Bambini mandate via quella vecchia che deve temere la morte per tutto il male vhe ha fatto 😅
ОтветитьPlease to tell the vile mother in law that halloween is past ..... and maybe to see the next year .. NO ....😮😮
ОтветитьKreyzy?loko? Budala? Lud zbunjen nenormalan
ОтветитьEsa exsuegra educó a un patán. Según ellos van a ver a los niños, pero no les llevan ni agua. A lo que realmente van es a golpear a Susana y a molestarla. Aquí veo a una madre que está arrastrando a su hijo al mérito infierno. Y tu Susana ve y demanda a las autoridades que no hacen más que dañarte. Ya no toleres éstas agresiones por parte de ese par de sañeros.
ОтветитьA casa é de propriedade da Suzana?
Ou ela mesma esta construindo pra pagar aluguel,?
Como é isso ?
دیگه واقعا حال بهم زن شده بااین داستانهای فیک 😮😮😮😮😮 داره مثلا کتک کاری میشه وفیلمبردارهم باخیال راحت داره فیلم میگیره 😂😂😂😂😂😂 واقعا مردم رواحمق فرض کردین
ОтветитьAngel is so cute, she made a half smile to her dad and all the fighting didn’t bother her in the least. She’s such a toughie.
ОтветитьDon’t get kicked out you need to buy the house n land
ОтветитьHouse is looking beautiful
Ответитьدراما غبيه 😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьLa casa está quedando muy bien
ОтветитьOnce again why her .husband and mom.y keep. Coming back crap
ОтветитьThis is a soap opera. Nothing real here. Paid actors. They all go home at night. The building is the only thing that is real. Many more soaps have spun off this one. The master has worked on both of these homes. Noshad started his own channel. Noorkbush started his own channel. Ibriham was the movie mogul behind all this. Many wanted to start other channels, Ibriham didn't want to give up control so the only thing in real life occurred. He was killed by the jealous, corrupt people of this country. I'll prove it. Once the house is finished the mean older brother or the father will claim it and Suzan's
family saga will continue. Where ever she goes the story will be the same. The husband was dying two months ago,now a picture of health. What a pitiful display of this country and it' s people. None of these channels are an authentic representation of how these people live. So sad.
ОтветитьДобрый день почему нет русского перевода
ОтветитьShe's a very beautiful woman ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьPorque tanta tolerancia con ese vejete y esa bruja.te viene y te ataca.porque no lo denuncia?y se termina de una vez
Ответитьsusan prende esse homem ele não vai te deixar em paz, amo vc beijos pra todos vcs 🙏🙏🙏🇧🇷
ОтветитьIt is very pretty ❤
Ответитьpara de inventar esse teatro já encheu o saco
Ответитьكل تمثيل 😂
Ответитьكل تمثيل 😂
ОтветитьEnglish subtitle is missing
ОтветитьOnly way to free herself and her kids from ex husband and his evil ugly mother, for Susan is to get married with someone .
ОтветитьAbulfash e un ragazzo bravo che aiuta a Susan ,sarà un grande sposo….
Operatore mi piace seguire a voi pero la violenza non si può vedere,quindi si non volete perdere dei suscriptores cercate di non far vedere quello,poi in quel paese esistono delle leggi che proteggono una mamma con sus figli minori ,non va bene così che su marito e suocere sennò la violenza davanti ai minori…..
Denunciate. Per piacere…STOP STOP.
집이 주인아저씨 집인것같아요
ОтветитьСюзанна ты сама скандальная пришол посмотрел бы и ушёл ты зачем дерётся.
ОтветитьОн же не забирает детей . Дом строят тебе будь спокойной
ОтветитьМолодцы мастера , сколько много работают и отлично🎉🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьIt's really ridiculous how Susan cooks all the time as if her life depended on it and if it's the most important task. She should look after her babies first, but she leaves them alone just so she can be amongst the workers. How irresponsible and negligent. Nobody not even professional cooks cook all day. It's totally stupid and unrealistic. She just doesn't want to look after her. Children and pretends to be sooo busy instead of teaching her kids manners.
ОтветитьSusan, all that your ex-husband has done is cause problems. You can complain to the court and stop him from seeing the kids. Do it now before you lose your house.
ОтветитьEz borzalom valaki tegyen már rendet.🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
ОтветитьОднокомная квартира получилась ♥👍 лишь бы дали Сьзан там жить долго с детьми
ОтветитьIs this also another fake .I am not going to watch this again
Ответитьque ridiculo essa sena será que vocês não vêm que ad pessoas não estão satisfeito com os vídeos á cada sena de briga estão vinjindo todos estão sorrindo que pena 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
ОтветитьSon ustedes unos buenos operarios , pero porque no quitan los escombros de en medio .se vería mas clara la obra y no irian ustedes salteando .
ОтветитьDe verdad que ridículo ya vasta de este engaño yo conozco a Susan y se que está mintiendo ella vive con su marido y si no lo creen investiguen por que no llama ala policía 👮♂️ por que si lo ase la van a encarcelar a todos por mentirosos y casarles el dinero a los espetadores esto ya tiene mucho tienpo de aser tanto drama ellos tienen su casa 🏠 i que graven en la noche donde están sus cobijas su ropa es tonto esto 👎👎👎👎😡🤬
ОтветитьSusan no has fregado el balde por fuera y lo has metido a la vitrina
ОтветитьТакая конолизация глубокая, это точно не дом для Сюзан😮
ОтветитьSusan I had a dream that's your trust me don't trust me cheating husband got you evicted the landlord mitching everyone that help u with the home he told u while u was laying down relaxing that u have to find a new place u can't stay here no more they walk away u got up lend against the wall your whole face turn white that meaning in the real life your face really turn red with tears of a broken heart
ОтветитьCall the police
ОтветитьThis boy IS Susan's guardian angel , always protecting her
ОтветитьHello Susan, ❤🧕 I don't know how anyone can have so much hate in their hearts. Would they be kind enough to give an actual day they visit and give a time and do that the same so you know exactly when they want to visit and this way you can always have another adult with you during their visit and only stay for an hour. There needs to some rules set for them to follow and the judge and courts need to know that they are beating you Susan on front of the children so for that reason they need to lose their rights to visit because they come to beat you and don't care about seeing the children, go tell the courts and show them the videos too so the courys can order them off the property where you live, and their should only be the Dad and not the witch . He needs to lose his visits. In America if a Dad doesn't pay a monthly income for his children, he doesn't get the right to visit them !!!
ОтветитьЭта сьюзана ни горе мать а аферистка снимается в этом
Suza não vai traduzir para português Brasil gostaria de saber como acovesa de você seuvidio para nos emodo poes não entendo nada
ОтветитьSusan chama Polícia 👮👮👮👮👮👮por calsa dos conflitos você pode perder tudo por comportamento do seu ex e da sua sogra eles não quer ver feliz 😡😡😡😡👎👎👎👎👎👎👮
ОтветитьAbulfazl máš srdce anděla ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇨🇿
ОтветитьPor favor hagan más creíble el niño se ríe ahora el dueño los echa y vuelve a comenzar la historia son decadente el marido y la madre
ОтветитьA Susana vai dar-se muito mal. Não quiz ouvir os seus telespectadores. Esta casa não vai ser para ela. Foi muito avisada.