Imperial Knights Codex 9th Edition Explained by an Idiot /S/ Warhammer 40k

Imperial Knights Codex 9th Edition Explained by an Idiot /S/ Warhammer 40k

Revenn's HandiCrafts

2 года назад

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@liammcclanaghan6500 - 19.05.2022 19:13

Nice video. Is gonna help me pick what to paint my night for what house lol

@schmiedolaf8598 - 19.05.2022 19:16

Good video mate but have you tried praying to the maschine spirit

@loz_ozo303 - 19.05.2022 21:51

I too like to burn holes in my wallet by playing with plastic soldiers

@forthebrave6122 - 20.05.2022 04:14

The volcano lance on the Castellan is a blessing from the Omnissiah!

@havel4385 - 06.08.2022 02:10

got monetization yet? also how the heck do transfers work they are so much more noticeable on a knight it seems like you should add them but i just don't know how

@jipowap - 13.10.2022 01:27

In probably ten years, when I have both the space and time, I'm assembling a jenky Dominus knight in your honor. If you happen to see this, I leave the name up to you.

@SSGfishbob - 09.02.2024 19:56

It was fun, keep it up. After 20+ years or reading dam near all the books i have finally got a army. I went with knights. Never played a game but that is the goal for this year; play three games and try a tournament. Will probably get distracted. But now that i watched your supper fun video i have picked a house and now need to repaint 2 knights.
