It’s no mystery to me why ever hated Russians. You seem like a nice person and we all aren’t responsible for the actions of our government but a Russian traveling Europe atm seems like you’re asking for problems.
ОтветитьWhat did you expect? Did you think you would be greeted with flowers? We don’t trust you😊
ОтветитьЯ бы никогда не поехала бы в Польшу,они нас ненавидят
ОтветитьYou are not the brightest are you? Research Russias awful history and behaviour since 1939 starting with your countries pact wth Germany re Poand.
ОтветитьW temacie tak zwanej "rusofobii", czy rosjanie zapomnieli już że Rosja zajęła Polskę wbrew woli Polaków w czasie rozbiorów i po drugiej wojnie światowej i wcieliła ją do Związku Radzieckiego ?Albo że teraz Rosja nie sprowaokowana zaatakowała Ukrainę ? Powninni o tym pamiętać
ОтветитьRussias only friends are north korea and Iran and both are beeing led by dictators (Rocketman and the Mullahs). They have not 1 neighbour with good relations
ОтветитьWhat an interesting logic. Absolutely nothing unpleasant happened to you. You did everything you wanted and you felt uncomfortable because you met many Ukrainians who are in Poland partly because your country attacked Ukraine and are not safe in their homeland.
As for the lack of respect, in Poland society is very equal. If you do not show respect yourself, you will not receive it from the waiter, receptionist or anyone else. It does not matter how much money you have, it works both ways. You often come across as haughty and behaving this way you will be treated coldly regardless of your nationality. Besides, as you noticed yourself, most people did not know and were not interested in your nationality.
Swetka, we won't miss you. Go there to your nest in Siberia or wherever, where for all Russians the sun of Vladimir Vladimirovich shines. You don't have to like Poland, it's just that your conclusions are infantile, not to say stupid.
ОтветитьI'm quite happy that you didn't enjoy the country, stay at home, вы ж русские, с вами ж бог
ОтветитьIt’s ok, I’m not from Russia but have a Russian bloodline. I’ve had to hide it for many years. I’m proud of who I am and who my people are. I’m tired of my own country USA. They are very single minded and hateful.
ОтветитьPoles are not rusoPhobic... to be phobic You need to be afraid... we feel loathimg/disgust/revulsion... so we are more rusoAversed... that would be precise.
Ответитьman it's really hard to understand why people there don't like the russians....
also russian nationalists are really good at making everyone hate russia, they will say the most evil stuff possible and then act like a victim and cry when everyone grows to hate them
Russian Ukrainian go away 👌😂
ОтветитьTell me, why russians attack one country after another, spread destruction, death, r*pe, take away freedom from people and afterwards they expect to be LOVED so hard?
Hustorically, we don't have a SINGLE reason to like you.
Time after time history proves that Russia never changes.
Always dictatorships and endless wars.
The only russian people I can identify with are the ones that left Russia as soon as it attacked Ukraine. They didn't want to be a part of that shitshow.
You should be grateful that you are even allowed to enter Poland.
Yes. Im polish. Leave our country in peace. Bye :D
ОтветитьThis is the problem of Russia you blame ALL your problems on others but you Russians and your politicans you create problems for yourselves. If Russians don't realize this you will be in deep shit forever. NO ONE likes you because you treat all your neighbours awfully. You are not good people.
ОтветитьYou should have worn the russian national dress and check it out 😂
ОтветитьRussophobia... hehe, you could just try to say something positive, just the truth.. Putin He sends you to the camps..and you are gone..this video is a SCAM
ОтветитьYou get lost in your own thoughts. You say that you felt good in Poland and no one was rude to you, and then you say that you felt uncomfortable and Poles hate Russians. I think you have a problem with yourself.
Ответитьcould you pls not visit us again ? thank you
ОтветитьIt's the most polonophobic video I have seen , apart from those on russian tv. Every one was nice to me but I don't recommend going there. Russophobia every where 😂😂😂😂. OMG , why you hate poles so much ? It looks like you are afraid of them.
ОтветитьHow on earth did you manage to come to Poland in the first place? 🤓
ОтветитьIf Polish are Russophobic to random Russians that come in visit with a clear purpose of exploratiom and admiration, of Polish culture, then those Polish are not as intelligent as they think they are.
ОтветитьLook at the mirror. Maybe is not about Russia at all
ОтветитьBij Bolszewika!
ОтветитьPoles are as russofobic as jews are nazifobic😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьNie mogę się oprzeć wrażeniu, że Rosjanka patrzy na piękną Warszawę jak kot na śmietanę. Stąd nasza rusofobia.
ОтветитьSo, to put it simply, from her words, it seems that Ukrainians who fled the war are very kind to Russians, while Poles, who are not at war with Russia, treat Russians in a very hostile manner for some unjustified reason. Maybe it would take Russia attacking Poland, just like in Ukraine’s case, to teach the Poles some proper manners, wouldn’t it?
ОтветитьWe're terribly sorry for your inconvenience, but I think your problems are called "sanctions". Maybe it slipped your mind, but Uncle Putin is still shooting Ukrainians.
ОтветитьI think Polish are growing tired of Ukrainians too…. With that being said this babushka is gorgeous 😅
ОтветитьWow, oh boy, one CAN BE dumb and totally uneducated in history. Ruska Karen
ОтветитьIf you came here to Serbia you would not have such problems
ОтветитьŚwietlaną skolka
ОтветитьSvetlana, I think that you are suffering a complete disconnect from reality! I can't understand why you expect any European country to allow Russians to pass their border
ОтветитьBarszcz ukrainski never had different name than that and it's a different kind of soup than Barszcz.
We don't rename anything this is just simply not true.
It’s not phobia, it’s realism. Your country literally invaded our neighbour.
ОтветитьIt’s not hate nor is it Russia phobia as you so put it. It’s the opposite. I would argue threatening to bomb, invade , and nuke Poland DAILY is hate.
THAT is hateful. Not to mention USSR invading and butchering millions of Poles. I wouldn’t like you guys either. Russia is a horrible neighbor to have.. just ask Ukraine.
You are simply not welcome in Poland….
ОтветитьPhobia is when You fear something - guess what, we are not.
ОтветитьKto tę wywłokę wpuścił do naszego kraju.? Poszła wont do swojego ruskiego raju. Niech tam siedzi i gnije.
ОтветитьI can’t find you on telegram, you asked me on one of your videos (in the comments) I was visiting nearby after you moved to California but can’t find you
ОтветитьBardzo chętnie widzimy Rosjan. Bez oficerów wywiadu i zielonych ludzików. Jak mówię Rosjanie do domu myślę o Donbasie ,Krymie ,ługańszczyźnie, Karelii, Kraju Ussuryyjskim, Wyspach Kurylskich, Naddniestrzu , Czeczeni. Więcej grzechów nie pamietam😂
ОтветитьWhat a stupid c...t . Mind consumed by Putin's propaganda. or employee Olgino. I can't believe how someone can be so stupid or so blind.
ОтветитьPoland is okay with Germany that committed a geno with the entire Europe, but aren’t okay with Russia that contributed the most to defeat Germany. Poles are really on the dark side of history. Russia better.
ОтветитьI don't care about Russians. But truly if I will ask Russian about the was and they will talk propaganda about Putin, I will tell them " go home " and somehow I got the feeling from this girl. Foreigners do not recognise if someone speaks RU or UA. And as a Czech, I can guarantee you, that there won't be Russian language in Ukraine. As there is no German in Czech. And no Russian in Czech.
ОтветитьProblem with young Russians is, that they brainwashed. They learn only about great stuff Russia did. But nothing about horrible acts in the past.
ОтветитьI think Svetlana has a attitude of quite complaining lady. Had such an amazing time in Warsaw, everything was so beautiful and tasty (exept christmas tree) yet didn't like the city, because it is film about russophobic country. How to like it then? Film of typical blond woman making documentary, that what I heard. The way she talks, unnatural way she moves says it is not an inteligent woman. But does she have to be? Does she have to reflect why Polish doesn't like her? it would difficult to even expect it from her. let her just stupidly complain.
ОтветитьSpeak to ur president Mr snake Pytin.