Avery Taylor vs Aspyn Rose

Avery Taylor vs Aspyn Rose

Avery Taylor

6 лет назад

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@crushercathy69 - 25.09.2018 12:33

Very good match between two young and fantastic looking girls here!! Getting my first look at both Avery and Aspyn tonight, they both have great ring appeal, and I hope we fans see more of them soon!

@donp244 - 25.12.2018 07:24

just absolutely amazing what talent, great match ladies

@morrisgregory2348 - 08.05.2020 06:12

Love that Spear Finisher by Miss Taylor😍😍

@lordbuttonial - 20.11.2020 17:57

I just want a girlfriend with a booty like the mermaids. Is that too much to ask lol

@leemontgomery7684 - 24.05.2021 19:41

Aspyn Rose is a great young talented wrestler.And since Ring of honor women's division is really in terrible shape. Aspyn Rose would be a great person for ring of honor to sign to build up their women's division and make their women's great.
