Less there now than there is in the video 🙄
ОтветитьThis guy talks like he's living the dream
ОтветитьNice to see my home town in a video like this.
ОтветитьCombine the first game’s controller with Kerbal Space Program...
Ответитьthanks for the tour.
ОтветитьSurprised you didn't catch any of the bums that I see sleeping outside the building.
Ответитьnot enough of Half-Life, Quake, WarCraft, StarCraft. can't take this place seriously.
ОтветитьHopefully one of the Donkey Kong ports is the ColecoVision one as it's supposedly one of the most faithful due to a person from Coleco programming all the ports for cartridge machines.
ОтветитьBetween my brother and I, I'm pretty sure we have everything they collected (...and more, though I don't have dev consoles. I can provide pictures.. no kidding). Nice to see jamma based machines being shown. Is there anyplace in there showing the innards and explaining the evolution from Pong to the custom arcade cabinets to jamma? On the home console side, the evolution from custom game units to cartridge based software and then to discs? I saw a lot of showing stuff but not a lot of explaining if they covered actual history.
ОтветитьVery cool, thanks for the tour.
There's a lot of cool virtual pinball stuff you can do. I'm into my pinball but I've never heard of ink. Will have a look!
This is actually a really cool way to make this museum
ОтветитьSheffield - Gremlin Graphics and the home of Monty Mole.
ОтветитьI've been there before, it really didn't seem like much. It could of been so much more but it basically just a few exhibits chucked around. It's more like a enthusiasts garage than a museum.
ОтветитьShameless plug: for the Dutchies among us, we have something similar in Zoetermeer. It started as an arcade cab collection so it's mostly geared towards that (or maybe that was just my impression because I mostly go there for the DDR >_>), but it's great fun. Last year it hosted the In The Groove Eurocup and during Carnaval there's an event called RhythmFest with all sorts of rhythm games and competitions :D
ОтветитьDo they have Taiko no Tatsujin??!!?!?
ОтветитьConsidering Free Radical no longer exists, I wonder what could've happened if that PS2 Dev Kit actually was stolen.
ОтветитьI get what they’re trying to do, but it would be way more awesome if they actually did have a proper collection of rare and historically important games. I want to see video gaming held in the same esteem as any other art form. Not presented as a flash game connected to a tomato.
ОтветитьThe second game is a Sonic rip-off?
Ответитьnice museum. no VR?
ОтветитьTalking about emulation without doom?
(yes, this was my biggest issue with it)
Previously I only knew Sheffield as the place where they process visa applications
ОтветитьNice, but James Rolfe probably has more video game stuff under his bed than these people have in their entire museum.
ОтветитьI've been to the computer game museum in Berlin
ОтветитьWell, that was annoying.
ОтветитьI can imagine it drives him nutty that you can play just about every version of minecraft along it's entire development.
ОтветитьPlease report the statistics from opening time till first bite taken out of the rakette controllers. Should be interesting data.
ОтветитьOMG Conor Clarke looks like a discount James Harding!
Ответитьvideo games, seriously?
ОтветитьI've been there! I live right next door :D
ОтветитьDon't worry friend there's plenty of other people who work in other museums that definitely have stolen stuff within their walls...
ОтветитьDo you have any computer games that don't use a screen?
ОтветитьMore of a Luna Park museum
ОтветитьHalf Life 2 Raising the bar, Zelda Prima books ... those aren't museum pieces, those things were on Amazon in the last 5 years.
ОтветитьHey we got a museum by the same name in Frisco, Texas!
ОтветитьSo basically, you can write off your gaming collecting obsession from your taxes?
ОтветитьDisagree with the concept of the museum. Somebody got cute with the idea. It should be, as mentioned, a progression of games down through the decades.
ОтветитьShout out for Astro Wars. I spent days playing this in the early 80's.
ОтветитьI still have a working Barcode Battler and my first console was the Master System :D .
ОтветитьThat fruit and veg game control system will be destroyed before lunch time.
This government funded "museum" is another waste of tax payer money. How many ways can a Government waste your money?
He's on coke
ОтветитьThat guy likes the wrong stuff. How long has the museum been around for ?
ОтветитьNintendo: Emulated huh, where's my take down papers?
ОтветитьNo cod jumping stuff or paintball??
ОтветитьWhat's the disinfectant wipe budget at this museum?
Ответитьthere was nothing about esports and competitive gaming, how sad. They should get a bundle showing early online gaming with starcraft, cs 1.6, dota, and then show current events like lol, csgo, rainbow 6, some fighting games...
ОтветитьFirst game I recall playing was a moon landing program on the Research Machines 380Z in about 1977. It wasn't very user friendly...I think you had to just type trajectory numbers in then it would return a possibility of success or failure, so you could reconfigure and hopefully make a safe landing. All in text! Pretty unexciting by today's standards but we thought it was magic back then. Shortly after there were text based dungeon type RPGs but the Moon Lander was the first I remember!
Ответить"dancing stage fusion" and "where's wally" makes my american blood boil
ОтветитьThis place looks neat but it doesn't have anything on James Rolfe's basement.