GA Mobile Notary: Tips on How to Advertise Your Mobile Notary Business + Start Making Money Today

GA Mobile Notary: Tips on How to Advertise Your Mobile Notary Business + Start Making Money Today

Big Check Energy

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@JayGuytonMarketing - 27.04.2023 08:50

Love how the Google Business Page brings in free calls. Thank you for your amazing advice! Word of mouth does spread.

@reneejones4183 - 29.01.2023 19:00

That was GREAT information. I wish I had came across your video before I signed up.

@mswifi1 - 27.11.2022 23:09

I have been at a stall for 4 weeks....when I use a virtual address should i use one near me or should I use one in a popular rich neighborhood? I live out in the country. I think no one will contact me if they do "notary near me".

@Angela-pi6zc - 31.07.2022 15:36

Thanks for the simple, FREE tips!

@SO-zs1ym - 23.05.2022 00:21

Oh my gosh! Thank you! I had no idea about Google business ads.

@karenwhittington7700 - 28.02.2022 19:04

I have another question I'm filling out the notary application for Georgia and they ask for endorsers HELP😟😟😟

@karenwhittington7700 - 28.02.2022 18:57

What do you mean wait for your commission are you speaking about wait until you receive the okay that you are a notary

@joekelly4 - 27.10.2021 06:26

That text to client is key. I have over 40 reviews on google business.

@tisharose7630 - 11.10.2021 22:30

Excellent! Thank you!

@nikeyawhitaker7788 - 08.10.2021 23:02

Are you a loan signing agent or just a notary

@nishamelton6918 - 03.10.2021 04:01

Hi there. New notary here in Ga. To get reviews, do you have to have a website for your business?

@compassproperties7927 - 30.09.2021 16:41

Thank you for this information! When you say Google business page, is that like a landing page sponsored by Google? Or is it like "Google my business" or something else? lol I want to set it up but I can't find it.

@No1YanniLover - 10.09.2021 23:23

I appreciate you sharing your experience here. I did however get a Google ad just last month, paid $162 for 30 days...and got 1 loan signing and several general notary jobs so far. Within the first week the ad paid for itself and I still have about 2 more weeks to go with that ad....made $528 so far! So I actually don't mind paying for the ad...but will definitely start asking for reviews!! Thanks..Love your desk by the way😃

@glendadunn8644 - 08.09.2021 05:00

Thanks for the tips. I just came across your page. Following!

@jazzithingz3124 - 06.09.2021 17:23

I thought you needed a lawyer for signings in GA?? Is this true? or was someone trying to stop my hustle...

@KishaMiles1 - 14.08.2021 03:25

"You were waiting on it to be a sunny day..." "It's a Tuesday... did you know I'm a notary. " you had me rolling

@darkchocolategirl51 - 11.08.2021 17:56

thank you for the great content. I am getting my Notary business up and running and was looking for a way to market. Thanks again the best to you and much success. We are all in it together.

@DeeMilner84 - 06.08.2021 07:36

I love your setup! It’s cute.

@No1YanniLover - 27.07.2021 08:09

Thank you...that was very helpful. I was considering Google ads and other ways to market my biz. I also do loan signings but general notary work brings in immediate 💸 it's good too...thanks for the tips!!!

@sharelleislivingit - 23.07.2021 17:15

You dropped a lot of gems!! I enjoyed your video. Thanks for the insight.

@mszoe6150 - 15.07.2021 05:56

Thank you 😊

@leslielewis40 - 19.06.2021 19:25

Very informative! Thanks!

@EricEvolving - 30.05.2021 19:26

"Happy Tuesday. Did you know I'm a notary?" 😂

@levesterhughes9428 - 28.04.2021 21:15

What do you think about Facebook business page

@tsmith7242 - 26.04.2021 23:57

Ha- She always has such a funny take on things: "cousins, aunties, and them..."

@Brandi_8 - 26.04.2021 13:07

I really appreciate your content. I dropped off business cards last week. I found myself questioning how much is too much or little when handing them to the receptionist/owner at the time. Do you have a method for the amount(s) you leave? Also which company have you found the best deals with for ordering business cards - I apologized advance for all of the questions. I just want to get it right.

@the5dollarstylemavenboutiq832 - 26.04.2021 00:38

Thank you for this!

@ingerwilliams6917 - 25.04.2021 09:39

i am soooo new to this. please forgive me if i sound ignorant. when you are saying “commissioned” you referring to the being accepted and sworn in correct?

@Interscope100 - 25.04.2021 05:04

What kind of papers do you notarize 🤔

@dhuratadobbins3001 - 25.04.2021 01:45

Thanks so much for this!!!!
