It’s so crazy how some people really do get away with crimes for an extended period of time. It’s WILD to think about. What are the common factors unsolved cases have??
ОтветитьWow, Officer Jake Wallin served in Iraq and Afghanistan.. only to end up dying in North Dakota. WHY IS LIFE LIKE THIS???
ОтветитьI completely agree/it was a female scorned. Whether it be in her own mind or what have you. As well as someone NOT in her exercise class.
ОтветитьI think it is a girl
ОтветитьIt looks like the shoes they are wearing are far too big, for a shorter person they have massive shoes on. I think this is a women, it’s very personal. Whoever this is was angry with Missy for whatever reason. It’s been planned. I hope it gets solved. RIP missy
Ответить100% a woman, probably thought she was having a affair with her man….
ОтветитьIt s a women !
ОтветитьWhen I first saw this video it struck me as a woman. It’s counterintuitive for this sort of crime, but it looks like a woman to me. I also think it seems like the perpetrator isn’t super interested in burglary, just almost casually walking around, looking here and there without any urgency or great interest. Seems like there was a biding time vibe. Waiting for a certain time to do something.
ОтветитьI think it was a woman, and the foot thing is fake.
ОтветитьI cannot believe this still isn’t solved! I’ve followed this case since day one!
ОтветитьFeet drag like the person had a mild stroke. There are gait recognition apps
ОтветитьLook into murderer Kimberly kessler 😢
Ответить100% agree with Dr. Bethany. This person is clearly unfit, awkward, uncoordinated, dumpy. People that are into fitness become very body conscious are can read other people from a mile away. Dr. Bethany appears to fall into this category, Nancy grace... not so much.
ОтветитьNancy's naivety is mind boggling, especially as a former prosecutor. This was not targeted. Churches are burglarized all the time. Thieves looking for petty cash or gold ornamentation. The suspect is literally checking doors to rooms and closets not looking for a person. Missy was killed with a burglary tool for god sakes.
ОтветитьI think she interrupted a vandalism/burglary in progress. If she had been targeted, the killer would have attacked while the victim was between her car and the church door. There’s added risk of breaking in the church.
ОтветитьIMO the killer is a woman.
ОтветитьThat’s a girl!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьWhat's the problem... the suspect isn't fit. You can tell by looking at the video that she's not in any Gladiator class. Maybe an early beginners class if it was offered.
ОтветитьIt's a woman. The gait. The mannerisms. And I know men can have long hair but you can see a brown hair bun out the back of the helmet
ОтветитьMy observation tells me it was a woman who committed this crime. She was more than likely a student at one point. I was a Zumba instructor and those that don’t measure up can sometimes become jealous or resentful of instructors. This killer obviously has a physical setback from that limp, she just could not accept her limitations. I truly believe this to be the case. Thumbs up if you agree 👍
ОтветитьPure Jealousy and envy, Period.
ОтветитьAfter all these years glad to see you’re keeping this case relevant, Nancy! Hopefully new eyes will recognize something about this suspect!🙏
ОтветитьI actually think it was random. Robbery or vandalism was the motive and Missy just interrupted them. The suspect was likely under the influence of something as well. If they were there to specifically target Missy, why wander around? Why not wait by the entrance and watch for her car? Not to mention the suspect did NOT bring the murder weapon with them. They found the hammer inside the church. That’s another reason I don’t think it was a targeted murder.
ОтветитьRight handed
Ответитьi’m sorry that’s not a woman with masculine traits that is a thick woman chubby
ОтветитьThe suit worn was to protect the woman inside it that was familiar with the church layout. The woman in the suit knew that Missy was fit and could take her on. That’s why she wore protection in case she took over the weapon so she herself would not get attacked. She was only comfortable walking around because she knew the layout so well that’s what I’m gathering from what is being said and what I’m observing, the suit also helped disguise, but the main reason was for protection as well again just my opinion.
ОтветитьThat wld be terrible. The person still going to church. Wow
ОтветитьNot looks like a woman jealous of her teaching exercise or something
ОтветитьThat’s a woman. FOR SURE
ОтветитьWalks like a woman….. yes that is a jealous women maybe an old friend, maybe someone from the class, or someone that used to go to her class.
ОтветитьYou could identify that woman by the way she walks.
ОтветитьI think it’s a woman and the reason they have such an unusual walk is because the boots they are wearing are too big
ОтветитьIt’s the wife of the cop that missy was having an affair with. You can tell it’s a woman.
ОтветитьShe died from a gunshot! She didn't die from being stabbed or attacked with a hammer.
ОтветитьThe killer is a local. Midlothian PD dropped the ball. The church is outside town, but so many red lights. Camera videos should show the kille'rs vehicle.
ОтветитьLocal man with military or police background. I'm sure the killer lives in Midlothian.
ОтветитьDespite video, we still don't have a good description of the killer. Police saying 5'2" to 5'8" is a wide margin. The weight is completely unknown under that oversized (padded?) gear. The SWAT uniform allows the killer to approach Missy under cover of authority before suddenly striking.
ОтветитьIt was said who did it it was a woman and her husband, but I think the woman is the one who did it… It was said in the autopsy that her eyes were scraped
Out and her breasts mutilated.. so that if she did recover, she wouldn’t be pretty to anyone so that was said during the autopsy, etc.
I believe at least one attended the fitness class in the earlier classes not that specific day. It was said she was also having an affair.
ОтветитьThat's her father-in-law,look at him he even walked like that...
ОтветитьNobody lies in wait to kill someone… someone who is incredibly fit and strong…. with only a hammer. This was a robbery or vandalism gone wrong. Someone who knew the church had surveillance cameras.
ОтветитьWho killed Missy, father in law
ОтветитьThink its a women
ОтветитьLooks like a big back that did it
ОтветитьWhat a horrific case that i have not heard about until today. This is definitely someone that knows her or has been watching her for a while. So sad. I hope the killer is found & her fsmily is brought some justice. May she RIP.
ОтветитьI think it's a man because the feet are too big to be woman feet.
ОтветитьThis looks like a scorned woman on a “hunt”😒
ОтветитьIt’s not obvious it was targeted. If it was the killer would have waited for her out front. Who is out at 4am? Meth heads. Church services on Sunday =collections. Perpetrator made rounds like someone used to doing security. Stop insinuating Missy was involved with someone, it maligns her and there’s no evidence of that. This perp was a man, Missy was very very fit. Stranger homicide.