Full Review: TaylorMade Stealth 2 Driver (Everything You Need To Know)

Full Review: TaylorMade Stealth 2 Driver (Everything You Need To Know)

Peter Finch Golf

2 года назад

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@icewipe - 18.11.2024 23:56

I have an aged M2. Thinking of grabbing the stealth 2. Thanks for the great info! I really want a ping g430. But it's too costly. 😢

@vvovvomg - 16.08.2024 08:37

Just got a used demo. Upgrading from a really old SLDR. It wasn't too worn out but I def did notice a speed and distance increase hitting balls easily over the 235 yard range net haha

@Uncle19 - 08.03.2024 05:37

Stealth 2 at a big discount or Qi10? They are releasing clubs so quickly i feel like paying full price is absurd...

@peterbate1842 - 31.01.2024 14:59

like the look of the QI10 fairway woods, great video, feel free to send me the wedges please 🙏

@woody5581 - 30.08.2023 16:28

I got fitted for a Stealth 2 std last weekend. I was 30 yards farther than my old TM driver. It felt great

@Timgolfaddict - 26.06.2023 17:34

I would love to know how the stealth 2 + compares to the sim max 2

@Lucky13Twice - 02.04.2023 21:30

Carbon is not able to flex the way metals do so I am not sure why those intelligent Engineers at TaylorMade would go all-in on carbon face. I expect warranty issues with these drivers in time. You just cannot beat titanium face drivers for durability and distance.

@joshuamartins9487 - 25.03.2023 17:24

My Sim 2 cracked a few weeks ago . I borrowed a friend's Stealth . To me the Sim 2 was much straighter for me . The Stealth wanted to go way left . My replacement Stealth 2 is on the way . In the meantime I bought a used Sim 2 head ..just in case I can't get on with the Stealth 2

@GOLFADDICT65 - 21.03.2023 23:50

i was sure i would be getting the STEALTH 2 at 850.00 ( Canadian ) including tax....but they had a SIM 2 MAX there to brand new...tried both....Liked the SIM 2 MAX more in alot of ways...and got it for 399.00 Canadian including the midsize grip...glad at the result and saved 450....cheers from Canada

@avy2084 - 08.03.2023 13:05

From what I’ve seen you like the second year of the drivers the sim2 the stealth 2 since they have a different design

@donaldkellyman2444 - 08.03.2023 02:02

i believe you are correct about the ball slipping off the face to the right on the twist face.i plated all the twist face drivers new and used and I find them to do the same if you don't catch it center face,you get punished.

@traditionalbowhunter5862 - 05.03.2023 00:55

Pete, you gotta hit the gym bro!! your arms are flabby and lack any muscle tone. lol.

@Macedonia270 - 12.02.2023 23:45

Stealth 2 or the Ping G 430?

@jp-xe9hi - 29.01.2023 22:18

Very much a mixed bag with the driver , lots loving it and lots hating it , love the looks but I'll keep the tsi 3 in the bag

@GOLFADDICT65 - 28.01.2023 12:15

hi...i am trying to decide between the STEALTH 2 and the STEALTH 2 HD......i hit a fairly high straight ball...handicap 9 to 11.....am 58 years old with a swing speed of 90-94...but what i would like is a slight draw....would i find the HD drawing too much considering i am a straight ball hitter you think ? thx....cheers from Canada

@christopherwilson7004 - 24.01.2023 10:16

I got Morse distance with less ball speed with this driver. My speed with sim 2 was 166 went 307
Stealth 2 at 156 went 318

@MrJoel9679 - 19.01.2023 12:17

So it’s not just a carbon copy?

@thomashaagenstad6811 - 16.01.2023 13:36

Love your reviews. However it’s one thing that stands out from your testing that needs to be adressed.. The ballspeeds on both Callaway drivers are significally higher than all their competetors? Both is 4-7 mph better than the closest competetor. In my eyes, in this day and age, this is almost revolutionary?

@judenwaiwu4583 - 16.01.2023 02:48

Why didn’t you include TSR’s?

@harm0ny6 - 16.01.2023 01:02

Why isn’t the TSR in there?

@jeffreyroberts7438 - 15.01.2023 12:14

Another ridiculous priced driver! What is it with manufacturers at the moment? Yet another golf influencer who never comment’s on these daft prices! Oh, you get them free! Send these manufacturers a message, don’t buy it.

@bigboots6114 - 15.01.2023 09:35

wrong, its no better than last yr model

@ryang1910 - 15.01.2023 07:01

I wish they released it last year too. I have a stealth. It wasn’t forgiving. I would love an stealth 2. Just never going to buy one. Too many other nice drivers out there

@robertlynch4839 - 15.01.2023 05:01

Strong work, Pete! And, as others have pointed out, the production quality and edits are making these vids pop.

@mitchhamilton5932 - 15.01.2023 00:47

I actually got taylormade to send me the stealth2 std model for test as soon as it's available to ship so we will see excited to try it I Def didn't like last year's model so let's hope this one is better played the rogue ls for most the year last year with mixed results recently went back to an old m6 believe it or not. Not getting the distance I was out the rogue but the accuracy has greatly improved still goin to have to really impress me to keep it for the specs I had built will be 611 u.s dollars before taxes so looking at almost 700 so we will see. Am also very interested to get my hands on a plus 3 wood as I think that could be a real game changer but at 500 u.s dollars for 3 wood I Def can't be buying both or maybe even neither lol

@finss15 - 14.01.2023 19:25

There is little to no difference in the Stealth and Stealth2 with ball speed and distance. Sorry not impressed ( with the club not you, your the best )

@royclose946 - 14.01.2023 11:26

Is it perform better than last years model 🏌👍

@Bobba8590 - 13.01.2023 08:22

You're the best Pete!

@chuckross8839 - 13.01.2023 04:13

Peter, You seem to be hinting towards the New Ping G 430 LST when optimal ? Do to possible dispersion, BS, distance gains ? Obviously you have the Callaway Paradym Triple diamond
looking at you with more ball speed and distance , but can it have the dispersion to win out ? Then you have TM Stealth 2 can it come up with enough dispersion and ball speed to catch Ping and Callaway . Your Rogue Triple diamond is coming out ... Now what head for 2023 has the most gains for you to put it in the bag and Bombs away .

@dwightwalker1191 - 13.01.2023 01:43

why does it seem like everyone hits a fade with their driver these days as opposed to the draw that i've learnt over the years is optimal?

@anoushmotamedi6664 - 13.01.2023 01:12

Can you compare the tsr drivers to these aswell

@cgmat7804 - 13.01.2023 00:58

"I got a fever, and the only prescription is........more carbon"

@Nr4m54y - 12.01.2023 18:31

One thing I've always been curious about is shaft length, should the length be adjusted with the height of the individual? Would love to know your thoughts and maybe even a video on this 👍

@chadanfinson2937 - 12.01.2023 17:37

Looking at the results table it would seem that Ping G430 LST is the most efficient as it relates to ball speed, carry, and total distance….?

@matinsalali713 - 12.01.2023 16:47

The spinning green background on the table is a bit distracting when looking at the numbers, I had to pause to read the table

@mattartiste7214 - 12.01.2023 12:10

I have the 2 pilots and I do not notice a noticeable difference especially since we can find today the model 1 at 350 euros today

@conorculhane3432 - 12.01.2023 06:54

It’s a Sim driver with the carbon face. That’s it.

@anthonystrazzo1896 - 12.01.2023 06:05

How about including the new TSR lineup in comparison test. Esp the new TSR4 against the other brands LS models. Keep up the great work.

@scottrolph5023 - 12.01.2023 05:42

Great video Pete! Just can’t buy into Taylormade given the gimmicks being shoved down everyone’s throats year after year. It’s lead me to lose confidence and credibility in their brand unfortunately. I’m sure they still make good even great equipment in some areas. They’ve unfortunately just pushed the marketing too far for my opinion of them to recover.

@handingtian835 - 12.01.2023 05:23

Could you also include the TSR in the comparison? Cheers.

@No_Fear_33 - 12.01.2023 01:50

You've NEVER hated anything Taylormade in the past decade, why change your ultra biased ways now.

@robfleming8744 - 12.01.2023 00:48

Looks better but I’m still curious about long term durability of the carbon face after a couple seasons…will they crack and come apart after a couple full seasons? For that much cash I would hope so but the initial Epics from Callaway had issues with their carbon crowns cracking and coming off. So the minimal titanium framing to hold the carbon together on this club scares me a bit… especially the carbon sole plate area. Definitely fun to watch you test out all these new bombers though! Thanks!

@leewhitehouse7107 - 11.01.2023 20:03

Nice review 👌🏻 could also add where your camera guys, higher handicappers, test them to see if they are more forgiving for them…
Might be a nice, Nd different, touch

@ashleymansfield114 - 11.01.2023 19:47

Hi Pete. The content is great and the video production is getting better and better! When you first started, did you use an iPhone for a shot tracer and are there any you could recommend please? We’re going away to Portugal in March and may get a tripod to record mainly tee shots.

@nickrawlings8436 - 11.01.2023 19:43

My testing with Stealth 2 was very similar to last year. Slower than every other brand, and less forgiving. Stealth 2 plus with ventus black 7X, was an average 4 mph slower on ball speed, and 25 yards shorter than the Paradym Triple diamond and the Cobra Aerojet LS (both Cobra and Callaway tested very similar for me this year, in between on which will make my bag), on off center hits, the stealth 2 was a whopping 10 mph slower on ball speed than off center strikes with Paradym and Aerojet, and lost up to 40 yards compared to the others. My average swing speed is about 123 mph for reference, and all data was collected on Trackman indoors with Titleist Pro V1x RCT balls.

@imapotato572 - 11.01.2023 19:15

Great job Pete, driver prices are a bit ridiculous lately...

@rgrpncs - 11.01.2023 16:50

How bad is the dispersion field? This was the problem with the previous version especially if you didn't hit it dead center.

@iwanellis-roberts1704 - 11.01.2023 16:36

Cracking editing 👌

@kepler240 - 11.01.2023 14:13

Nice effortless swing. Ernie Els like. I like it.

@Barneyrubble241 - 11.01.2023 13:51

I wonder how many of them will show up in the Edwin Watts used club bin in a couple months. The first version was so bad that right now there are at least 15 used ones at my local EW store. Expensive GARBAGE!!
