Do land/plot really matters in vastu? क्या वास्तु में भूमि/प्लॉट मायने रखता है?#vastushastraforhome

Do land/plot really matters in vastu? क्या वास्तु में भूमि/प्लॉट मायने रखता है?#vastushastraforhome

Brahm Vastu

55 лет назад

151 Просмотров

Do land/plot really matters in vastu? | क्या वास्तु में भूमि/प्लॉट मायने रखता है?
In this video Dr. Santosh Misra renowned vastu expert and founder of BrahmVastu. Discussed about the Importance of Land Vastu.
In Vastu Shastra, selection of land/plot play the most important role in enhancing the positive energy of a home.
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