How to faux paint oak wood grain - Mural Joe

How to faux paint oak wood grain - Mural Joe


14 лет назад

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@Thestripper1 - 19.03.2012 23:21

@muraljoe Maybe it's because you didn't nail your brush throwing trick but probably because you didn't show how the grain skull turned out in the end. You now what, a big panel with lot's of "hidden grain images" like skulls and why not the occasional naked lady every now and then would be awesome. Make a vid out of that and you'll get all thumbs up!

@amscon - 21.03.2012 21:51

Your comment about Canada is funny but true. What to do? Anyway, I visited Texas recently and went to Home Depot to look for oil glaze. Strangely enough, they don't sell oil based glazes and paints anymore. Where in the US are these products still available? Also, what stain colours should I use to duplicate maple? Thank you for your help.

@muraljoe - 15.04.2012 00:16

I always get it at paint stores, like Frazee, Sherwin williams or whatever is local but it seems to be hard to find these days. It seems like it might be better to just order it on the internet. Look for this: McCloskey 1G Translucent Oil Color Glaze Special Effects. It's my favorite so far.

@wansiton - 17.04.2012 17:51

Why the hell was this in my suggestion box?

@muraljoe - 21.04.2012 09:43

Haha! That's funny. I know I didn't have it put there. Maybe that's why the thumbs down. But since you saw it, how do you like it?

@wansiton - 15.05.2012 17:36

Yeah it's cool, you did an awsome job.. but i don't think i'll ever use this technique i'm not what you'd call a handy man :p

@muraljoe - 15.05.2012 21:33

Well, thank you very much.

@redbee28 - 16.10.2012 11:34


@ccatdaddy64 - 11.12.2012 08:30

Is it possible to do this technique using materials than can be used, on plastic that that will later be submerged in salt water, Would like to do this to my kayak.

@muraljoe - 12.12.2012 08:09

Now that, I don't know. I bet there is something but I just don't know much about it. If you find out I would love to know.

@Todischo - 13.12.2012 00:13

You make this so easy. Ihaven't seen one video of yours that I haven't enjoyed thoroughly

@metalraygear - 13.03.2013 21:48

Hey Mural Joe, do you think that I can use this technique for wood for laminate wood plank flooring?

@muraljoe - 14.03.2013 19:27

Yes but It will eventually wear off. I would use XIM bonding primer first and then put a heavy clear coat on top when it's finished to get some longevity out of it. I would get some second opinions too because I'm not really up to speed on all the available products for floor coatings.

@ferencav - 13.04.2013 16:57

I am really looking forward to paint my desk this way. Thanks for the clear explanation.

@johnclaycali - 21.06.2013 00:32

Well done! I'll have to check out all of your vids now, but first I gotta paint this recycled old door! Thanks for the inspiration!

@muraljoe - 21.06.2013 20:07

Awesome dude! Thank you for the good report. Let me know how it goes.

@davidbubbsoar2555 - 23.06.2013 08:32

did you leave the face on there?!

@joecornelius1857 - 24.06.2013 01:47

Ha ha! No. I wouldn't do that.

@1966Noodles - 15.08.2013 22:27

Have you tried yet? That sounds like an excelent idea.

@tanichee - 12.09.2013 23:30

So cool! Definitely trying this!

@Mekratrig - 16.12.2013 02:40

Very nice effect.  Wish had your talent.  One suggestion for future videos - get better, stronger lighting.

@lord3clod719 - 30.01.2014 00:44

well,from a certain distance the effect is quite nice but on a closer look it becomes clear that the grain is painted.

@schwinnbiking - 08.05.2014 05:04

Nice but what colors to use for black-brown effect? I'm thinking of starting with a dark brown and adding some really dark wood grain to it.

@CoOzEbOy1 - 29.06.2014 22:24

This was insane!

@kiyanhaider9284 - 31.08.2014 03:46

could this work on an ABS gun stock

@1961jscofield - 03.11.2014 08:24

Absolutely amazing work! Please be careful climbing though, we can't afford to lose such an awesome artist!

@sergiubaldean825 - 30.07.2015 01:11

What kind of paint do you use?

@basheersoleman250 - 21.10.2015 00:57

good .......nice

@Megalodon1 - 21.10.2015 16:18

You are an Arteeeest!

@gilbertmercier4227 - 14.02.2016 23:16

dommage que ce ne soit pas sous-titré en français

@sandrajohnson2489 - 25.02.2016 01:56

You are one of the best muralists I've ever seen and I have worked as a scenic painter for decades. I've seen some beautiful work and yours is right there on top. You absolutely have a gift. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

@louisdefilippi8982 - 17.03.2016 02:33

I need to try this technique on rough hewn lumber that the previous owner painted beige with latex paint. They are ceiling beams. Any suggestions on how to proceed, especially how to not get messed up by the extremely rough texture?

@shaykay3075 - 28.05.2016 04:48

Another amazing video.

@johnebigguns - 07.11.2016 20:36

We call it "Stumble" it was done in the 30's 40's & 50's on doors arch & skirting.....

@domeniclarosa6156 - 05.12.2016 16:47

Now what if you wanted to give the whole thing a darker finish when you completed your graining, what can you apply in order to achieve that? Thanks and
Great job.

@EatPezzzz - 09.01.2017 03:21

For what it cost to do this to trim, wouldn't it just be cheaper/better to install oak trim? That way, you get the oak look, but none of the pine/fir durability.

@logansmith9660 - 06.03.2017 10:01

Has a lot of details in this woodwork book “pepe amazing plan” (Google it). The book also shows a couple of designs and also explanations on the materials used for different wood working procedures and also the instructions on finishing different procedures appropriately. General, this book fulfilled my basic wish to learn about wood working.

@marisolherrero4654 - 07.03.2017 18:22

Love t!! Muchas gracias. You are very talented. You'll go far kid!

@anweshcreations6607 - 29.10.2017 14:50

Time wasted video

@shantahsieh2877 - 05.01.2018 16:51

I was made it too. just used woodprix instructions. just click the pig on that website :)))

@schell0118 - 17.07.2018 15:22


@belt432 - 23.09.2018 22:31

Very cool Joe, Is there a way to do a curly maple (flames) look on a plain piece of wood?

@АндрейЕсипов-э3д - 26.03.2019 03:24

Мне показалось, или в конце он сказал - Красота!

@k.m.j.coutinho4390 - 02.04.2019 16:58

You're funny AND you did a good job. 😀

@zendegy - 05.08.2019 03:30

wow. just fabulous.

@technicalexchange8045 - 25.04.2020 14:37

Can you please tell us the paint color code of the base yellow that you used?

@hafzamacie8858 - 28.10.2020 02:18

Good and very accurate designs are on the Stodoys plans website.

@sherrylkeith9695 - 24.11.2020 18:25

I did it about three weeks ago. I learned a lot about it on the Woodprix website. Check.

@abelsantos5557 - 05.11.2021 04:15

Meus Parabéns, excelente trabalho!
