ОтветитьRods from God, what a stupid name. So now people who built them are gods?? What a bunch of IDIOTS!
ОтветитьIf this project sounds familiar It’s probably because you played Call of Duty Ghosts and remember the Odin and Loki satellites. This real project was the basis for the fictional version in game
Ответитьi think that tsunami years back was an after effect of them testing this
Ответить50 tungsten rods should do the trick
Ответитьthat's so fucking cool damn
ОтветитьAny of you, guys, aware that The head of the Turkish Space Agency, Serdar Hussein Yildirim, pretends those weapons are capable of causing earthquakes and were used to cause the one in Turkey last February with a death toll of 60,000 people?
He says that launched from space those 20 feet rods can penetrate the earth up to 5km and create earthquake of magnitude 7-8!
There were also strange lightnings and lights observed in the sky just before and during the last earthquake in Morrocco in the night of the 8th and 9th of September.
Same with Maui where Masers instead of Lasers, using microwaves instead of Light.
It would be great if you could put your great minds to contribution to explore and question all those strange phenomenas occurring throughout the world, including the geo-engineered climate modification by different countries .
It amazing how far humans have advanced technology into killing one another...
For a species that excel at killing each other, we are doing a remarkable job of surviving...
Conceptual weapon that doesn't exist, yet.!!🤠
ОтветитьThis is total bullshit people the physics of this just don't work.
ОтветитьI think the US Is dumb for not seeing this project through, it would be a game changer in today's world
ОтветитьI sure nobody has had the thought of disassembling the rod into smaller components and then reassembling in space...
ОтветитьDidn't I see this on gijoe?
ОтветитьWhen ya want to war the people not the planet 😂
ОтветитьHeinlen described this decades ago. But launching boulders from the moon.
Ответитьwhy do you use 50 year old film of flechette rockets while claiming they are steel rods? totally bogus filler video.
ОтветитьThis honestly sounds applicable with todays space force
Ответитьhow could a weapon like this be propelled through sea water?
ОтветитьPerfect use for Elon’s Starship.
ОтветитьThere must be an easier way to depopulate the earth.
Ответитьsoo it was true
ОтветитьNuklear heads are also up there.
ОтветитьThe atomic bomb had no effect on the Japanese during ww2..they surrendered because russia invaded Manchuria - the last and main production hub of Japanese war effort.
Most of japan had been firebombed already, why would the civilian victims care between 1 bomb or 60 bombs destroying their lives?
This is what they really dropped on Japan not nuclear weapons
Ответитьlol, tungsten rods are not gonna lose weight because of heat. tungsten is used for welding and machining, it can handle insane temperatures
ОтветитьInconel rod Bar prodject is too dangerous that can be sunk the whole south and north korea in one drop if that is loaded with ECm²
ОтветитьProject zeus from G I JOE retaliation movie
ОтветитьOnly ! And I mean Only would you expect the states to figure a way to circumvent the law that states "No arms or weapons in space. ! !
ОтветитьSpaceX has made this a possibility
ОтветитьThere are a couple good videos on this but a dense telephone poll sized rod of tunkston would have a massive explosive effect actually, that's part of the reason it was pursued so heavily you drop simple solid dense piece of metal at extreme speeds and create the effect of a complex warhead.
The reasons it didn't gain so much traction is to reliably use these satellites you would have to deploy several of them into orbit to have any reliable use. It takes a lot of effort to move that much mass up into orbit in the first place.
Seems like in the year TWO THOUSAND-something, any lab would be able to make something that dense and heavy for much cheaper out of synthetic materials. But then again, we are talking about a bogus wrong parallel universe “21st Century” in which people think the earth is flat, that post-Middle Ages technological advancements in pain treatment are a BAD thing, and who get confused when faced with having to choose a public restroom.
ОтветитьYeah, the UN better hope that something like this wasn't on that Satellite Russia recently launched.
ОтветитьOne problem. If it's in orbit, it's traveling at around 17,000 mph parallel to the eath's surface. If you simply drop it, it will continue to orbit at 17,000 mph. For it to drop, it would have to recreate decelerate which woulda require a rocket on the projectile.
Second, terminal velocity. There is an altitude that if you drop something is the fastest speed it will achieve. Above that altitude it won't get any faster due to wind resistance.
Saitama vs Rod, who wins?
ОтветитьThe new ginsu missile is the same idea
ОтветитьHow about just " smart rockets?" Why " Lazy dog?"
ОтветитьAnd this is how you was made son
ОтветитьThere's so much more, and it's better than nuclear weapons.
ОтветитьThese do not do comparable dammage to nuclear weapons, not even nuclear weapons from WW2.
Ответитьthe biggest ICBM has a payload of about 10 ton = 10 rods It is going to be an expensive exercise
Then there is the accuracy issue I guess extremely low And of course no guidance at all
Alternatively the same ICBM can deliver 10 MIRV of 750 kton/each (50 Hiroshima)
I would take a MIRV instead of a rod anytime
The weight could be similar but the effects quite different
Think of how much Space X has advanced since this video, WOW
ОтветитьEnter Elon musk and SpaceX......boom
ОтветитьIllegally attack to research of general sciente univiresal solar messule nuclear dinassor enery power technology digital ecosystem theres subject 1000% above dengures subject to nuclear weapons fair globally civilation war
ОтветитьEEUU tiene una bonita recreación hecha por IA y nos presenta sus imagenes de ciencia ficción, Rusia ha demostrado en la practica que dispone de esa tecnología y medios para usarla, ahora han empezado a producir en seríe y de forma industrial ese arma, el Oresnik, yanki..."no mires hacia arriba"
ОтветитьA weapon that can change the direction of war without changing the direcfion of the globe except with at least 6 countries operating in the space, the weapon will be revolving the sky.
There was a reason the world did not agree on weaponizing space
No weapons are allowed in space, so this is just click bait.
ОтветитьThis project was literally canceled because of funding reasons, not because of human life's.
ОтветитьThis is not a good idea. If the US puts these in space. The Chinese will do the same. The Russians will do the same. Do we really want these things on top of out heads?
ОтветитьWhoever design new weapons should be the first ones to test them on, win for humanity as a whole