Amelia Drew’s mom reached out to LearningRx for help when she was still years behind in math and reading—even after 3 years of homeschool and focused attention to try and get her back on track. In Amelia Drew’s consultation, Michelle asked Amelia’s mom, Heather, which of Amelia’s 7 core cognitive skills she thought were weakest and Heather replied, “all of them?’ because, after three years as her teacher, she knew Amelia was struggling across the board. A social kid who plays both softball and basketball, Amelia Drew wanted to get back into a traditional school setting. They began an Einstein program to increase her cognitive skills, and have since followed that program up with a Comprehend/StudyRx program. Amelia Drew’s trainer, Kaitlyn, says that Amelia Drew “overcame issues in phonological processing particularly distinguishing between vowel sounds. Initially her reading was choppy, and she carried a bit of self-consciousness from an early-life stutter. She gained the confidence to read aloud in class with fluidity. Her spelling improved. She was excited when she no longer struggled with reading directions and knowing what exactly was being asked of her. Math became something she couldn’t wait to do! It was an awesome progression to watch math go from being something she did with little enthusiasm to her face absolutely lighting up when we would switch gears to math drills. She noted to me how much easier it was to focus in class and on the field or court. She even shared once that she told her teammates to stop joking around and focus; when in the past, she probably would’ve joined them.” Amelia Drew’s mom, Heather, loved the training so much that she has since joined the LearningRx team as a trainer!
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