UEWM Acupuncture Teaching Clinic

UEWM Acupuncture Teaching Clinic

University of East-West Medicine

54 года назад

306 Просмотров

The University of East West Medicine Acupuncture Clinic is located within the UEWM campus, at the corner of Lawrence Expwy and Duane Avenue in the heart of the City of Sunnyvale, California. The teaching clinic provides the South Bay area with professional and affordable traditional Chinese medicine services performed by licensed acupuncturists (Clinic Supervisors) and by qualified, supervised clinic interns (advanced level students).
As a resource for students and patients, the Teaching Clinics of University of East-West Medicine represents the integration of health care and education. The clinics provide a low-cost and an effective way for patients to benefit and become more familiar with the principles, health care, and practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

TELEPHONE: 408-992-0218 (DIRECT LINE); 408-733-1878 EXT 144
EMAIL: [email protected]


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