Sir, i have been clobbering bracken since the late 1960`s, and over that time have come to what i believe is the best solution to mechanically reducing bracken coverage from 100% down to 5 or so % or at least to levels that don`t bother you. Every piece of land is different but this is what i do as a general rule of thumb. In the Spring, burn the area to be cleared, this allows all the bracken shoots that have been trying to grow up through the dead mat to succeed, it also allows you to see any obstacles that might damage your equipment and to mark them. Then have patience and wait until the bracken fronds are just about fully open before cutting by blade or chain. In the Spring of the following year drag a heavy harrow over the ground when any bracken showing is about 9"to a foot high and at what i call the rubbery stage, sit back then and see how much more open grazing you have. Further treatment will depend on how fertile the ground is, and how strong a hold or stand the bracken had. I have to say that it was a job that gave much satisfaction in that you could see the improvements as a result of your labours.
ОтветитьLooks to be doing a great job, but why aren’t there PTO covers on the shafts ? As an industry we have the worst H & S record in the UK, surely a man who is running his own machine should know better ? I am farm manager, I would not let a machine go out without a PTO cover on it, sod the cost, the heart ache this would cause if there was an accident to a loved one far out weighs the cost !
ОтветитьIt’s not that steep really. Could be done with a wheeled tractor no problem. Don’t get me wrong that would be a good outfit in soft ground but this video is just a bit of everyday topping
ОтветитьHave a nice day ❤️