Chanting by: Kum. Aditi
Recorded by: Sri. Kuldeep Pai
Presented by: Voice of Rishis
Srimad Bhagavad Gita | Elixir of Eternal Wisdom
Commentary by Sri Nochur Acharya
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00:00 Gita-Dhyāna-slokas
04:55 Chapter 1: Arjuna-vishāda-yoga | The grief that led to Illumination
20:40 Chapter 2: Sāṅkhya-yoga | The Yoga of Perfect Knowledge
44:58 Chapter 3: Karma-yoga | The Yoga of Action
1:00:27 Chapter 4: Jñāna-karma-sannyāsa-yoga | Renunciation of Action through Knowledge
1:16:06 Chapter 5: Sannyāsa-yoga | The Yoga of True Renunciation
1:26:34 Chapter 6: Ātma-samyama-yoga | The Yoga of Abidance in the Self
1:43:14 Chapter 7: Jñāna-vijñāna-yoga | The Yoga of Knowledge and Realisation
1:53:56 Chapter 8: Akshara-brahma-yoga | The Yoga of the Imperishable Brahman
2:04:17 Chapter 9: Rājavidyā-rājaguhya-yoga | The Yoga of the Royal Knowledge and the Royal Secret
2:15:51 Chapter 10: Vibhūti-yoga | The Yoga of Divine Manifestations
2:30:22 Chapter 11: Viśvarūpa-darśana-yoga | The Vision of the Cosmic Form
2:52:10 Chapter 12: Bhakti-yoga | The Yoga of Devotion
2:59:48 Chapter 13: Kshetra-kshetrajña-vibhāga-yoga | The Yoga of Distinction between the Field and the Knower of the Field
3:11:14 Chapter 14: Guṇatraya-vibhāga-yoga | The Three Guṇas of Nature
3:21:02 Chapter 15: Purushottama-yoga | The Yoga of the Supreme Self
3:28:50 Chapter 16: Daivāsura-sampad-vibhāga-yoga | The Bright and Dark Powers of Nature
3:38:00 Chapter 17: Śraddhātraya-vibhāga-yoga | The Yoga of the Threefold Śraddhā
3:48:00 Chapter 18: Moksha-sannyāsa-yoga | Liberation through Renunciation
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