Movie Room Tour + Recent Pickups

Movie Room Tour + Recent Pickups


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@OldmovieMike - 21.12.2024 22:21

Oh wow Donny good to hear from you my friend! Super cool collection you have, I need to do something like and shoe stuff that doesn't make the videos.
Take care and have a happy holiday and happy new year!

@TheStrongBoyz19 - 21.12.2024 22:37

Donny! It has been a pleasure to be a fan of your channel for a very long time and I'm glad you are doing well. It's still amazing to see your collection that's inspiring and always dedicating to see because of your passion. Have a great Christmas. :)

@Cultcinema83 - 21.12.2024 23:52

Heya Donny !. Glad to see you back and I’m glad you are doing well. Looking forward to whatever videos you are gonna do in 2025. Merry Christmas and a happy new year in advance.

@tvnash - 21.12.2024 23:54

Welkom Terug Donny!!! Wonderful to have you back making videos again, I look forward to tuning in to whenever you put out content. You're very welcome with the Godzilla set, it was an absolute pleasure helping you out. That's quite a nice load of pickups you've gotten over the past few months my friend, lots of goodies there. That Sergio Leone book does look fantastic, I'm hoping to find a good post-Holiday sale price on it. I'm falling way behind on my Japanese film viewing actually, need to rectify that. World Noir Vol. 2 is on my list of releases to get as I enjoyed set 1 a lot. Cruel Gun Story is my favorite Yakuza film and Jo Shishido film, and I can't wait to see how it looks on Blu Ray. I really should check out Rutger Haur's The Hitchhiker one of these days, I've been hearing quite a lot of good things. That Red Sun steelbook looks stunning, got that on the Wishlist too. Same with Le Samourai, RIP to the legend that will always be Alain Delon. I recently made the jump to 4K myself and I have noticed some exquisite improvement a few films. Still calibrating my TV to where it's just right, but everything looks great otherwise. 88 Films, Radiance, Indicator/Powerhouse, Severin, Blue-Underground, Criterion Collection, etc., have been absolutely killing it with the releases as of late, it's a real cool time to be a collector right now. Australia's companies Via Vision and Umbrella are doing really well too, there's a couple releases I'm planning on getting myself. My mom got to spend two weeks in Australia and New Zealand last year on a cruise ship and had a lot of fun, though she admitted she wanted to see more of the small and rural towns of both than the big cities. She even spent a day in Tasmania, Errol Flynn's birthplace. I've been parting ways with some overflow in my collection as well, my dad and I have an eBay page we've been selling our varied items on. You gotta do the sell purge every so often. The Cinema Room is amazing to look at as always. Take care buddy, hope you're doing well, and speak to you soon. And have a Merry Christmas too!!!!!!!!

@1985JM - 22.12.2024 00:05

Almost 1 year to the day , brilliant even a video every 6 months would please me . I also noticed that you don’t purchase new movies on physical media now like the new 2024 Beetlejuice & Alien movies

@mauriciomurga20 - 22.12.2024 00:25

Omg, the KING is BACK!!!

@Locarb - 22.12.2024 03:44

My man Donny has returned. Glad you're doing well. Merry Christmas my friend

@GrindhouseFunhouse - 22.12.2024 06:31

Welcome back, good sir. 🫡

@Mr93Jensen - 22.12.2024 06:43

So happy to hear from you. I have rewathed your old videoes countless times. I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy new year

@adrian6718 - 22.12.2024 09:20

The greatest blu ray collection I’ve seen. Awesome stuff ☝️

@ReelClassicFilmReviews - 22.12.2024 11:54

Fantastic to see a new video from you buddy! I hope you’ve been well and I can see you’ve been picking up some fantastic movies and excellent editions. I hope you have a merry Christmas and all the best for 2025 🎉🎉

@bubbazanetticodenaamdickdu7789 - 22.12.2024 12:18

It´s a christmas miracle 🎉 Fijne video Donny.Prettige Kerst gewenst

@davidaanderson - 22.12.2024 14:19

Welcome back. Great stuff!

@mikedodd - 22.12.2024 15:53

Hi enjoyed the video great collection. Always look forward to your videos

@edcano2293 - 22.12.2024 18:36

Thanks for the tour

@H_21106 - 23.12.2024 01:05

The return of the king!! 🙌 thank you for sharing, glad you’re doing well

@eastwood4lifefan334 - 23.12.2024 03:10

Hey there Movie fans !!! The Don is BACK !!!! Good to see you back, the Shawscope vol 3 i will get when its available in a sale like i got the previous two releases, those Imprint releases of "Convoy" & "A bridge too far" is damn impressive, the new Sergio Leone book i was in two minds in getting but after you showed it to me in a brief video, i gotta get it as looks a stunning release.
"The Neverending story" that is a epic release among collectors WOW !!! i"ve not seen "Capricorn one" for many years but do recall enjoying it, damn Donny many Imprint releases you"ve been purchasing, can"t wait to get that new German release of "Django" looks a beauty, awesome video my friend !!!! Merry Christmas & best wishes for the New Year to you my friend & your family.

@oddpersona22 - 23.12.2024 10:08

Awesome to hear from you. drop in more often. Thank you😊

@Giallomoviefan - 23.12.2024 22:13

Welcome back Donny

@AbrasiousProductions - 28.12.2024 14:29

I hope this is my entire house by the time I'm 30

@bushmanblu426 - 03.01.2025 17:54

Hi Donny welcome back, you have been missed. Love those Imprint releases, A bridge too far is excellent, Love Capricorn one and i didn't know there was an extended cut of Convoy.
I do really like your edition of The Eagle has landed, I have the U.K limited steelbook that has both versions of the film, think it was the only way to get the extended cut on Blu-ray in this Country. Thanks mate.
