Clannad Turas Dhómhsa chon na Galldachd Nádúr Bagpipes Bagpiper Hire Ireland Lyrics Translation

Clannad Turas Dhómhsa chon na Galldachd Nádúr Bagpipes Bagpiper Hire Ireland Lyrics Translation

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@miccamecca - 12.11.2013 00:58

Brilliant, the Clannad i remember

@beirbuadh - 16.11.2013 14:07

Yes, Clannad are back to themselves with songs like this. Thanks for putting up the words and info on your link. Fair play to ye. I can try my best to sing along now! Go raibh maith agat arís, Ádh mór ort!

@gt_oliver - 04.06.2014 01:08

THis sounds just like their works from the 70's

@alexcampurciani7374 - 29.07.2014 04:22

What does it mean

@KainedbutAble123 - 02.08.2014 20:30

Stunning mood piece and congratulations on your bagpipes contribution, it adds alot.

@Sintar07 - 26.03.2016 20:09

So when I looked up the lyrics it turned out this is some kind of humorous song about a guy who borrows money from his brother? And here I was thinking it must be some kind of badass warrior's chant or something >.>
