I don't think Preserving Boluses work on someone literally born from rot.
ОтветитьBest series
ОтветитьSo I take it the Millicent's sisters already got 86'ed?
ОтветитьThe relationship been the tarnished and Margaret is so close that it is probably helping Margaret reverse her Scarlett Rot
ОтветитьI imagine that Malenia wasnt at the Haligtree originally and was coming back from doing something. She heard the Tarnished saying something about oweing runes and dropped kicked them into the locked door.
ОтветитьWhy are these so good, I'm dying here
Thanks so much for all of these, dude, easily the best AI Elden Ring content out there
She wants to learn tax evasion and… the lack of sense in this world somehow mirrors ours.
ОтветитьThey make the lands.. tolerable xD Epic
ОтветитьThis is by far the best AI voice series ever for Eldon ring
ОтветитьAh yes, the harem grows!
ОтветитьSomebody is holding a grudge after losing connect 4.
ОтветитьEven if this is a funny joke about NPCs not using Preserving Boluses to cure Scarlet Rot, I think preserving boluses prevent the onset of scarlet rot or the immediate effect. Malenia has Scarlet Rot imbued within her body from birth being the host for Rot Goddess. Radahn was the point zero of Caelid Explosion, its literally a miracle that he survived, but the Rot fully imbued itself in his great rune while the fire of his Great Rune prevented him from being consumed. Same with Milicent. Scarlet Rot isn't affecting her from outside. She is born with Rot inside her body. Thats why the needle prevented it by cutting its connection from Rot Outer God. its quite a funny joke why NPCs dont use Preserving Blouses, but they are a preventive measure not a cure or vaccine.
ОтветитьMalenia: What the hell are you? How are you my child? (After a while, she learns how to avoid child support epically) (Millicent now sustains herself in the Haligtree by making boluses)
ОтветитьMore to the family:)
ОтветитьOh wow, havent seen anyone kissing someone’s ass so hard since Luke Valentine tried to impress Alucard. I bet that admiration will dissapear with one conversation and be replaced by Maternal issues.
ОтветитьThey make the lands between… tolerable.
Beat line I’ve ever heard about this game!
Strawberries and Tax evasion.
Yep, Millicent Will fit in nicely with the rest.
Just Wait untill Morgott and Maliketh find out What She and Ranni are up to
Aside from Let Me Solo Her, I think Elemer and Rick would be candidates for getting frisky with Malenia.
Ответитьwhat do you use to make these?
ОтветитьI have no idea what's going on but a part 2 would be cool, or not IDK I'm tired
ОтветитьMillicent deserves all the strawberries.
ОтветитьMillicent is best girl and I will fight any Ranni or Melina SIMP who argues 😅
Ответитьhas melina met shabriri yet in this series? i wonder how that would go
ОтветитьWhat program do you use? Im trying to get some female npc voice work for a ttrpg
Ответитьwha type of ai voice over are you using?
Ответить"Fire is ouchie ouchie, why would i burn myself?" She's too innocent for this world XD
"what's up in the hood, mother?" 🤣🤣🤣
Do you have plans to utilize Finlay? I feel like you could do something funny with that, given how like 90% of the fanfic community took note of how Finlay did the iconic lesbian thing of crossing an entire continent to bring Malenia to safety in lore. Like I can imagine the Tarnished going "ah, so you're the person crazy enough to date Melania." Plus the idea of Millicent going from no mothers to two is appealing to me. I know it would likely be somewhat hard to do given how Finlay literally is only mentioned in her spirit ash, but still, it would be rather cool
ОтветитьFire is ouchie ouchie 😂?
ОтветитьI love that sound queues are our main language now.
ОтветитьIm just waiting for let me solo her to show up in one of these and the tarnished and the overs laughing there arse off when malenia runs faster away from him then her running to nuke people with cancer
Ответить“Wow! Mother is so cool!
Just like Strawberries!”
We need the sequel of this
Ответитьtbf the reason boluses dont work on her and malenia is because kind of like an STI its encoded into their dna whereas with us its just like the flu
ОтветитьAs much as i love to finish her questlime i wanted to kill all millicent sisters and the fake father before giving milicent the arm
Ответить“Miyazaki’s Finest Swamp”
That’s Caelid for ya!
I lost it at the Tarnished getting fucking bodied as soon as Malenia opened the door
ОтветитьOMG! This was SO good! 🤣 (referring to Millicent) Varre:' Ah, a new lambkin!' Millicent:' What's a lambkin?' The Tarnished:(covering Millicent's ears)' She's too innocent for that s%#@ yet!' 'You do know who her mother is right?' Varre:'.........' The Tarnished:' UGH! I thought so!' 'You are aware who nuked Cailed?' Varre:' Oh, Malenia!' The Tarnished:' YUP!' 'That's Millicent's mother!' Varre:' S%#@.' The Tarnished:' OH, I just killed your boss! Nuked his ass from across the arena! 🤣 'Another thing, Malenia knows where her beloved twin brother, Miquella is!' After she rescues him, she'll Aeonia-nuke the ENTIRE Moghwyn Palace area for sure!' 🤣 'One last thing, and I'll point her straight towards YOU!' Varre:' OH, S%#@!' The Tarnished:' You shall witness true HORROR Varre!' 🤣
ОтветитьWhy is Millicent so obsessed with strawberries? 🤣
ОтветитьI mean......shrooms do be making the lands tolerable.
Ответитьdon't get mad cause i use magic woman! not my fault you didn't put points into intelligence probably would've figured out a cure for the rot by now if you did!!
Ответить"Wow! Mother is so cool, just like strawberries!"
Words that can be used for any situation. You don't even have to use mother.
-Melina 2023
The tarnished unironically using "Marika tits" is hilarious. 😂😂
Ответить"Can I offer you a bolus in these trying times?"
"These are not strawberries, Tarnished!"
Figured I may as well do one of Millicent, poor girl deserved far better and I wanted her included!
I remember seeing a few people ask for just a straight Malenia ASMR video. Dunno how that would work but perhaps it could lmao