Wolves at Kadbanwadi, near Pune

Wolves at Kadbanwadi, near Pune

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Join me on an early morning trip from Pune to Kadbanwadi to look for the elusive Indian wolf. Waking up at 2 a.m. and driving for three hours was just the beginning of this journey. Kadbanwadi, a semi-arid grassland typical of the Deccan Plateau, may seem barren at first glance, but it teems with life when we look closely.
Despite my tempered expectations, having not seen a wolf since 2012, this trip surprised me. Amid the scrub jungle, we spotted a wolf easily, soon joined by the rest of its pack. This rare encounter was a dream come true, bringing me within five feet of these magnificent creatures.
Throughout the day, we observed these social animals, part of a larger pack in this unique habitat. Indian wolves, a subspecies of the grey wolf, are the apex predators of India's grasslands but face significant threats from habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict.
#naturephotography #wolf #nature #wildlife #photography
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@utsavmamoria - 16.06.2024 07:13

a. The first 5 seconds of editing - Wow, you have upped your game. Kudos!

b. I had no idea that wolves were elusive, so very happy for you that you saw them after 12 years!

c. Major learning - I did not think of grasslands as ecosystems. They obviously are, but I did not think of them that way. This is similar to my thinking of desert ecosystems (which changed after listening to Arati Kumar Rao's talk)

Totally love what you are doing Anuroop!

@doitrahul - 22.06.2024 09:26

Wow.. this video could kindle my interest in Wild life.. so very nicely done 👍

And yes, I knew almost nothing about Indian Wolves 🐺

@KushVasa - 12.08.2024 14:08

Lovely videos and sightings. Loved the footages of the wolves in the water :) …even for me a wolf sighting is more special as they are less then tigers which surely makes them much more special! Long live grasslands !!

@pradeepprazz - 29.08.2024 11:50

Nice Video.. Looking forwad for more Such videos :)

@alpanapatel4703 - 29.08.2024 20:24

Superb 😊

@omkaritakar4762 - 05.09.2024 16:13

Nice work
Next time make video on hyena

@ecocarefoundation4314 - 20.09.2024 06:19

Excellent visuals and travel narrative of your finding the Grey Wolf.Yes, habitat bc and prey base is decreasing fast...at times feel helpless but such videos and your dedication gives some hope .Do plan a trip to Velavadar grassland in Gujarat.Onky place of about 2000 plus black buck and large pack of Wolf living in a prestine habitat.Wevakso need some clear video footages for our presentation.All the best .Yash, Ecocare Foundation.

@RajaramSethuraman - 22.09.2024 13:21

New subscriber from pune :-) Few ques 1) Do we need to book an appointment for a guide at Chinkara Vanparyatan Prakalp? 2) What are usual timings this place/drive is open? 3) I assume the "safari" is best with a local guide, right ?

@oundhakar - 27.10.2024 20:28

Awesome narration. Subscribed immediately.

@niteeshnitu8902 - 31.10.2024 11:46

i think we shuld preserve indian wolf for future

@wildwanderer_chronicles - 07.11.2024 22:06

Beautiful work, Subscribed from another wild canid lover 😍😍

@saurabhbhardwaj7951 - 12.11.2024 19:02

Great Video!! Thanks for sharing! Seeing Indian Wolves in wild is my goal!❤

@saurabhbhardwaj7951 - 12.11.2024 19:05

Free ranging dogs or feral dogs also called stray dogs are greatest threats to Indian Wolves in particular and wildlife in general.

@saurabhbhardwaj7951 - 12.11.2024 19:08

I have had several sightings of tiger, two sightings of leopard and one sighting of hyena. Would like to see wolves once.

@saurabhbhardwaj7951 - 12.11.2024 19:13

Voiceover is deep, meaningful and ❤️

@markamnavinit222 - 21.11.2024 12:26

I have seen wolf once at my hometown Vasai fort at Mumbai.

@protikkudva5523 - 05.12.2024 07:48

Nice work , video and voice over awesome

@deepakpratapgangwar583 - 26.12.2024 17:03

🎉🎉very nice video...size of this forest.?

@nitinpillay - 12.01.2025 16:21

Life choices ! 🖖🏽
