The BIGGEST Problem With Arcade Tennis Games...

The BIGGEST Problem With Arcade Tennis Games...

Machete Gaming

54 года назад

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@RRDEBEER - 22.11.2024 20:05

I agree 100%. I'm blown away by how amazing the gameplay for Tennis Elbow 4 is, so realistic and addictive. Way better than any arcade tennis game.

@weijiang1298 - 22.11.2024 20:20

In my opinion. Before Tennis Elbow 4 can play on console, Tennis World Tour 2 is the best Tennis games on 8th and 9th gen console. Graphic good, physics fine, but animation terrible

@oxa6450 - 22.11.2024 20:26

love it bro

@Adrian-ti4wy - 22.11.2024 20:32

At least you can still get sim like experience in tennis game, good luck to find one for football games 😂

@Gusbaldian - 22.11.2024 21:19

Excellent video, 100% agree.
I particularly think that companies prefer to make a game easy to play in terms of getting more sales, this benefits casual gamers who want to play for a while to have fun.
I have seen very good comments from new people playing TE4 since it came out on playstation many. Hopefully in the future FAT will be released on consoles as well.

@kenschiavo191 - 22.11.2024 23:02

great you nailed it....glad TE4 is now on PS5...I deleted these 2 crappers and just have TE4 installed. I just wish he could fix all the menus and elsewhere..still there's some crashes going on as well. But the lesser presentation and even bugs are worth it...because TE4 is by miles the best real tennis experience in video games.

@ssh7579 - 22.11.2024 23:14

I agree with your assessment. The biggest problem with Tiebreak and the new Topspin is that winning points is not rewarding/enjoyable. In Tiebreak, I wasn't even that good at the game and I was sending bullets from one side to another and painting lines. Topspin was just a slug. It felt like a chore playing it. Like you said, both games suffer from hitting from one side to another until the CPU or the other player breaks. I haven't played Full Ace. I picked up TE4 on PS5. The better I am getting at the game the more I am enjoying it. As someone who has played tennis most of his life, it is a true sim. The learning curve was steep. I was really struggling at first to learn the ropes but now it feels amazing. The better I get at the game, the less I notice the graphics and presentation. Obviously the perfect game would be the graphics of Tiebreak combined with the gameplay of TE4.

@AlwinCrasto - 23.11.2024 00:14

You brought up this criticism during the video and as a simcade player I can also admit that I have no desire to engage with the Tennis simulation games you mentioned simply because their player animations are visibly bad, jerky and sometimes unpredictably fast as the gameplay footage shows. In a game like Tennis I feel animations in particular are very important because it should reflect real life where you try to read your opponent's body language, the momentum they have just carried to return your shot, the stretch they have had to put to make that shot, the speed of their swing, the nuances in their body language just before they make the shot like a small jump or the twist of their arm just before their racket is about to strike the ball. All these tiny details matter a lot to me when it comes to immersion and they make or break a tennis game for me. Hell even the inconsequential animations some of the arcade games have like your opponent at the net staring you down after scoring a point against you and then slowing turning their back and walking away gets me fired up and really invested in the match. I get the same satisfaction seeing exhaustion visibly settle in in my opponent after several long rallies.

I could get past poorer graphics or visuals but authentic animations are a must for me and it feels like this can only be achieved by studios with a higher budget who can do mocap with professional players. I agree with your take that these studios should focus on more simulation like gameplay but maybe they just want to cater to a larger audience to make back their investment and perhaps some profit.

@TheLastFraudster - 23.11.2024 00:36

Spot on. I'm so glad you told us aboud Tennis elbow 4. I would've never thought about it otherwise. Best Tennis game I've played by a long way.

@Demiandrogyne - 23.11.2024 04:17

Tennis Elbow 4 best tennis game alive 🔥

@RiccardoRusso-zd1en - 23.11.2024 22:37

great explanation and I a agree, however tennis is a constantly moving sport, the lack of footwork in the animation and the physics of the ball not going to certain angles or depth making a rally more unpredictable and often like in real life tennis happens with unforced errors , puts me and other people who play and know tennis well off.
another thing it makes arcade tennis games worse is the lack of timing on the ball hitting, we know how impeccable has to be timing to hit a pro level stroke ball on the rise or ball at their peak rarely they hit the ball after its peak, the players feel like they always have a perfect shot regardless the ball is going up or down and makes it so unrealistic and easier to never miss , like you said giving small to zero difference on a nice inside out or DL instead of a cross forehand at medium pace.

they need to do better to make the players constantly moving without giving them that robotic feeling they can hit at any position or stance and more unpredictability to the ball adding more speed rpm and weight to the ball.

@juliojugovic9566 - 23.11.2024 23:49

El topspin2k lo probé y me pareció excelente y sigue siendo el mejor en la sumatoria de todo un juego arcade pero que toma simulación en justa medida,te4 lo probé no oficial por ahí y es muy bueno excepto por un detalle inaceptable a mi parecer el bote de la bola a veces es ridículamente alto en un rally ese detalle me hizo dudar si comprarlo o no porque no sé si han arreglado,detalle muy absurdo,para mí en opinión primero no sacas nada de hacer un simulador casi al 100 si hay detalles así y segundo con lo que cuesta que hagan juegos de tenis y promover a que más jueguen no sé si lo correcto es hacer un juego de tenis ultra simulador.

@NaeemMiller-z7n - 24.11.2024 17:43

Not gonna lie. Just played topspin. It’s terrible man

@doboszewskijpl - 24.11.2024 20:08

Jestem ciekaw, czy gdyby jakiś gigant zainwestował w TE i kompletnie przebudował warstwę audiowizualną, dodał licencje i zostawił cały gameplay w spokoju, byłoby to dla tej firmy sukcesem finansowym. Bo że to byłaby gra idealna, to ja wiem, ale jednak rynek rządzi się swoimi prawami i paradoksalnie bogatszy gameplay mógłby wiele osób zniechęcić.

@aes1373 - 29.11.2024 04:06

I somewhat disagree with animations not being important. The player approaching the shot with a good animation helps with the immersion and flow
