The Problem With College

The Problem With College


4 месяца назад

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@Cloneology - 13.11.2024 22:38

I respect the experimental arc

@levefaritov5465 - 13.11.2024 23:57

Just go to the army and get a career, where i live if you go to the army you can still go to college and get a degree and get money for being in the military

@Karonclip - 14.11.2024 01:52

On my way to college

@Masaru8889 - 14.11.2024 12:04

man I love videos talking trash about college. General ed classes made me rethink why I was in college.

@smokinj0e - 14.11.2024 15:36

I live in a 3rd world shithole where not going to uni courts unemployment. For context, even entry-level jobs such as retail and data entry demand a college degree where I live. So as much as I'd like not to go to college due to Western reasons, I can't; lest I become a charity case.

Yes, college does suck and takes a toll on your mental health, but the stress you experience studying pales in comparison to one you would experience entering the job market without a degree and getting shot down by people I'm applying to.

@christopherwashington2417 - 14.11.2024 21:51

Japanese manga artists in japan dont go to college,they dropout of high school and thats why i love japan.

@Maki_K.Cadette - 15.11.2024 08:49

I want to be a pediatrision or a mortision

@Chan-zn7wb - 15.11.2024 12:22

I love how you're a Brit, but used 'College', instead of 'University', just to not confuse Americans.

@yoboybigj875 - 15.11.2024 18:45

Only reason why rich kid go to college is probably to smash and go to party.this one stduent i used to room only went to just party and drink.Then he dropout..

@PaladinLeeroy42069 - 15.11.2024 19:22

We think algebra and the mitochondria aren’t as important as taxes and getting girls because we fail to realize that the first two actually hold the solution to the last two

@dylanplumley280 - 15.11.2024 23:43

The problem with college is all of the politics and progressive bullshit. If they spent more time actually teaching students how to be better people regardless of politics it would be a huge boon for all of society. They need to chill the hell out with the lolitics, and get serious about what they are teaching, then raise the standards for excellence. Because young people nowadays need to be pressure tested and exposed to challenge/

@maungheinh - 16.11.2024 16:25

there's something called scholarships

@chadfad9819 - 18.11.2024 01:31

electrical engineer at 22 making 6 figs.. go to college if you actually have drive guys. dont just do yt

@thespcrewroy8716 - 19.11.2024 20:33

Bro, rich kids go to college for frat parties and free food and events and the college experience

@thespcrewroy8716 - 19.11.2024 20:33

If I was rich I would love to go to college cause I can be an adult without having responsibility of a job and stuff

@TheGlitterMan - 19.11.2024 21:18

Techical school don't cost that much.

@MatthewCramer-y9q - 20.11.2024 02:52

Just join the military

@minhtrietquach1519 - 20.11.2024 19:39

Kinda agree and not.

I'm in Applied statistics and math. I think my major can't be self-taught (unless you're a god lmao). Now minor in Data science, next year will apply for internship.

People go to college for higher ed. Things like STEM major is totally valid to go to college. If you're not interested in stem, it's hard to justify the reason of going to college.

But if you have a dream, a drive, a reason why you should go, then by all mean it's very great.

I'm poor af, my parents are poor, i'm stupid (yes, stem major can have stupid people, they are not gods).

I'm bad at math (lmfao) but it's true. If i manage to get so far in stem, you all can do it too. Even a dumb*ss like me can do it, everyone can.

@sebastiansantolalla9184 - 20.11.2024 19:44

isnt uni free in the uk?

@Blue-m5s - 21.11.2024 03:26

I completely understand why you think art and music colleges are useless, but in terms of pursuing what you want to master then it isn't useless. However, having an art related job is one of the most luck-based jobs ever, and NEVER guarantees you'll make money.

Pursue what you want to pursue, but have plan, because you're not going to get your dream job the moment you graduate, you need to have a stable temporary job to build that income and get the job you want.

@deadinside399 - 21.11.2024 21:48

I spent 100k a year on NYU. This is so true 🥲

@xxcoolblue8100 - 21.11.2024 22:01

does financial aid not exist in ur area?

@nendoextendo - 23.11.2024 00:46

Editing fye😂

@ashfiresunpowernado9419 - 23.11.2024 02:49

Wait a sec, this Koff college video word to word bar to bar

@me_caden - 23.11.2024 04:20

That’s why community college is the goat

@kalex7370 - 23.11.2024 07:05

"advanced garbage" then shows basic algebra lmao. we use that a lot in real life

@nelloed - 23.11.2024 11:02

bro i saw a job opening for a barista at a cafe near me and the MINIMUM requirement was a degree in some kind of science ☠️☠️☠️

@nightslasher4856 - 24.11.2024 07:18

A PSA for Psychology majors, or people wanting to major in Psychology. Don't expect a bachelors to be enough if you want to be a counselor, therapist, or psychologist. A bachelors in psychology means absolutely nothing, (If you want to be a therapist, counselor, or psychologist of any kind) you can still get a job, but probably not in what you want to be. You'd probably be a mental health tech. If you want to be a therapist, you need a masters, if you want to be a psychologist you need a PhD. If you want to be a counselor you still need more than just a bachelors. The amount of people that don't know this and are majoring in Psychology is mind boggling. People are really expecting to get a bachelors and become a therapist or a Psychologist. You also don't need to necessarily major in Psychology to even get a masters in Psychology, however, it makes the transition definitely easier and you'll likely need a degree in a related field such as sociology, medicine, social work, etc.

@jasonj3818 - 24.11.2024 22:48

move back to africa

@malikj5336 - 27.11.2024 23:37

It's to the point where McDonald's deadass looks at applicants and tell them they don't have enough experience for a job flipping patties or mopping floors.

@Luigi-iat82 - 28.11.2024 03:07

Community colleges are WAY better than regular colleges/universities. My college is extremely affordable and only costs around $1,000 to attend three to four classes without the help of any financial aid. It’s a great way to avoid borrowing student loans from the government and having to end up paying $100K in student debt

@sorrychangedmyusername3594 - 28.11.2024 04:58

The elites want you to be poor, they will legally grape you using sex magic.

@randomdoomer8549 - 03.12.2024 12:43

Thank you.... General ED was the reason why i hated college i was like bruh i want to learn history not filming and physics

@navox4658 - 03.12.2024 13:41

So what are you gonna do if everybody has a degree? Pursue a HIGHER Degree means paying them a lot of money again to have that. Oh, people of higher degrees already common? PURSUE an even higher degree and spend a lot of it again. And then you can guarantee to have a job for rookie level

@CooljestPg - 05.12.2024 02:44

No Offense, I swear I've heard the beginning similar to another voice.

@glassowlie - 07.12.2024 01:52

Uni's in the UK used to be free.

@thekid6524 - 08.12.2024 12:31

This is not directed to you; problem is..most people don’t go for valuable degrees , yeah you may not like or are capable of completing the high paying degrees.. but it’s not a scam. If you think school is hard and can’t get good grades to get into those programs and careers, what makes you think being an entrepreneur will be any easier? People are just dumb and lazy 🤷‍♂️. I understand the debt part and it’s hard for some people out there, but there are interest free loans for a reason, if you don’t believe in yourself taking that loan, knowing you will excel, then don’t go to college, you’re simply not competent and do not have the grit in it. Get a degree in finance/accounting/law school, etc, and work your ass off; you’ll be making a 100k or more your first year post grad. I know friends making 200-300k even in their first couple of years in the banking and oil and gas industry, and close to half a million to millions after 5-10 years. Those people who “can’t” get a job with their valuable degrees? I bet most of them don’t have the best grades and don’t have social skills. It’s not all about grades, but you gotta work on other skills such as communication, social skills, etc. and then there’s “you get over worked”, you’re damn right you gotta work hard your beginning years, it’s the same as entrepreneurship?.. then there’s “working under a boss and no freedom, etc” that’s at the beginning, when you work hard in your field, many doors open up such as leading a department, director, partner, etc, where you actually make the business moves in that corporation. . also, you get the big cash flow coming in with that job that gives you the possible opportunity to start your own business down the road. It’s all excuses and lazy people trying to find a “easy, get rich fast “ scheme. 🥱 then I hear the “you can get those jobs without the degree, just teach yourself” sad reality is, that degree is needed in most of the good companies out there, it’s a certificate and shows the employer you are disciplined and can get things done (the degree). It’s rare to get a job at an elite firm by just teaching yourself those skills, sorry but that’s reality.
Lastly, college (if you take it seriously and in a valuable program) teaches you how to learn concepts and skills, and most importantly imo, discipline. I’m not saying you can’t learn this not going to college, but let’s be real.. the average 18-19 year old is going to have a hard time with this on their own. Some are just cut from a different cloth, and props to them. But college is not a scams I’m not saying everyone should or needs to go to college, it’s not built for everyone. But I’m just addressing all the Bs excuses I hear these days.

@MadChristoph - 08.12.2024 23:39

DEI is ruining college for me

@Sk8rboy420 - 12.12.2024 04:12

lol. I came here to relish in why college is pointless and you don’t need it to be an intelligent functional productive contributing member of society … but I take that back.

Bro, you may be one of those know-nothing aimless individuals that has no better choice than to go to college to find purpose and meaning in life… or atleast take some time to read and educate yourself. Your points in this video are terrible.

@tugalord - 16.12.2024 22:03

I can tell you why government schools teach advanced garbage as their curriculum,

The short answer is that the K-12 model was created by the prussians in the 18th and 19th centuries.

School was compulsory from 5 to 13 years old for both boys and girls and it was the same old "Turn to page 69, stand up straight, stop talking, etc..." of today.

At this time, this system made sense since discipline and the ability to follow orders was necessary for the most jobs in prussian, and overall Western society in the 19th century:

boys became factory workers and soldiers, women became housewives, nurses, etc...

This model became standard for most countries, and although some models have their differences, they are generally the same.

However, by this day and age, this model is completely outdated, as many developed countries moved away from conscription, favouring a professional military (with some of the few exceptions being Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic Countries) and most industries moved to other countries, leaving place for more "tertiary sector" jobs (anything from an accountant to a Mc Donald's cashier).

Ik this dosent exactly apply to college, but many kids were tricked into thinking a degree means they will land them a job automatically (especially since some degrees are slop while others are good)

@isaacsole7864 - 18.12.2024 09:29

(Me who graduated a year ago doing graphic design) but I can agree every single thing in this video ESPECIALLY THE DORMS!!

@bengraham5699 - 12.01.2025 08:00

spitting facts 👍

@4premierleaguesinarow - 06.02.2025 00:38

Can you go to college if you wanna be a football player?(im a year 5)

@redroomstudi0 - 11.02.2025 09:39

And this is why a High School Diploma is good enough for me.

@JUNSKULLY. - 12.11.2024 23:02

This is just my opinion. Don't just drop out because of this video I ain't responsible for any major decisions you make.

Also shout out to @koff for the video inspiration
