I heard they ate Boot leather when rations ran out.😊
ОтветитьThe soldier on the cover of this clip looks like a younger SGT Carter from.Gomer Pyle. He was a veteran before he became an actor.
ОтветитьFunny my dad was in the USAAF and got powered eggs and SPAM for meals. The rest of his life he wasn't fond of eggs and hated ham.
ОтветитьThat wasn't vitamins that the Germans issued their soldiers.... it was methampthetamines!
ОтветитьThe Nazi vitamin - amphetamines. Later adopted by the US military.
ОтветитьThe amount of work they (governments) put in just to eventually shake hands and make money after the war .
Ответитьnazis had vitamins....Methamphetamines...
Ответить"Food for Fighters"
That'd make a pretty good band name.
Good luck separating yolks from the whites for eggs sold today! It seems that 90% of the eggs I crack open today have broken yolks. Ok for omelettes, but any trace of egg yolk in the white will spoil a meringue.
ОтветитьI love these WW2 training and propaganda films.
ОтветитьPowdered eggs may be better than no eggs, but they don't taste good. About like powdered milk compared to real milk. I ate a lot of C rations. I didn't think they were bad. Some good. There was a variety. Most people liked the beans & franks. But hard to come by. Usually the officers went thru the ration cases and pulled them out.
I wonder what the woke military eats?
“the naz!s are supposed to have a superman vitamin pill.” I think that superman pill may have been more than just a “vitamin”….
ОтветитьA childhood mates grandfather was a commando in new guinea he and his companions ate part of a dead jap during the war
So basically a soldier will eat anything to survive during the war
Typically rosy account of what was pretty disgusting.
ОтветитьI sincerely miss eating my rehydrated eggs floating in cold rainwater covered in gnats. I really do. It meant I was still alive, important and in the Army.
ОтветитьAn Army marches on it stomach.
"Napoleon Bonaparte "
Wouldn't that be nice if malnutrition and hunger was solved on a global scale. Sadly, it still is not. We have the technology and means to accomplish this, but politics, war and greed leave people to starve everyday, in every corner of the globe. What is the solution? Please reply to this with your thoughts.
ОтветитьThey ate better than in my home
why does the rice look like mashed potato
ОтветитьPowdered eggs canned bacon dehydrated potatoes buggy bread and coffee or kool ade. When your at sea without replenishments sliced beef for dinner 5 days a week
ОтветитьI ate C-rats with texas pete
ОтветитьHow dare Jap was used. Just as racist status must be taken down, this hate speech must be erased from history.
ОтветитьTo bad that the Rations are still taste like crap in 2024. Hope our next generation super soldiers in 2124 would have better rations.
ОтветитьWhen you wake up in the Sahara desert 😔😔😔
ОтветитьNazi Superman vitamin pill. More like methamphetamine
Ответить“GOod eating”
Yeah, I’m calling bull shyte on that one
Every air force used these just another name 😊
Ответитьwhat a sweet bullshito
ОтветитьK-Rations were nasty and not wanted
ОтветитьArmy food. Taste exactly what it looks like. Disgusting
ОтветитьWhen I was in basic training in 1975 at Ft Ord CA the C-Rats were Korean War vintage!....
ОтветитьI like spam. My father would not buy it because he had to eat it for four years in WW2. I had C's during the Vietnam era and I thought they were good. Today at 72 years old I still have an MRE for lunch for old time sake. Blame it on the US Army. Old habits are hard to break. Thanks for the video.
ОтветитьThe acting is about as tasty as the food. I can tell you the last thing a fighting man wants to see after a long and bloody battle is powdered BS that has to be heated with water before eating. We just want a hot meal, and a rack. K-rations and ‘most’ modern MRE’s are fckng disgusting no matter how these lab rats want to slice it. Yeah, it’s great having something moderately digestible to eat, but you’re bloodied, scared, tired, maybe lost a few friends, and you throw this shit at someone and expect them to be thankful for fighting your war. Food shouldn’t ever be an issue, but it always is.
ОтветитьIt occurs to me that most of these guys spent a lot of hungry days growing up during the Depression.
ОтветитьA bit misleading
Ответить"The Nazis are supposed to have a superman vitamin pill"
Yep. fingerguotes vitamins!
Those were the we're poisoned with everything and that's OK with them...🤡🐑
ОтветитьThe percentage of inductees who were undernourished was quite high. They gained weight after receiving proper nutrition for the first time in their lives! They weren't malnourished but undernourished. My Dad was 6'1 1/2" weighing 150#. He was vastly undernourished! The fact that a huge bureaucracy managed to pull this together successfully is amazing. Well done ladies and gentlemen!
ОтветитьI keep looking for Young Steve Rogers in this film 📽️
ОтветитьHit like on my comment if you want a colored version of this footage
Ответитьlol, so the next time some idiotic incel goes on a rant about 'soyboys', show them this. They literally used soy for their soldiers.