We have teamed up with the University of Leeds to look into the sleeping habits and patterns of primary school children aged 6-11 in the UK.
Our findings show that a lack of sleep is damaging the academic development of British children, with 51% of them getting less than eight hours of sleep per night. This is despite the NHS recommending ten hours for this age group.
Such low levels of sleep are likely to have a negative impact on a child's ability to function in the classroom and reach key milestones in their education.
Dr Anna Weighall, a developmental cognitive psychologist at the university believes that poor routine could be to blame, with 83 per cent of children reporting being awake by 6:30am on a weekday. This is despite five per cent still being awake at 10pm the night before and 16 per cent still being awake at 9pm. This is particularly concerning as the low levels of sleep reported are likely to impair long term cognitive and academic development in children.
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