Kathy Bates on Losing 100 Lbs., ‘Matlock’ and Retirement Rumors | PEOPLE

Kathy Bates on Losing 100 Lbs., ‘Matlock’ and Retirement Rumors | PEOPLE


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@LillianBrindley - 20.01.2025 13:03

I think.kathy.bates.great actress loved.her.in.series.harries.law.and now new series
Matlock.she looks better than she ever did bless her❤

@tbessy1963 - 20.01.2025 14:34

U look great Kathy! We love ya!

@jonalonzo3632 - 20.01.2025 18:10

Ms Bates is a great actress

@susyclearwater1920 - 24.01.2025 06:53

Ms. Bates is the best thing to happen to TV.

@kcfriend5021 - 26.01.2025 08:24

Such a beautiful lady any size

@60gregma - 30.01.2025 04:56

I really liked the series Harry's Law. I hope this one gets a better shot.

@megnelli - 30.01.2025 10:02

She brought great heart and depth to her roles and our lives through her work . Thank you ❤

@adrianteav - 01.02.2025 09:59


@Free-bt6gn - 02.02.2025 02:14

Kathy is a treasure!! Fellow Memphian here. We love you and are with you 💯!!! Watching every episode!!

@SilentMarxist - 02.02.2025 11:11

This lady is a legend she up there with Bette Davis and Katherine Hepburn shes a national treasure folks the best of the best and i love her acting . Believe me, YOU was never invisible darling ❤️ Jehovahs blessings on her

@functionoflightone - 03.02.2025 07:17

I am so sorry for the continuing success of this talented, amazing lady. Good for you , Kathy!

@DB-rr1eo - 05.02.2025 23:51

Great interview or talk.

@lisaangstadt-wysocki3809 - 06.02.2025 05:59

Dear Kathy Bates, I've loved you for 40 years already!!!!!!!!!! It was always you and your fantastic acting!!!!!! You are Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Love YOU!!!! Please don't ever say you aren't useful! If you are every lonely or feel depressed, come and visit me near the Beaches of Delaware....... I'll cheer you up. I'm turning 65 and feeling saddened and wondering what life has in store for me. Where am I headed, and you know, all of those hard questions you seem to ask yourself as you age. It's definitely scary, but know you have people who love you even when you are feeling uncertain.

@traceyMustafa - 08.02.2025 07:14

Such a talented lovely lady..ty for sharing this.❤

@rinalankinen - 08.02.2025 10:08

Kathy is beatiful, inside and out! Wonderful actress! ❤

@maribelconstantino2367 - 08.02.2025 20:15

Kathy Bates has been a true actress to me. In all the roles she has played, she transports me to all those stories and they capture me. So much so that I feel part of her performance. She is WONDERFUL!

@margaretsmyth1564 - 09.02.2025 21:59

You deserve it wonderful actress and good person

@ferrisburgh802 - 10.02.2025 04:44

This was a wonderful interview...

@bryanmathison1754 - 13.02.2025 00:16

As a fan, I’m so happy to see her working on something that I can watch each week. A great show.

@annerichmond4263 - 15.02.2025 21:27

Well done you! 😊
You mastered yourself with your strength and determination! I'm positive that your honest and moving talk about loosing weight and life in general, feeling vulnerable . . will help many other people who are listening to this video. It's hard to imagine that you are 76! The series is fabulous because of you. Greeting from The Netherlands. X

@hermanhayes750 - 15.02.2025 23:52

How can she not afford her house with a 20+ million dollar fortune?

@seiblair43 - 16.02.2025 02:29

Good for you Kathy! You look wonderful. I am so proud of you and I love this show. Can't wait for the 2nd season to come. You are amazing!

@patsfaith - 16.02.2025 12:33

I am a huge Matlock fan - the Andy Griffith version. I absolutely detest remakes of shows and movies and refuse to watch them. After watching this, I am reconsidering that decision, only because I want to see Kathy be successful in this role.

@lruss5050 - 16.02.2025 14:03

Matlock is a great show! Kathy Bates makes it!❤❤❤

@Steven-f7v - 18.02.2025 02:52

Well done Kathy. I love the show and you’re awesome in it.

@Kristina_152 - 18.02.2025 21:29

Kathy looks healthy and beautiful! Love her new show!

@PatLove3360 - 20.02.2025 20:19

Not to be mean, but Ozempic is for diabetics, even though it's used for weight loss. No real medical professional will give this to a patient for being 15 or 20 pounds overweight. 100 pounds, yes. So, I'm not buying her story.

@askhollyhall - 21.02.2025 06:59

76! Thats amazing!!! She looks better on the show, she seems thinner here in the interview.

@AliFryer-dp8ph - 23.02.2025 04:42

From the first episode I was hooked and that’s down to Kathy performance 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@marieduff6989 - 23.02.2025 22:52

You are looking amazing and regain the power that you gave to food

@beecordle154 - 24.02.2025 00:20

I started watching Matlock because of my love for you but as it turns out it is a great show!

@fiordalizap9520 - 24.02.2025 08:29

Kathy Bates, I love love love you! You are an AMAZING!!!! actress 🤩🤩

@kathychaves1814 - 24.02.2025 20:24

what do these ' stars' do with all their money for years?!!! she looks terrible..

@debroahmoser5802 - 25.02.2025 02:17

Kathy, you look very beautiful!! God has an open door for you to play Matty Madlock. I love watching the show Madlock. It's a very good show!! Kathy, you are a fantastic person and actress!! May God continue giving you more blessings!!

@bellamia471 - 26.02.2025 07:58

She took ozempic like most celebrities quick fix

@sallyg.1611 - 27.02.2025 09:23

She is so pretty!

@scratchgolfer12 - 27.02.2025 22:52

You are so PERFECT for this role. We haven't missed one episode. You are so awesome!!!!

@roseheath9703 - 27.02.2025 23:46

Wonderful actress. I think she looks much too thin now.

@J2711g - 28.02.2025 21:17

I think you are amazing, and all your work. Love the new show Matlock!!!

@pegspindlespinning6771 - 28.02.2025 22:13

Thankyou for the encouraging words ❤

@Josslynnlopez024 - 01.03.2025 23:43

Omg I love Kathy she hasn’t lost it at all!!! She looks great! I’ve been almost 3 years clean and I love this show so far I’m only on episode 1 but omg!!! I’m curious how like she said they treat the part of the show towards opioids

@judyhoomalamalama - 03.03.2025 07:46

A great actress ❤.

@lindaharvey9285 - 08.03.2025 14:36

When you start losing weight being elderly its not a good sign .

@cynthiawilson-c8r - 09.03.2025 08:28

I absolutely love you! You are my best friend! 66 year old grandma in Idaho

@madelinemodrak7644 - 11.03.2025 02:11


@deborahdipaulo4636 - 12.03.2025 06:51


@WolfModig - 13.03.2025 09:58

Sorry but she does NOT look healthy

@FelixRoig-r6n - 13.03.2025 19:06

She looks worse although. her acting IS awesome. Sorry 😮

@sharongunter1301 - 15.03.2025 22:20

I have loved Kathy Bates amazing actress over the years' .❤💯💯💯💯

@MillicentAspinet - 16.03.2025 05:32

I've lost 20 lbs. since I watched this video for the first time, five months ago. Am currently on a plateau (haven't gained but haven't lost either). My #1 reason for weight loss, was/is to avoid diabetes w/ all its' complications.
