I was honestly expecting to hear about 11b or 11a, what are your thoughts on those jobs btw?
ОтветитьIf you like and love your mental health stay away of 11c and 11b its not call of duty I see a bunch of kids getting here thinking they going to do call of duty shit its not like that welcome to reality check and a see a few getting out because menthol health make a good decision before joining
ОтветитьWhat is your schedule for your videos
ОтветитьThis man, it’s just what every person needs to hear when considering the military! My respect to you!!
ОтветитьHey Aaron so idk if you saw my comment from your previous vid but I wanted to let you know that I recently got my Air Force AFSC and I’m also shipping out for BMT 10/29. Keep up with the videos
ОтветитьDo you have any info on 91E?
ОтветитьLooking at enlisting for 89B or 15T
ОтветитьYall what happens if i have a bad left eye and the waiver got approved, do i still gotta get glasses? Ive never had glasses btw (btw that meps eyesight machine was dumb, im tall n had to lean down, she kept tellin me to stay still and keep my chin on it but man my neck was hurtin)
ОтветитьHow dare you say cook!! I’m a former 92G and first I got offended, but looking at the video we are the backbone of the Unit/ Battalion
ОтветитьWith the cooks schedule, it divided into 2 schedule: day shift and night shift.
Ответить19K get trained at Fort Benning. Idc what its called rn.😂
ОтветитьHave you heard anything about 94y?
ОтветитьAaron Rodgers, NFL GOAT.
ОтветитьI’m leaving today for the actual EOD 89D explosive specialists
ОтветитьArmor OSUT got extended to 22 weeks just wanted to let anyone thinking of joining as a tanker know. Love the video glad to see some love for tankers out there lol. Edited cause of typos.
ОтветитьI think being in the tank is one of the most riskiest jobs in the army. Have you guys seen those ukrian guys with drones? Drone operator be chillin in the distance and bombing those tanks😵
ОтветитьFinishing up meps next week just my physical then my jobs process only took like a month with my af recruiter🫡
Ответитьas a 19K table crew member rn everything you said it’s true it’s a very dope MOS and it’s cool asf but the reality is you spend 90% of your time doing maintenance and it’s a really stressful and demanding job, my advice for anyone joining the military do your research and pick a job that you see yourself doing
ОтветитьSwear in tomorrow and ship out In october
ОтветитьLove your vids bro!
Ответить92fox checking in at ait right now
ОтветитьShipping on the 20th as 12c to ft leonard wood, wish me luck boas!
ОтветитьI would add 13B Field Artillery to your list it is a combination of the same reasons for Armour and Air Defence Artillery against a near peer enemy
ОтветитьI first enlisted into the Army as an 11 Bravo with an Airborne Contract and became a Paratrooper jumping out of airplanes, later as a 19 KIlo in the Guard. Being a Paratrooper was dangerous because I did get injured a few times, now being a Tanker is just as dangerous because of heavy items, mechanical devices, and the tank is dangerous because you can be injured or killed just working around the tank. Honestly I respect the cooks because they do work long hours and feed us. Our cooks in my Airborne Battalion had protection like the Medics because they feed us along with supply. Keep everyone safe and accounted for and get back to the barracks with everyone unless they are getting laid by a lady of their interest, then they are on their own. As a code we don't "Cock Block", wrong answer. Be a man and accept your responsibilities.
Ответитьyou should do the best / safest mos in the army
ОтветитьAbrams crewman (what I am) OSUT is 22 weeks at fort Moore/benning
Ответить31B 👀😂
ОтветитьI picked 19K and I leave on September 16 any advice
ОтветитьI’m going to the marines right after graduation next year and I wanna do infantry
ОтветитьSwore into the Navy August 30th I ship out October29th as a Hospital Corpsman ⚓️
ОтветитьIs 17E a bad job I just chose it I hope I didn’t shii myself
Ответить12N basic at oct. 7th
ОтветитьMe being a 11b in fort drum 😂🎉
ОтветитьFree dental is the best benefit in the military. In the civilian world even with insurance dental care is expensive
ОтветитьAgree with you about 19 k
ОтветитьDo you think the 2 year contract is worth it if you already have a police career planned after?
Ответить91M only needs 34 points to be promotable to e5 btw
ОтветитьJust graduated bct🎉
Ответитьdoing 88M soon going in for boot camp😬
ОтветитьI want to do 88m I already have my CDL in the states so what would that mean in terms of schooling
ОтветитьI need a "BUT..." counter lol. awesome video! I know I'm going to join, I just don't know which branch yet. But I'm only 14 so I've got a little bit to think about it. For me, its either Army or Marines, and I really want a field job (infantry because ever since I was like 3 or 4 I've had a fascination with combat and weapons) and I need something that will keep me in shape and motivated
ОтветитьYou mean I can't get a helicopter-door, machine-gunner job on Main Street?
ОтветитьMilitary Police does not help becoming a cop on the outside. They're plenty of other jobs that will. EMT, hazmat skills, communications, accounting for organized crime, counseling/ interviewing, 2nd languages, mechanical skills for boats, helicopters, and disabled vehicles. Chemistry for crime scenes, emergency preparedness, anything but MP. Checking ID cards at gate houses is what guards do at our swimming pool. Promotional exams to sergeant, lieutenant, and captain are comprised of 30% English questions which are very difficult. Strong skills here gets guys promoted. Electronic skills are valuable for alarms, wiretaps, and everyday equipment. We bypassed 24/7 security and alarm systems to install a wiretap in the mayor's office. He was absolutely floored watching us remove it months later. He was recorded calling me the "little-Irish prick". He's still in jail.
ОтветитьRetired 19Kilo here. Most fun by far job I have ever had and it is challenging physically but this self selection bs is just that. BS. If that is going on, then the people are weak. You get paid to blow stuff up. Shoot more bullets, by far, then anyone other then Special forces and you get to run things over. 30 tanks sent to Ukraine, 4 mobility kills and that's because they refuse to listen to their advisors and use them in a combined arms environment. All the tanks in GWOT that were destroyed by IED's because they were never designed for the role they were used for. On a one on one battle with a near peer adversary, the safest place to be is inside an M1 with a command staff that knows how to use them. Been there, done that. 72 hours, war was over. Guess you kids need to go back to the drawing board and learn how to soldier properly. 1st thing 1st, get women out of that MOS. That job is hard enough for a lot of guys, let alone some fat girl.
ОтветитьI've been conscripted and served in a foreign military, as have many of my friends, relatives, and family members over the years, and based on that experience, I believe that in any Army, all combat-related MOS's are dangerous and involve stress-related elements during war, as well as extensive training, maintenance, and hours upon hours of post-duty in peacetime.
In summary, being a combat soldier is essentially about managing a tough and taxing routine every single day, rather than about glory and action. Anyone who wants to join should give that some serious thought.
11-B When the shit hits the fan
ОтветитьMy father was a cook for the army he wanted me to be a cook but i fr suck at it.
ОтветитьBruh i just signed on to be a cook and it's THE HARDEST?? im so cooked...
ОтветитьI’m waiting to join as a 88m I already have my cdl just waiting on waivers to enlist
ОтветитьWhat do you think is the toughest job ? ‼️ LIKE THE VIDEO ‼️