"The CSS Albemarle it is said returned to Plymouth on bacon power..."
From the Raleigh Civil War Roundtable’s documentary, "The Civil War in North Carolina: Taking the Offensive, 1864."
One film in a series. Originally released on Blu-Ray in 2023 to generate donations for preservation efforts.
Filmed in November 2022 at the Port O’Plymouth Museum in Plymouth, NC.
Andrew Duppstadt is a program development officer and historic weapons coordinator for the North Carolina Division of Historic Sites. Andrew is based at the CSS Neuse Interpretive Center in Kinston, NC and also serves as an adjunct instructor for the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
Narration by S.N. Burkholder. Music by the Liberty Hall Drum & Fife Corps.
#navy #naval #ship #warship #ironclad #civil_war #confederate #union #yankee #rebel #tarheel #coast #fight #battle #cannon #blast #war