camaraman is holding up

@nataliacroxton2269 - 05.08.2016 13:27

I found the Ombudsman Mrs Siobhan Kelly very offensive who was very biased toward Barclays, Mrs Kelly insulted me personally in writing and treated myself and my husband in an appalling way as if we were 'criminals'. Escalating the complaint to their Independent Assessor was a waste of time. They close the ranks and back each other up. Very unfair and extremely poor quality service. I have to take the bank to the court which could have been done instead of taking the matter to the Ombudsman. Ombudsman is not what they say they are! Trustpilot shows that most people agree with that.

@paymydues - 30.05.2017 02:14

Yes i agree FOS  people are PAID by the banks so don't operate independently .IT's boldly big con and they are paid really well to give the illusion of fairness.

@andreflavell2689 - 20.11.2017 20:31

Agree with the below , they are the same here in nz ,, in bed with the corporates and full of spin ,,,

@FLINTSTONES45 - 06.03.2018 17:11

financial Ombudsman works for Corporations and conglomerates
I have had a lot of dealings with the financial ombudsman, they get you to do the running around and sit on it for a few months. I have not gained much and i'm given their Biast opinion in all cases. The adjudicator doesn't even read the case notes and expects you to run through it and changes the story, making a mockery of what you said in the corporate conglomerate favour. The financial Ombudsman gets paid for the work they do from the company the complaint is lodge with, that's why they're biast in their favour and not yours. This is corruption! I brought a complaint about performance direct insurance company and I was stopped from seeing the evidence about a marker insurance policy from them. I was then told that insurers are allowed to keep it between themselves and not disclose it.

@thewayweis7619 - 23.05.2018 16:53

I am amazed at this video ....if you look under the carpet there is a lot of......

@farisalmajzoub4314 - 25.10.2018 05:53

It’s been years and still owed money! the most fraud financial companies are playing games with victimised civilians hard earned money and allowed prolonged periods to steal and profit from innocent civilians money and get away with making us lose big time here while they profit and build their mansions!! The Australian obudsman issue those companies fees and charges coming directly from our money rather than accounting them in a public court hearing and criminalising and putting them behind bars and accounting them and liquidating all of properties to get back the customers families losses here! Where is the fair government ruling here?? We don’t see it!!!Criminal thief’s given the green light for their dirty work to continue and more donkey years time!! Wake up Australia and stand up against the wrong doers ruining our lives!!! We together can protest and make a difference against corruption in society!!

@allyouneedtoknowanonymous7558 - 13.11.2018 19:58

i hope u can help me with robinson and way. these are the most incompetent clowns i ever met.

@michael14561 - 16.01.2019 18:05

R01 crew checking in

@MichaelBury17 - 29.07.2019 13:50

Absolute waste of time, I issued a complaint June 2018 & this was reviewed by an Adjudicator. Unsurprising he found in favour of Insurers to which I questioned his reasoning, didn't give me valid answers, skirted around specific questions raised & stuck to his original assessment, complete arrogance! I requested that he submit the file to the Ombudsman for review, told me this could/would take a further eight months due to the back log - was this an attempt to discourage me? I then emailed to check he had included my reasoning behing not agreeing with his decision & discovered he hadn't submitted the file and he no longer worked at the FOS - you couldn't make it up!!

@MichaelBury17 - 29.07.2019 13:53

I shall wait for the Ombudsman's decision, not that I have any confidence that they will overturn the Adjudicators findings, which I am convinced was totally without substance, I don't believe he actually read the report, file notes I issued. Then I shall issue proceedings against the Insurance company and let the Court decide.

@Kingkes92 - 15.08.2019 16:54

The FOS has resolved my complaint, successfully against a finance company. I purchased a used vehicle in January 2019 from a dealer. The vehicle was faulty and caught fire after repair work, I did not own the vehicle for 30’days. I got in touch with the finance company who told me to claim on my insurance, which I did not, I got in contact with fos in March who took my case on board and just yesterday on the 14th August 2019 a decision was made, which I accept thank you FOS!!!!

@L9kef - 20.05.2020 19:00

Ahg I could scream ,1 complaint is now turning into 10 complaints ,now they want more paperwork filled out ,and they have all the paperwork right in front off them anyway ,

@wfb343 - 04.08.2020 17:48

My case with the Fin Ombudsman on Timeshare has been with them for five years I get a stock letter update now and again but nothing else. The case has changed hands five times. The tax I pay towards this organization, does it worth it?

@philipjohnkaye8890 - 07.10.2020 20:12

Happy to find this video, their senior members of staff have now recently come forward to make the public aware of the corruption within the regulations body.

@wfb343 - 29.12.2020 20:56

This is the most dormant organization in this country. They are a waste if they tell you they are doing something about your problem do not believe them because they don't. The Government should ban it. It is a fraud. .They are not accountable to anybody. They support the banks in malpractices. Every three months they will send you updates telling you they have done nothing about your case. They should be charged for deception for giving the impression they are doing something about the case whilst they are doing nothing

@zanyzoo6767 - 16.01.2021 20:17

this organisation needs closing down , the bias towards the money sector is terrible . Remember part of their running money comes from the very people they are policing .

@brazilbiba6671 - 25.02.2021 17:19

Grandstanding is what she is doing.
She is blindsiding 5he consumers, misleading us into a false sense of security and surely does not give a stuff for the consumer.
Impartial, her arse

@tommyharris5817 - 14.05.2021 08:39

Complete waste of time. I dealt with someone called Leah Connolly after a bank screwed up my finances and she took six months to conclude the bank is not at fault!

@balvinderbhatoya3256 - 28.02.2022 01:47

This is balvinder k bhatoya am getting hard they son and daughter are with different suspicious people I been reporting fake embassy and fake ombudsman going on please help me.

@MartinaMcKeough - 24.04.2022 18:48

The Financial Ombudsman is not fit for purpose and needs to be urgently shut down. They actively made up facts to support a bank's case that was completely different to the written evidence they were given and then tried to gaslight me and tell me this was ok. The Information Commissioner's Office has sided with me twice and agreed they acted against the law but they won't change their ruling. How on earth are they still allowed to operate.

If you weren't aware the service is in special measures with the ICO for its inability to adhere to the law and process subject access requests in time. Following my case, they have also had to retrain their staff who have no clue about GDPR laws and Data Protection.

It is about time a major newspaper started to investigate the cosy relationship that exists between the FOS and the people they are supposed to be investigating. Plus the FOS needs to stop pretending they are doing a good job and admit that their staff haven't a clue about the complex points of law they are supposed to be investigating.

If you are thinking of using them don't and head to the courts. Also, pay attention to the real stats about how successful they are. They state that they side with the customer in just under 40% of cases. When I dug into the real figures for the bank I was dealing with the numbers were less than 1%. Their numbers regarding the case successes they presented me with were also garbage and clearly had inconsistent reporting. So far my query about how the hell they calculate their statistics has been ignored.

@sixstringsforever - 18.06.2022 00:54

Huge basis shown in favour of large corporate interests against FOS customers.
Financial Ombudsman Service stinks like a whore house at low's truly rotten.

@23lnp - 10.08.2022 00:03

These idiots are in bed with the banks and big corp. they’ll never side with you when it comes to real justice.

@helenhart6979 - 21.09.2022 15:09

You're not meant to side with banks why did you.

@helenhart6979 - 21.09.2022 15:09

I've not been paid because of this

@helenhart6979 - 21.09.2022 15:10

I've got slander on the bank records remove it

@daxiom6119 - 21.09.2022 19:32

A decade after this was filmed and this corrupt racket is still in existence.
The Financial Ombudsman Service is a fraudulent arrangement between themselves and the financial institutions (who fund it) and they purport to regulate,.
They completely ignore facts and any evidence that you may provide them with and always make a decision in favour of the banks. Its staff should be all charged with fraud.
The government are fully aware of that, yet allow it to continue and Truss has even had the audacity to lift the cap on the 'bonus's' of the CEO's of substandard organisations. Why would she do that ?

@jordansmith-sb8hw - 17.01.2023 04:06

The FOS is like Boris Johnson "corruption right there in plain sight in the public-eye", the illusion is they are an unbias organisation - when the reality is [AS MOST PEOPLE NOW KNOW] they are "a facia wrapped around the banks / financial institutions" that has been put there [designed] to protect the Banks within.

@balvinderbhatoya6959 - 14.02.2023 23:35

Good afternoon,
I am reporting as mandated reporter against the onesay fake education bcom 80 percent I pass state board from cdcr challenge and rn change 80 percentit was automatic renewal am reporting Harpreet nijjar steal my settlement am reporting cna Renu ram all the one they havey son's daughters am reporting gyan chand am reporting Kate Middleton.
Am reporting Harpreet Johl the one saying fake education I went so many colleges reporting all Chandigarh family Santosh pall Kamal atwal family am reporting other balwinder Kaur and prem sager steel passport jm reporting Lindsay vivan. They all ruined and steal information they are involve with selling and exposing my body including prince of uk.

@balvinderbhatoya6959 - 14.02.2023 23:35

I am from sacremto

@balvinderbhatoya6959 - 14.02.2023 23:36

Am reporting all gurmail Kaur family the one they have my children all Kamal dev pall family everything in the court I went to cdcr got so much hard time they beat me up to death and am reporting all junisa tom family dorty ray family travion family

@balvinderbhatoya6959 - 19.02.2023 01:40

Good afternoon I been abused financially am reporting all mahay family UK Kate Middleton family am reporting all Joe Munoz family paljor shakpba family am reporting been going through abuse they ruined my both feet am reporting all.

@balvinderbhatoya6959 - 20.02.2023 09:47

My family ruined by the forceful emtry

@balvinderbhatoya6959 - 20.02.2023 10:11

Ombudsman message to modi back off it was ypu I work nights kidnapper agar daacha hai paperwork dekh am reporting again against narinder modi family

@jayne2943 - 15.03.2023 23:10

How can i contact you

@balvinderBhatoya-gj9ns - 11.05.2023 02:32

Good evening,
I need help I am financially abused I need help please help me my. Claim my funds and my edd someone try to steel it uk is doing fraud my son's daughters scattered please help me am in sheltor right now

@balvinderBhatoya-gj9ns - 11.05.2023 18:56

I am financially abused in by community some of the places am reporting again please help me I send so much paperwork

@balvinderBhatoya-gj9ns - 12.05.2023 23:55

Good afternoon am reporting all bhaktawar Singh family all sukhpreet Kaur family all dolly k Sandhu family all fay walker family all double tree post acute care since 2006 all pandit Parnell family all MOTi ram karnana family all St Francis assisted living Sacramento all tresa Robles family all baljinder Kaur bittu family am reporting abuses how I loosey job how they ruined my job am reporting their fraud an reporting they are using forgery signature am reporting ramma Sharma against me.. try to beat me up and ruined and steeling selling and am requesting investigation am reporting Pham am reporting ratti ram just to pull Al 22 year s tax returns am reporting the one they kidnap my son's daughters am reporting mercy general hospital rm they all abuse me bad abuse going on since since 2015 some of them are killer of my son's daughters. Please help me. My son's daughters are not safe arounfld them am reporting afsa Khan am reporting fa,is Khan

@user-dk3pp3nj4e - 26.07.2023 05:18

What is the ombudsman phone number in Victoria.

@BorisVladimir - 12.08.2023 21:47

We should take her personally accountable for every decision "her employees" make, she is the one in charge and she carries vicarious liability.

@tinadavies7537 - 18.09.2023 21:35

I like to my complaint on hemel hempstead social sevices there supposed to support and there clearly not

@tinadavies7537 - 18.09.2023 21:37

They all need sacking

@balvinderBhatoya-gj9ns - 07.12.2023 05:46

Good evening,
My name is Balvinder bhatoya kaur reporting against core core ombudsman against Justin trudo prime minister against all the one visit in 6400 75th street Sacramento attackers steal torn whole house am reporting against all bitti family please check police complaints

@recommens-comedy-central9761 - 08.01.2024 09:29

Trustpiolet says a lot 98% negative views

@recommens-comedy-central9761 - 08.01.2024 09:40

Run by clowns surprised they don't where red noses

@recommens-comedy-central9761 - 08.01.2024 09:40

And clown hat's

@waeleb6106 - 06.02.2024 14:02

I'm already made complaint against my previous car insurance for failing to cover my car cost repair from the third party for no fault accident
