IKEA vs Swedish Forest • Save the forest - Help More Of Everything.

IKEA vs Swedish Forest • Save the forest - Help More Of Everything.

Levian Httyd Fan

55 лет назад

208 Просмотров

Thanks to IKEA the biggest furniture manufacture on EARTH from Sweden and big greenwash forest companies like Sveaskog Stora Enso, Södra that claim to be environmentally friendly but in reality only care about production and provit more than half of Sweden was Clear-cut in the last 50 years. No where else on earth the forests are clearcut as relentlessly fast as in Sweden.

The truth is that there's an war in Sweden with countless of tree felling machine's removing natural Forest all over Sweden. And that only few percent try to stop it most of people even claim it as possible good for the environment.

Virtually nothing is protected.
Only less than 5-3% are small little patches across the country that are actually protected.
When you think about that nearly 90% of Swedish land is covered in forest landscape that is mostly natural full of life and healthy, and that so little is jused for Farming than you realize how heartbreaking it is what is happening all over the country. All forests in Sweden are in danger and could be gone any moment.

We have to HELP: More Of Everything Protect the Forest Sweden. MORE OF EVERYTHING FILM https://youtu.be/q51FMbTOn_Q
Trailer 1: https://youtu.be/lvdeqaW6RI0
Trailer 2: https://youtu.be/QKAAxT0kkmU

Sooner or Later the Forest will Rise again.


#IKEA #DEFORESTATION #SWEDEN #MORE_OF_EVERYTHING #More_Of_Everything #Greenpeace #Greenpeace_Sweden #Skydda_Skogen
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