Unloan Review - Home Loan Review

Unloan Review - Home Loan Review

George Samios

2 года назад

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@michellekiwikat6590 - 27.08.2023 09:08

I applied for the loan and I was preaproved. However. The prequestions i asked if i could do this and that. They put in the preaproval everything oposite. For example. I asked if i could pay weekly. They said yes but in the preaproval they added. They could change the weekly payment anytime they wanted. The discount you do not get as well. They put the interest rate up but then add a discount. I pulled out of the deal.

@malakisfl9288 - 12.03.2023 01:26

We just bought a new ppor and in our third month of payments. Interest rate has been increased already so I'm looking around for refinance options. Canstar pointed me to unloan. Is there any negatives say to my credit record for refinancing this early?
