What Does @ Mean at Start of Excel 365 Formula? | Implicit Intersection Operator

What Does @ Mean at Start of Excel 365 Formula? | Implicit Intersection Operator

Chester Tugwell

3 года назад

17,473 Просмотров

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@IvanCortinas_ES - 10.09.2021 13:46

A very interesting situation, that goes unnoticed by some people. Thank you for the explanation.

@JJ_TheGreat - 16.10.2021 21:30

Thank you! I did not know about that! :-)

@toothless3835 - 04.01.2023 23:15

Thanks. This little addition confused me to no end when I was working in a previous version that didn't add it to the formula and was messing with my array formula when I was trying to modify it in 365 until I noticed it.

@Rice0987 - 25.05.2024 13:09

Thank you, sir!🤗
