Carson Daly On 'tWitch:' 'We Have To Stop Assuming' People Are OK

Carson Daly On 'tWitch:' 'We Have To Stop Assuming' People Are OK


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@johannerodrigue1075 - 18.12.2022 08:26

🎶🎧🎤💎💎💎⏳ Speechless ⏳ 💎💎💎🎶🎧🎤

@badfoot11 - 18.12.2022 19:57

every body hurts, some time ......(R. E.M. )

@jenniferWIlliams-xz2bu - 19.12.2022 20:52

I've dealt with mental health issues the moment my mom died in front of my eye's 14 years ago.. I had went into a deep depression for 2 years was very emotionless , showed no emotions towards people.. The family doctor gave me some medican , but the one who saved me wasn't human .. She was my Lab/Misstaff /husky Mixed.. Of Course my dad read the Bible and talked about death with me for 8 years to help me cope since he was a preacher... My dad and I had gotten her at the church he went to, Bella had every puppy disease including Parvo.. The Vet to me that she wasn't going to live past 8 weeks.. She ended up being a fighter and lived not only for her but for me after my mom died... Bella , lived to be 12 years old and had 4 litters of puppies.. I kept Apollo from the first litter and Merida from her last before she died.. So After Bella and My dad died I have Bella's babies who are now 13 years old (Apollo ) and Merida (5 yrs ) old.. Who are my angels after my dad died 8 years ago.. I still take my Medican

@HeliusRa - 19.12.2022 20:54

I still cant believe he killed himself with a gun! As the guy said, normally people spend a long time suffering and its hard to wrap my head around the idea that he was constructing his life while being depressed and no one thought something wasnt right! this should be thoroughly investigated and not dismissed as just a suicide victim. He deserves that!

@GodlessFiend - 20.12.2022 02:38

I’m sorry but that was a cowardly way to go for tWITCH, he should’ve seeked help. He had the world in his palms.

@leeannabesser1374 - 20.12.2022 06:14

i have lost my mom this year when i was 28 years old and she committed suicide and we never suspected it at all she hid her depression so well and Just goes to show you never know how long you have with someone and never know what they're going through my mom and dad been married for 30 years and she never said anything to daddy and my sister and me she just did it and I am the one who found her and it broke my heart so i know how anyone who had lost someone like that is going through. Rest in Peace Twitch ❤

@Bkaas - 20.12.2022 08:31

They should of put a crisis line there at the end.

@angelataylor920 - 20.12.2022 09:14

I loved Twitch & Allison so much,I can’t imagine how poor Allison is dealing with such a loss not only as her husband, but as her children’s father.May God bring you the comfort you need to get through this tragic time!🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜

@janly1613 - 20.12.2022 11:01

We can't assume anything. It may not have been a mental health issue. It could simply be an escape from the daily grind of this world.

@apondipriya8232 - 20.12.2022 17:04

My condolences. However, this was selfish. Didn't he not care for his wife and kids, his mum, the people that love him enough to seek help I really feel for his family especially his kids.

@ineedhoez - 20.12.2022 18:05

I have zero sympathy for a famous and high earning dude un-aliving himself. There are people in far worse off positions who manage to make it. Cry me a river. Dude had access to help.

@GodIsGoodAlways-e6q - 20.12.2022 18:48

RIP Twitch! ✨🕊❤️✝️✨

He’s on a better place, most especially because he’s finally out of the devils playground aka Hollywood and near Ellen.

@maverick33guy95 - 20.12.2022 22:22

This has to be a disease because why would you do this to your kids

@tarisukone6914 - 20.12.2022 22:22

Ok well...yes that's true done assume...but if they don't try to even talk or tell someone wtf can you do? one is a mind's a two way street

@mariacotto2658 - 21.12.2022 05:29

This still so difficult to process for so many reasons. A lot of "Why?" unanswered questions.
But one thing for sure, all of us are learning that mental health don't have a face and don't discriminate. We should check on each other, no matter what. 😔

@terrifobear399 - 21.12.2022 07:47

I have bipolar disorder
I have been suffering from this horrible experience and issues for 25 years
I have been hospitalized 1 time for the illness and I d am saying that what I have been through with the care of my illness I'd would never ask for help again

@terrifobear399 - 21.12.2022 07:57

This one hurt
I didn't know twitch at all
I watched him on Ellen show and I think that he was a great guy inside and out
December is the hardest month for any one
You just never know what is going to happen to a person who is mentally ill 🤒 they hide the truth and the pain so deeply in side themselves and you don't see the signs until it's to late
I lost my aunt 3 days ago
My birthday is tomorrow
I'm taking the tree 🎄 down tonight I am just not in the right place for Christmas
I hope this is a peaceful night for us all with all the joy and prayers and love and the peace

@hikmahking5351 - 21.12.2022 09:23

I went to therapy for years to overcome depression and anxiety. It took me a long time to surrender to the fact that I needed professional help. I thought if I followed my dreams, if I moved, if I got a makeover. Nothing you can do yourself will heal you. Not even prayer. Therapy is medicine for the mind. Without it you'll stay 'sick'. I hope his death won't be in vain. Please go to therapy! Please. I literally couldn't function and my children suffered as a result. We'll never get back those lost years. It's never too late. Now I enjoy a happy full life. God bless TWitch and his family.

@empreenergy3376 - 21.12.2022 13:33

How did anyone assume if ppl are pretending...

@sierra4766 - 21.12.2022 17:26

I remember when Carson was struggling publicly, so this one probably hit him harder for so many reasons. Glad he is still here at least. We will never forget you tWitch

@mombee27 - 21.12.2022 18:03

So Savanaugh? are conservatives loved and wanted by your standards? Live by your words or say nothing..please.

@leecooley5904 - 21.12.2022 23:19

Killing yourself is not the answer at all

@aroha4154 - 22.12.2022 05:37

So are we just supposed to assume that most people are not ok… this time in history is sad

@Itsme83. - 22.12.2022 05:56

Most social media post are lies. Everything that glitters ain’t gold.

@MsXtineAz - 22.12.2022 09:09

Carson Daly!!!! PLEASE PLEASE
PLEASE…stop calling depression “mental health!” Mental Illness would be the correct term!! We all have mental health…mental health does not mean someone who has an issue…that would be mental illness. In order to stop the stigma, we need to first begin by using the correct terminology! We all have physical and mental health…some of us have disorders, diseases and illness which are physical and/or mental, and some of us are physically and mentally fit and healthy. I love that you are taking a stand to spread awareness but please do so responsibly.

@tpndgo2061 - 22.12.2022 11:16

How about telling people to STOP pretending to be happy ?

If others see you smiling , laughing and saying " its ok " well then , people are going to assume that person is fine.

@dinahassan4320 - 22.12.2022 11:55

We need to stop saying murder is a suicide! I can’t believe he took his own life

@daviddunn773 - 22.12.2022 12:44

Get over it he was just a man his wife will find another white man .....

@daviddunn773 - 22.12.2022 12:46

Get over it he is just a man his wife will find another black man ......

@sunman1509 - 23.12.2022 00:16

Spread Love And compassion not Hate and violence ❤️.

@apolloangel4754 - 23.12.2022 00:29

Shoutout to Carson for highlighting that organization !!!

@SnapchatStore - 23.12.2022 00:30

If Evan Spiegel doesn’t pay me for Ghostface Chillah Inc. I’ll bang myself and become the ghost of @Snapchat

@christinalynn8143 - 23.12.2022 01:02

Stop being MEAN!

An important point made, not to assume, an individual who smiles most of the time is always alright, as some individuals are MEAN, it might have an effect on them, it might not, but it might. One individuals niceness might counter another individuals hate, meanness, bullying, it also might not. The focus, the experience holds, love each other, as The Lord instructed, 'Love one another'. Carry a compass of compassion, understanding, empathy. Be nice, as often as possible.

@RK-un6dr - 23.12.2022 01:19

The real question is, how do you render aid to those who are wearing a mask?

@comealiveco - 23.12.2022 01:39

I appreciate Carson speaking on this candidly. The stats and also promoting Black Men Heal.

@karenjaroch3182 - 23.12.2022 02:07

Like I’m gonna worry about a rich man who was racist he was selfish to do what he did may God have mercy on his soul now move on regular people die everyday an you don’t talk about it screw Hollywood

@jjjoy9651 - 23.12.2022 03:16

Its mematl health, but really what they talk about organisation on depression is BS.
Twitch had videos danced with his loved ones, this seems very sus and the media using this as a propoganda for mental health is quite sad.
Got the views up though

@SpudBro1 - 23.12.2022 04:30

why is it that he says we have to stop assuming but then goes on assuming it had to do with mental health... the truth of it is we don't know the why.

@ricebowl3 - 23.12.2022 05:07

i’m just like twitch right now everyday i hate myself

@bigbox1431 - 23.12.2022 06:24

Social media is driving suicides up.

@elizamenchaca - 23.12.2022 06:35

How is his death not being investigated!? Doesn't make sense! See a bye letter and that's it!? Investigate his and his wife's phones. What was going on? Why was he in a hotel next to his house?

@1citiboy3 - 23.12.2022 17:21

Didn’t they cancel the Ellen show? Maybe the stress of losing a good paying job was to much for him to handle.

@DatingForRealYoutubeChannel - 23.12.2022 22:42

Obviously sad, but why is this channel so good at bringing news without actually bringing the news? What was the cause of death? Was is stress, suicide, overdose etc? Seriously, do it right.

@redchick5278 - 25.12.2022 00:01

To ask someone of they’re ok could make all the difference!

@katyducharme1346 - 26.12.2022 03:41

But sometimes we know they aren't, they tell us, more than once, sometimes several. But because they conduct "normal" and productive/successful lives, we just assume they're fine. There needs to be more recognition of intrusive thoughts. Something that those who struggle and fight with understand.

@jsyoung4112 - 28.12.2022 03:42

We have to stop assuming people are okay? … that’s not really how it goes. We can’t assume every person in our lives who seems okay, is not okay and put it on ourselves to be counsellors every time we come in contact with a loved ons. It’s not other people’s responsibility to assume someone who is completely fooling the world by putting in a happy face needs help. The initial responsibility lies on the person themself to reach out. The problem is when a lot of people do they’re ignored or not taken seriously. From everything that’s been reported on involving Twitch, it seems he has everyone, including his family, fooled, so that was absolutely not his wife’s, his friends, or his families responsibility to ‘assume’ he wasn’t okay when he acted fine and never reached out.

@norma5044 - 05.01.2023 06:56

Stop with the mental health discussion. You are assuming facts not known. He didn't commit suicide. He was murdered.

@iamnothuman27 - 18.02.2023 18:37


@chrissteinke9207 - 10.07.2023 05:18

please take us to the next level of entertainment and never let us forget...
