Rideau Gold CBD Oil by Aphria Inc. | Medical Marijuana / Cannabis Tincture Oil Strain Review

Rideau Gold CBD Oil by Aphria Inc. | Medical Marijuana / Cannabis Tincture Oil Strain Review


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@cd78 - 11.01.2018 19:41

you bathing in that, are you not meant to take a few drops

@pissenlit2016 - 07.03.2018 06:51

I like how you pronounce Rideau lol I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced like the Rideau canal (ree-doe) but it’s interesting how we all say things differently. Anyways, cool review! I was surprised by how much you take but I guess everyone is different for sure

@ykb946 - 03.08.2018 07:00

How much for that bottle.

@NIO777 - 23.10.2018 05:21

How do you purchase it through Aphria.. do you have a prescription? or does Aphria just sell it to the general public no questions asked?
