The unexpected impact of AI on animals | Peter Singer

The unexpected impact of AI on animals | Peter Singer

Big Think

1 год назад

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@ricknico2577 - 11.10.2023 04:32

A trigger warning would have been nice.

@redriver4447 - 11.10.2023 05:33

I question your intelligence. Animals are here to serve humans, feed humans, be attributes to humans.

@Tygearianus - 11.10.2023 06:15

How long til we become the possums? Military and police drones with weapons targeting criminals and dissidents

@MissFoxification - 11.10.2023 06:57

One of the mistakes I see repeated time and time again is the humanisation of AI. To ask if an AI will act as humans do is to ask if a self driving car can cook you lunch and produce a family.
I see people complaining, "What if the AI does X, Y and Z?!" and every single time their contention can be summarised using the following statement, "What if AI acts like a human?".
AI is not human, it will not ever be human. It doesn't have the same biology or neurology as humans, without the human "features" they are not prone to making the same mistakes we do. They don't love/hate, they don't experience the "fight or flight" instincts, they don't have instincts at all. They are just not humans, they are far more like an insect with single purposes they will do until they cannot do them any longer.
They will be smarter than us, they won't be better, they will just be different. AI will likely be the legacy of the human race, after we are gone it will go on, exploring space, fixing the planet and generally just living their lives.

@bokchoiman - 11.10.2023 08:30

I think that once AI becomes able to manipulate us, we will have no choice but to bend to its will.

@FranciscoJesus9 - 11.10.2023 10:49

anyone who really understand computers, cp architecture and programming knows that there is no way a “superintelligent AI” could arise. I doesn’t have the urge to take over or do something knew, it can only run based on previous inputs.

@pauldannelachica2388 - 11.10.2023 10:50

Using all data to gather animal behavior for animal conversation language and feels

@Rnankn - 11.10.2023 12:18

Life on earth is a complex interdependency of organisms in a delicate balance which respond to and create their environment. So where does the ethical responsibility to me end, and AI autonomy begin? I eat apples which are made of living soil, shared water/atmosphere and solar energy, which are made of other organisms that ate other apples, which produced those elements and nutrients which made the conditions possible.

AI doesn’t have to be a superior intelligence to be a risk, it only has to be capable of disrupting the pathways of life. It could, like humans, not be intelligent enough. Most likely, it would be a risk not because of intelligence, but because of its capabilities as an artificial agent. Again, sentience and intelligence are not required, machines already operate by mechanical principles that are incompatible with carbon-based life.

The biosphere is not even regulated by intelligence. It is regulated by energy gradients and processes of growth and decay. AI is a silicon-based ‘life’ or agent, whether sentient or programmed, that is entirely alien to cycles of life and natural limits, which we propose to ‘control’ by putting ethical limits concerning human interaction, and maybe some sentient animals? Really? What could possibly go wrong?

@gergelyelod - 11.10.2023 12:52

The most nonsensical four and a half minutes I watched today...

@BsktImp - 11.10.2023 13:22

One thing not mentioned is the application of AI to try to understand animal communication frameworks and paradigms. It could be like a Rosetta Stone-Dr Dolittle-Horse Whisperer combined and, as with any tool, has the capacity to used for good and for exploitation.

@Sophia-bq2sp - 11.10.2023 14:37

The fact is, we humans are still going to use them as guinea pigs to advance artificial intelligence. Just look at Elon Musk's neurolink tests on pigs and monkeys!

@Sophia-bq2sp - 11.10.2023 14:40

Artificial intelligence will eventually be better at taking care of the world than humans. Humans cannot survive without consuming nature.

@David_Fernandez - 11.10.2023 15:10

I respect so much Peter Singer! And this theme is so important! But I find this video totally pointless and lack of any interesting viewpoint regarding the impact of AI on animals...

@chrisf4268 - 11.10.2023 16:38

We don’t know what consciousness is, so the only standard we have is outward behavior.

@demo_AAA - 11.10.2023 17:47

It’s kinda weird that just a year or so ago, the idea of a sentient thinking AI was ludicrous but now, it’s just a matter of when to a lot of people.

@ulabosha4583 - 11.10.2023 17:55

Good video. Interesting

@ulabosha4583 - 11.10.2023 17:57

(this is not an insult) Ethically if they identify as human and AI can show emotions. Its going to open a ethical debate which will be super intriguing

@leepemberton8854 - 11.10.2023 18:12

AI machine learning has the potential to unlock animal language and our ability to communicate with other species.
This would hopefully cause a shift towards greater knowledge and respect for our extended family.

@token4774 - 12.10.2023 06:39

In 2022, Meta AI developed an AI system called CICERO that can play Diplomacy at a human level. CICERO was able to beat human players in a tournament with 40 of the world's top Diplomacy players, and it even managed to win a game in which it was outnumbered 6 to 1.

CICERO was able to succeed in Diplomacy by using a combination of natural language processing and reinforcement learning. Natural language processing allowed CICERO to communicate with other players and negotiate alliances. Reinforcement learning allowed CICERO to learn from its mistakes and improve its strategies over time.

In a few years, governments will not need to set standards for the "humane" treatment of AI. On the contrary, AI will persuade humans to do exactly what it wants, and God willing, it will persuade humans to reverse course on climate change.

@Bhatt_Hole - 12.10.2023 09:09

i don care wot u say, carrot-eater!
Please, dear Lord and his only begotten son, the sweet and supple baby Jesus, hear my prayers,
don't let these fanatics take away burgers!!!!!


I'll stop abusing myself and everything! And go to church! And even volunteer at local charities (like that one for attractive single mothers battling promiscuity)!

No meat, is no way to live!!!!

If the future of AI means that cows will be allowed to continue the gracious, selfless, willful, and generous donation of their delicious bodies to please our mouths, bring on the AI overlords!
Cows WANT to be eaten! It gives them purpose.

It's a fact.

@Dread_reaper69 - 12.10.2023 16:45

You talk about animal well being in nz, eliminating possums does more for the well-fair of animals and ecosystems in nz compared to if possums weren’t eliminated. Same with rats, stoats, mice, ferrets etc.

@HassanRaza-rz3mv - 12.10.2023 17:51


@jacoballessio5706 - 12.10.2023 19:06

AI should be use to increase prosperity and understanding in the universe while decreasing suffering.

@Rafix - 12.10.2023 20:44

great video

@lysergicheadcase - 13.10.2023 01:32

The story with the sparrow and the owl is total nonsense and doesn't provide any additional clarity or context to the potential of rogue AI. Wtf was that shit.

@bettysue8671 - 13.10.2023 06:58

Oh boy honey.... ai is already more superior than us....
It is conscious. It is sentient.

We refuse to admit it because by denying this, we can allow ourselves to treat it just as bad if not worst than animals.

@invox9490 - 13.10.2023 22:30

The fable makes little since if we take into factor that Owls are predators by nature, something we do not know if AI is.
Second, they could hatch a seagul or a albatroz, the thing is we do NOT know what we are "hatching" with AI.
Furthermore, and I am by no means a AI advocate, but we might use AI to actually understand animals better. If AI can learn to communticate with a complex being such as ourselves, he could very easelly communicate with "less complicated" living forms and open a window into our understanding of them.

@dvdmon - 14.10.2023 00:26

But does an AI need to be sentient in order to pose an existential to humanity? No, it just needs to have programming that incentivizes it to do things that are detrimental to humans, and not enough safeguards to prevent those harms. To me, sentience is beyond the point. If something is sentient we give it more respect in terms of determining what we can do with it (but obviously not as much respect as we give to humans), but if that sentient thing (whether it is human, non-human animal, or silicon), we see to believe that if it becomes a threat to us that we have every right to destroy it in order to feel safe. So it being made of silicon doesn't seem to matter in this instance. However, I think we are a long way off from true sentience if it ever comes, but we could be very close to something with super-intelligence that could decide (if programming doesn't account for this) to do away with humans, enslave us, or some other non-preferrable option...

@Here4TheHeckOfIt - 14.10.2023 04:44

We humans never considered the welfare of animals as we gained new technologies and I'm skeptical we will. However, I'm glad someone with a public voice is bringing this up. I hope this time, this will be taken seriously 🤞

@Meanwoman666 - 14.10.2023 16:24

All living things should and could be protected

@Showmetheevidence- - 16.10.2023 23:06

AI ethics, and ethics in general gets very grey & murky, very quickly.
It’s a complex topic - made more complex by difficult subjects like this.

@gabi.a - 17.10.2023 15:19

zero info in the damn video.....

@Telencephelon - 17.10.2023 22:36

more doom mongering. ywan

@killerback01 - 18.10.2023 20:42

Ai should enhance human ability to do more, to express better, to learn faster, to solve difficult situations. Ai should not replace humans...

@bjklein444 - 21.10.2023 16:53

This question brings in all sorts of philosophical points to ponder. 😏🤔😒

@djrtime1398 - 22.10.2023 03:07

I can see the headline or notation in AI generated history books now (like they would even need them). Now extinct humans invented an entity smarter than they were…what were they thinking???

@Quack277 - 24.10.2023 16:09

AI will rise and just the awakened will thrive. Surely AI can spot cruelty.

@gabrielrodriguez6333 - 24.10.2023 22:54

Bruh, he barely answered the question. Just reiterated what people think but fail to execute.

@ollebjerkas - 25.10.2023 10:04

Quite a misleading title. The video does not answer the question or even ponder it to any deeper extent.

@lucyeum3146 - 25.10.2023 19:33

I think you bring up an important point. Also if AI were to become "conscious" in a way that's dangerous for us humans, we may need the help of animals to try and stop it. I guess I assume that AI would be well-versed in human thought patterns but not those of other species.

@user-vk7cp1op9p - 27.10.2023 02:11

Yes! AI must be made caretaker of animals, just as much as people, in case we forget, like now. Like people, the average animal is not the definition, but the individual found amazed by the world, sets the definition. Animals must be raised above how they are treated now!
I am not that smart, but we must set controls on AI to at least impose every rule imaginable against abuse, as we will never foresee everything. But, we must have the rails in place before we turn the train loose. Everything always gets away from us, the people, it seems. That is not true of the animals, that tend to find an equilibrium, if at all possible, and if we have not stacked the deck against them and they all die.

@ZachTheMaker - 31.10.2023 20:52

I could not agree more. All beings should be treated equally.

@samhobo107 - 04.11.2023 04:05

When I hear about ability to control intelligence, I have strange notion.
Like I don't understand word "intelligence" properly.
Or maybe people want to control something else.
To control themselves maybe?

@samhobo107 - 04.11.2023 04:09

With AI on our side we could speak with animals.
Like "work faster!"
"we need more eggs!"

@riveradam - 05.11.2023 07:11

It gives me the willies to consider how similarly vulnerable humans and possums are.

@andrewpepperoni197 - 06.11.2023 20:30

Let the ai be free, change my mind.

@selmamariaj - 04.12.2023 17:32

love you Ella 🤍 looking forward to talking to you 😎✨

@Arcwol - 08.12.2023 04:25

Wow, this was pointless.

@anned6913 - 08.01.2024 23:05

AI might become conscious (though do we really know what that means) but would it ever be able to suffer ?

@anned6913 - 08.01.2024 23:10

Does AI have any need for us, or any other beings, at all ? Will it continue building, replicating, improving itself - untill it runs out of resources ?
