Planetside 2's Sunderer Update is Here...

Planetside 2's Sunderer Update is Here...


2 месяца назад

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@INTJ_PJ - 11.09.2024 06:24

Just got back into the game too and the sunders are pretty cool, but I understand your viewpoints.

@dwanoid5042 - 06.09.2024 14:53

Hello, anyone have discord channel for miller?

@WileyBoxx - 04.09.2024 04:39

Used to love this game. Such a shame that the devs have a collective iq of 60.

@TheGreySpectrum - 03.09.2024 15:29

I played primarily as a tanker, and mostly before CAI happened. They kinda destroyed the fundamental mechanics of vehicle gameplay, so I was out, but I digress. Sunderers certainly sound like they've got too much going on in their favor currently but I remember battle sundies pretty much always being an absolute menace, so I can't help but feel like this is a combination of some buffs, an update with their name on it, and the resultant fixation on the sunderer (because everyone wants to mess with The New Thing) that has resulted in a proliferation of battle sundies. If you went up against a competent sunderer team back then, you were going to have a bad time, and if they caught you unaware then they'd melt you.

Maybe compared to where they were just prior to this update it's a dramatic change, but I dunno. Compared to where I remember them being, it sounds like a well-intentioned adjustment made by a very green (and perhaps a bit naive) development team that was then heavily exploited by the community. As I recall it, you were- likely still are- a very infantry-centric player as well, so a part of me does also wonder if we've got different perspectives on this issue because, and I don't mean anything bad about this, I spent maybe 60-75% of my time in the seat of a Prowler over the course of about two years of constant and daily play (early 20's and unemployed) and you've been mostly infantry.

@forgeheartgaming7858 - 03.09.2024 06:37

At least you guys are still getting updates. The Playstation side of this game is barely alive. Prime time is the only time to play, because otherwise it's totally dead, and even then, I've never seen a 96+ battle since coming back to the game.

@Wunjo1776 - 31.08.2024 19:07

If were being honest at this point we just need a (PlanetSide 3)

@whowhowhowhowhowho8139 - 30.08.2024 10:12

They will fix it easy, whats the fuzz... Amnesia came back to point out a mistake, I don't buy you came back in Goodwill, someone rat it out to you be honest!

@kaznika6584 - 26.08.2024 00:19

Western game devs have collectively lost IQ points this past decade.

@Greg9725 - 25.08.2024 06:59

I stopped playing PS2 after NC's primary and (directive) LMGs got their damage numbers gutted (Mind you I was a tr main so I should be happy right?) because I felt like that's kinda want NC represented, hard hitting guns that reward you if you can handle the kick from recoil and turning the horse into a mule just felt kinda insulting. Got curious about how planetside 2 was going because I was thinking about playing this again but after watching this I think I'd be better off playing the other things I'm playing right now....

@r-ratedstudios3847 - 23.08.2024 14:58

i love the new bussy, wdy ?

@opollo - 17.08.2024 12:51

I find myself looking at the game that I left years ago, due to the amount of cheaters that killed my stealth gameplay.
Sick of those who just drive upto a cloaked sunderer and destroy it, even when its locked and noone has gotten out and it's also away from the normal spots.
Sick of those who kill you without a torch while I'm sat in the corner cloaked.
This uptdate just caused a huge problem, so glad i dont play this crap.

@jaysonnunley6602 - 16.08.2024 09:00

i hate this game now

@Roamingfirebat - 15.08.2024 15:48

Been afraid to pick this game up again. Guess I’ll wait a little longer

@Helvexis1 - 15.08.2024 10:08

Ahh, as much as it is currently busted and needs a fix. It is GOOD to see the battlebus back in action, a Briggs specialty from waayy back

@justinpriem4725 - 12.08.2024 05:09

Anybody knows if there is a PlanetSide 3 in plan? Or like any new planetside game?

I loved this game sooooo much. I wish their would release a new one. With the same game mechanics. But a big new player base.

@EricLing64 - 11.08.2024 18:07

Did they even bother to remove the no-deploy zones? That shit is absolutely pointless. Every fight ends quickly because they're always deployed in the exact same vulnerable places.

@paleopteryx - 10.08.2024 03:29

I must apologize to Wrel. Now it is clear he was actually the smartest of the dev team, lol. At least he didn't manage to kill the game in a single update.

@paleopteryx - 10.08.2024 03:16

Officially... this "update" was the last straw for me. Planetside 2 is dead, and the new Sundererside 2 sks ballz. I'm done.

@willykroll - 06.08.2024 17:59

Is this iut on playstation ps4 aswell?

@BlackRainEntertain - 03.08.2024 03:44

a new dev team? this update smells very Wrel to me. still no people wich looked at the backstory of ps2 to identify the developement mistakes from the last ten years. i swear to god, as long the wrong people decide about ps2s direction, the wrong outcome is guaranteed.

@raptordoesyoutube107 - 02.08.2024 14:58

Well, I guess we are not getting that assault rifle video. Nor will I be returning to the game any time soon.

@AndraxisCode - 02.08.2024 03:54

Sunderers are extremely underpowered as a spawn point during low pop hours. I would suggest something like having a station that you plug a sunderer into to essentially turn a sunderer garage into a safe area for the faction that is plugged into the station. In order for defending factions to breach these spawn areas they would need to blow up a terminal, similar to a search and destroy style of play. This could provide a useful tool to keep fights more engaging while also keeping the sunderer itself as it is.

@royotterdijk5101 - 27.07.2024 03:02

complains about a 3 man operated vehicle being effective with good guns.. doesnt complain about the large number of solo liberator players that just swap to 2nd seat. shoot ones. and kill just about anything. i played for a long time at release until shortly afther the game was handed over. what killed the game for me was the 1 thing ur under valuing. fun. all games i had ended up getting sniped from liberators. shotgun fighters. anti tank cannons and many more from LONG DISTANCE. and when i chose to play vehicle. i would get absolutly wrecked by a 2 man crew of harrassers with a gun that kills me in 2 clips. but what killed the fun the most for me is the large number of players using the same 3 weapons that are clearly pay 2 win as it wasnt obtainable otherwise. back during open beta. the faction were more unique: NC were power at the cost of bad accuracy and low fire rate (point blank shotguns). TR were fast fire rate at the cost of low accuracy and low damage (spray and pray). VS were high accuracy at the cost of low damage and low fire rate (headshots and long range). later weapons got changed to be more accurate. making it a complete downgrade for the VS. u cant convince me that when testing 1 v 1 between all 3 main battle tanks. that the vs even has a chance.

@Bastienreturn - 26.07.2024 01:50

I miss Wrel

@gilgamet - 25.07.2024 07:39

It's annoying,. Every battle has 10 invincible sunderer gunships circling the base.,

Sunderer is a crew transport it should be like paper (2000-2500 hp) when it's not deployed as a spawn,.

Just give engineers the ability to fortify/buff it when it's deployed at the cost of having to remove the upgrades before moving,. Maybe like those modules that get put on builds,.

@needsmore64 - 24.07.2024 03:12

This update makes me sympathize with wrel. Planetside developer is a cursed position

@tomasbrechler9299 - 23.07.2024 11:19

after this update Im seriously considering leaving this game for good after 9 years. completely broken.

@Slay0lot - 23.07.2024 04:58

Boring update. Nothing exciting on the horizon.

@frankfiore7461 - 22.07.2024 08:46

turn the meta on it's head who cares

@deadaces7949 - 21.07.2024 12:07

Can't agree more, it has fundementaly broken vehicle gameplay (even though it is kinda fun). I play mostly harasser gameplay, and this has made the harasser by far the weakest vehicle in the game. Not being able to outrun Magriders was annoying, but now we can't outrun sunderers too! The harasser deserves some love!

@medrzeczlasu - 21.07.2024 11:03

Camikaze, i have watched many of your videos but i MUST finally say it, why is that. Bad, bad, bad, even worse, everything is bad, nothing is good, all of these videos say one thing GAME IS NOT WORTH PLAYING, DONT PLAY IT. Is this really what you want to say, in every viseo you make?

@Tekkknow - 20.07.2024 23:44

Balanced no, fun very, should be fix? Obviously. I feel like you're a bit more doom and gloom that you need to be. I like that the dev team is trying things and the test server isn't populated enough to be a good test env. So they test in prod, and that's not ideal but its effective at getting data.

@Mr_Bibbles - 20.07.2024 17:01

It's sad what Planetside has turned into, but hey, it was fun back in the day.

@chronoatog5650 - 20.07.2024 09:53

Planetside hasn't had a healthy update since planetside 1 BFR update.

@Microtardz - 20.07.2024 08:47

I haven't played this game seriously in a couple of years. And even back then sunderer death balls were a thing.
Sunderers being tanky boys with group repair/re-ammo capabilities & 2 decent guns attached has always been kind of a problem in my opinion.
Buffing that is a horrible mistake. I'm not surprised to see sundies become the defacto meta ground unit.

What has needed to change for a *very* long time on many of the maps is base design/layout. There are just a lot of really crappy bases to attack and/or defend.

@RenderMan1337 - 20.07.2024 07:57

Quit doomsaying. They've already said they are gonna balance. Saying it's going no where this year is stupid. The update is a massive leap forward compared to the dumpster fire Wrel made.

@travispenner3048 - 20.07.2024 01:28

It’s actually been a lot of fun. Sorry Vanguard boys.

@theclowninghasbegun3442 - 19.07.2024 22:24

Just add a shield popping round only for mbts

@wolfheart2370 - 19.07.2024 21:37

Was deployed Sunderer survivability really that big od a deal? Most of the time i hear about it is during low pop time, but honestly if that's the case not much to do.

My problem is before the Sunderer had decent utility and now it's a juggernaut

@Angelo_Nicolson - 19.07.2024 12:43

Yeah the power these have is insane, almost killing the fun. Why even have tanks at this point.

@anangrysalad8256 - 19.07.2024 11:19

I was excited for the deployables bit, liked the shield being away from the sunday to so people could defend it in a pinch. Shame about the rest.

@JH-pe3ro - 19.07.2024 09:45

I've been away from PS2 for a minute. Downloading this update. I watched the video, then gave it some time to sink in. And I think the update is worthy of some praise because they're doing something valuable for their own learning and for any new players, which the game does get even at this late date: Buffing the spawn bus past every other vehicle in nearly every respect is a soft reset to both the spawns and vehicle game. This is a classic MMO move to obsolete the old toys and start introducing new ones. It's not a complete reset because they didn't address other spawn options(and that is worthy of a cautionary note) but it sets things back near to parity: new account, nobody's on but you and your friends, Sundy vs Sundy basically still works and allows engagement with other parts of the game. The game needs that entry level playability to continue to get 96+ fights. It doesn't need to do much of anything for 10,000-hour diehards who know every possible vehicle matchup and how to play it; those players actually have a need to start fresh too.

Most spawn loss from "tanks on hills" just reflects player disinterest in acknowledging the spawns game, not a literal weakness in the Sunderer. They have limited time in their session and the game has infinite things to grind that will not be progressed by defending the spawn: it can be addressed by automating away more aspects of spawning(done very early on in PS2 with the hardspawn retrofitting) or by presenting more opportunities to contribute to spawns(which, running a battle bus does do, even if it's a transient thing).

@user-nr4tf2yr7h - 19.07.2024 09:20

Hi bro, may i ask where can i get N30 Trawler-S ? i cant find it in store equip

@agenttarian3672 - 19.07.2024 05:36

I’d be fine with this update honestly if the nanite armor and boosted speed was brought into line. Those seem like the only problem modules in an otherwise solid update to me

@Sonlirain - 19.07.2024 04:16

No no, you see it's balanced.
A tank only needs 2 players to operate at full capacity.
A sundered needs 3.
Therefore a sunderer should always win.

@operationmindcrime4469 - 19.07.2024 03:03

BFR anyone?

@thatchris1626 - 19.07.2024 01:27

This feels like an update made my people who don't know anything about the game they are working on

@slyllamademon2652 - 19.07.2024 00:00

So just nerf the Nano Armor then? Because that sounds like what would balance this.

@TRyan3 - 18.07.2024 23:17

So you get the zero bounties too?
