Hello there, folks. As part of my complete Achievement Guide for Power Wash Simulator, here is one of the Challenges done at a Gold Medal level toward the Gold Standard Achievement.
Text tips for the Time Challenges are a bit more difficult, but generally, use the Left DPad immediately to trigger the auto-spray and never stop moving or pressing Right on the DPad to bring up the dirt locations.
I use the Yellow nozzle for everything except the windscreen, windows and the right side door and right back door(and sometimes the dirt around the windows if my first pass with the yellow nozzle didn't get them). For these I switch to the Red Nozzle.
For the grill, keep in mind that the portion that wraps around the headlights and turn signals is part of the grill, too. You need to spray the grill from the top AND bottom which can be tedious, so making sure you get the dirt from everywhere else on the grill can save you a few seconds.
If you have plenty of time left and only a few items, don't be afraid to use the Tablet to highlight what you have left instead of searching aimlessly.
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