Cheers to 21 Years in Chicago | Chih-Hao Yang

Cheers to 21 Years in Chicago | Chih-Hao Yang

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21年前的今天,2003年7月23日,我打包了兩個行李箱和一台巨大的桌上型電腦,飛往芝加哥,開始了我人生的新篇章。在機場道別的情景依然歷歷在目,心中充滿了不確定和興奮的複雜感受。抵達芝加哥後,儘管當時我不會說一句英文,在美國也沒有任何親人,我知道這個城市會成為我的第二個家。在一夜之間成長,學會獨立生活,就像許多年輕的國際學生一樣。在這段持續的旅程中,我遇到了很多美好的人,時光飛逝,今天在這座風城慶祝21年。隨著我的事業發展,我很幸運能夠幫助許多像我一樣在芝加哥尋找新家的朋友,因為我也曾經經歷過同樣的過程。Twenty-one years ago today, on July 23rd, 2003, I packed up two suitcases and my giant desktop, and flew to Chicago to start a new chapter. The moment of saying goodbye to my family at the airport is still so vivid that I can feel the same mix of uncertainty and excitement. When I arrived in Chicago, I knew this would be my second home, even though I didn’t speak a word of English and had no family here yet. I am thankful that I have met so many wonderful people throughout this journey. Today, I feel a special excitement, as if I were turning 21 years old again. There is so much ahead of me to accomplish, both personally and professionally. In my career, I am blessed to assist so many people like me, looking for a new home in a new city. My clients appreciate my ability to put myself in their shoes because I’ve walked the same path. Cheers to the past 21 years in Chicago, and more to come.
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