File System Aging - 1. Defragmentation

File System Aging - 1. Defragmentation

Rock Paper Shotgun

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@Wolfiono - 27.02.2015 22:23

I'm not very good at articulating my words but I would just like to say: That was beautiful, Rab. Thank you.

@davolarable - 27.02.2015 23:22

Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.

@Rebeccasaurus24 - 27.02.2015 23:23

Ow. That was quite touching Rab. Wee lump in ma throat .

@ChrissyCourtney - 28.02.2015 01:28

I know exactly what you mean

@smorgasbord26 - 28.02.2015 02:02

Now I think this weekend I might just take my old dad to the pub and buy him a pint instead of playing videogames.  Havent seen much of him lately so it would be nice.

@simonlee7395 - 28.02.2015 02:43

Wonderful video, really touching.

Anyone know what the first track is? Went really well with the atmosphere.

@PythosianMan - 28.02.2015 03:30

Incredibly powerful Rab; my experiences have been somewhat similar and all your words resonant strongly with me. Thank you for being this courageous on this undertaking. These are special, hallowed videos, and I can't wait to see more, and especially your representational journey. I truly hope you find something there beyond all this here.

@CydoniaPhysGeekGirl - 28.02.2015 20:04

Thinking deeply about human mortality, Rab?
I can empathise.

Memories. Raindrops on a window pane.
A lifetime. Blink and miss it.

@fleetwoodsucks - 28.02.2015 20:47

woz ur dad dat star wars guy?

@ScreamerRSA - 01.03.2015 02:07

All I can say is spend as much time with your loved ones as possible. I hadn't seen my Dad for a year, I work very far away and I always thought I'll go visit soon. In the end he died alone in foreign country where no one was around to help him....I wasn't there to help him...I wasn't there to say good bye

@Regna - 01.03.2015 02:07

That was oddly deep and depressing

@B3tanTyronne - 02.03.2015 18:07

The best gaming memories are not always of the games themselves but for those who were around you at the time the games were played. One of my fav gaming memories involves the C64 title `Knuckleduster`, admittedly not the best game ever made but it was a game that my Grandfather picked up for me. So, whenever I play it via emulation or on the c64 itself, I always remember that day and think of my Grandfather who has not been around now for the past 21 years but I can go back like it was yesterday.

@nfsking2000 - 04.03.2015 16:30

This is sinematik. Looks like you're catching up with industry trends RPS.

@mgb1979 - 13.03.2015 01:23

That was nice, looking forward to the next eps.

@OscarLazzarino - 14.03.2015 02:34

Closed captions would be really useful. You have a strange accent. I'm not a native English speaker and I even can't tell for sure if you're talking in English or in some other language :-/

@KilgoreTraut - 16.03.2015 01:59

 got chills at the end there, fantastic video rab! brings me back to my earliest gaming memories, playing spyro and being amazed at these vast beautiful landscapes, reveling in the pure joy of running and leaping and gliding about and discovering all sorts of fantastic creatures and secrets, handing the controller off to my dad at the scary (those big yellow beasts in alpine ridge) or really difficult bits.

@roguebuddha - 29.05.2015 17:28

Wonderful and strange at the same time. Best to you and keep up your spirit. Peace.

@tojiroh - 31.12.2015 13:47

If you enjoy this, check Rab and Ryan's brainchild, Consolevania. (and VideoGaiden)
It's pure love and wackiness distilled through the pores of two white pasty gentlemen on their underwear.
(sorry, I'm having flashbacks of their Wii Fit skit)

@nekrovulpes - 14.09.2016 21:26

This pure fuckin' heavy man.

@IchiSwagger - 18.02.2017 06:46

Every time i get bogged down with cynicism, and feel like there's just so much garbage in the world i just come back to this series. Thank you so much for making it, i always feel a bit re-aligned after.


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