NOTE: This series is based off of the old lore to Dodozoi's Rainbow Factory AU. As such, this series and the story it follows should only be seen as it currently stands: the work of a fan that looked at the Bad Ending, and decided to RUN with it!
Ending 3 of the Bad Ending Series takes place following the events of Ending 2: Raggs' Ending. Tragedy strikes the Rainbow Factory once again when Walden is mysteriously found dead. Now a single parent, Raggs struggles to cope with his loss as the others in the factory work together to find those who are responsible.
The Rainbow Factory AU was created by @dodozoi17 (TikTok). Any story elements and lore contained within these audios are NOT to be considered canon unless they have otherwise been confirmed by Dodozoi and YourInternetMom as the Rainbow AU's creator and owner, respectively.
Thumbnail art by: ZaneyBeloved on TikTok