Starting a New Photography Business in 2024

Starting a New Photography Business in 2024

Jay Lublang Photography

1 год назад

3,205 Просмотров

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@mikehicks6379 - 30.11.2024 07:47

I like the plant

@merrickcrosby8571 - 29.10.2024 05:16

Stick to the subject!!

@karlmuud - 28.09.2024 05:16

Dappa! 👍

@jessec1176 - 21.09.2024 09:37

thanks for this!

@dubzwilliams353 - 21.07.2024 04:23

Did it for the plant 🪴 😅

@im.liftup - 27.06.2024 05:48

Hey man! Thank you so much for the advice! This was all very helpful, and I could easily understand all of it. Totally going to start using these tips for my business! Thanks again!

@hiszo - 13.03.2024 19:32

Great video Jay

@couragechitende5515 - 02.02.2024 18:17

Thanks bro

@SimonAckerman - 02.02.2024 02:46

Sound advice man, I really enjoyed the video. When I started out I overlooked the business side and thought clients would magically find me lol It's so important getting yourself out there and being visible.

@tahersafari3104 - 30.01.2024 06:45

Hi Jay, thanks a lot for this awesome and useful tutorial. I do live here in Toronto, Canada. I want to make my photography business this year. Your video has inspired me to do it faster. I hope it is going to work, because I did invest a lot of money to get all the equipment that I need. Please, make more this kind of tutorials for people out there like myself...
