GOKU BLACK SONG - Feel Like Goku | FabvL ft Shwabadi [Dragon Ball Super]

GOKU BLACK SONG - Feel Like Goku | FabvL ft Shwabadi [Dragon Ball Super]


55 лет назад

1,967,974 Просмотров

►Stream/Download (Spotify, iTunes, etc) - https://ffm.to/qmryaqe
You guys have been requesting a Goku Black song and just more Dragon Ball Super raps in general so here you go, hope you enjoy it! Huge thank you to Shwabadi for hoping on and killing it (link to his channel below). Don't forget to comment down below and like the video if you enjoyed it! #FF #DragonBallSuper #GokuBlack

Follow my socials:

►FabvL Merch - https://shop.fabvl.com/

Shwabadi - https://www.youtube.com/user/MLPShwabadi
Video by niqte:
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqvIdn4Zk4Huaakm0vHQpIw?app=desktop
Twitter - https://twitter.com/niqteh
Art by Michael Rush - https://twitter.com/RusherBurning
Thumbnail Design - https://twitter.com/JayGDesign

Song Credits:
► Mix Engineer - FabvL
►Vocal Performance - FabvL/Shwabadi
►Composition/Songwriting - FabvL
► Instrumental Production - FabvL
► Mastered by - FabvL


#fabvl #shwabadi #dragon_ball #dragon_ball_super #rap #song #dragon_ball_rap #dragon_ball_z_rap #dragon_ball_super_rap #goku #goku_black #goku_black_song #won't_fall_down #feel_like_goku #fabvl_dragon_ball #fabvl_goku #shwabadi_reaction #goku_song #anime_rap #nerdcore
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