ОтветитьHello there
ОтветитьObi Wan: My older brother.
Anakin: Me
Awww! PRAISE! 😩
ОтветитьThis still literally makes me cry every time I watch Episode 3.
ОтветитьI get emotionAl damage when I see this
ОтветитьI get E-motionAL damage when I see this
Ответитьyou are a small boy anakin , i am strong and wise , i know everything and im very proud of me.
i have become a far greater jedi that you can ever hope to be.
i have taught you everything i know about the trains.
it will not be long before the council makes you a jedi master
5 minutes later: "yOu tUrNeD hEr aGaInSt mE!"