Digimon: Sangloupmon サングルゥモン
Digital Monster X Version type: Ver. 1 Black-Red (aka Version XA)
A noble, bloodsucking wolf Digimon. It is a considerably old species of Digimon, and is said to have survived since the Genesis of the Digital World. Digimon who have had their blood sucked by Sangloupmon have all the information drawn out of their Digicores, cease vital functions, and die. Sangloupmon is able to instantly move to different places as it rushes about the Net by breaking down its data into packets of its own volition. For this reason, it is said to be very difficult to capture Sangloupmon. Its Special Moves are flinging thousands of tiny blades and instantaneously skewering the opponent from within (Sticker Blade), and disassembling its own data and melting into the opponent's shadow (Black Mind).
(From Wikimon)
Notes on this DMX Series of Journal Logs:
I have owned the Digital Monster X Ver. 1 (DMX Ver. 1) for a while now, but never got to raising the Digimon. Now I would like to properly document each Digimon raised.
Each Digimon has such interesting sprite animations on the DMX! So I intend to document each Digimon log in 4 parts in the form of 4 Shorts:
Log X.1 - Excellent Training & Happy!
Log X.2 - Bad Training & Angry!
Log X.3 - Chilling & Eating…
Log X.4 - Sleeping…
As the Digital Monster X ( Digimon X aka DMX ), doesn't have description of the Digimon, I will be using Wikimon site for reference on the Digimon description which in turn draws from content in Digimon Reference Book.
Hope you enjoy the logs as much as I do!!
Check out my full playlist of the Journal Logs! I have documented every Digimon I raise on VB and captured them on the Vital Bracelet Lab App:
Link to my Custom Keychain Mod for VB (It's not a joke, it seriously works!):
If you are new and have not watched any of Vital Bracelet Guides, here's the playlist:
Which-to-buy Guide:
(Please note: I do not own any of the content in Digimon Reference Book and those are proprietary information of Digimonweb and Bandai. Reference borrowed from wikimon.)
#vpet #pet #virtual_pet #DigimonX #Digimon_X #Digital_Monster_X #Digital_Monsters_X #Ver.1 #Version_1 #V1 #Digimon_X_V1 #Black #Red #BlackRed #Black-Red #Ver.XA #sangloupmonx